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Everything posted by caze

  1. the UK plan is terrible though, hopefully they'll have better advice by the end of the week.
  2. It's also time specific, countries who aren't taking the problem seriously now, will probably be doing so in a couple of weeks when it's too late.
  3. It sounds like the Euros are almost certainly off til next year now, so there'll be plenty of time to finish all European leagues over the summer. there's too much money involved to not finish the season. talk of creating a condensed mini tournament to finish off the CL/EL too.
  4. society might need them to get medical attention though, to stop the spread of the virus. if you have flu symptoms then calling on the phone, or at the very least checking the health service website (the NHS has a symptoms questionnaire up for example), isn't a big deal.
  5. This is pretty bad advice, I think 'don't take medical advice from people on electronic music forums' is better advice. The problem is someone isn't really able to tell the difference from a "want" and a "need" here, that's what qualified medical advice is for. It's also important for information gathering purposes to contact medical services if you have flu symptoms, and they'll be able to advise you whether you need to go to a hospital or not. Obviously don't go into your GP or a hospital to get advice, but you may need to if you have flu symptoms, so contact (by phone or online) your health service if you do. In China they were triaging anyone showing flu symptoms in special fever diagnosis units (testing everyone in public for high temperatures), this hasn't been set up in most (any?) EU countries yet though. As treatment and diagnosis capacity fluctuates different advice will probably be given out too, so it's important to contact medical services to ensure you have the most up to date advice given out. Self isolation at home isn't enough to stop the spread of this disease, given that most people don't live alone and you especially want to avoid passing on infections to older relatives - eventually more active steps will probably need to be taken: more widespread testing and diagnosis, proper medical isolation for all active carriers.
  6. yeah, I've heard a few people saying taking NSAIDs (e.g. Ibuprofen) might be more trouble than they're worth.
  7. Reinfections aren't necessarily actual reinfections either. Your viral load might decrease, but not be completely wiped out (and you might even be tested again and passed clear), but it just hangs around in some small number of cells and then starts replicating again in a big way after a bit. This commonly happens with cold infections, which your body fights back and succumbs to in waves.
  8. It was better than the previous ones, nobody shouting over anyone, lack of a crowd was good too, they should all be like that in future. They both performed well, neither scored a knock out blow, Biden allowed Bernie to put him on the defensive a bit too much, and he didn't call him out about enough of the practical failures of delivering on his plans (he definitely should have hammered home the fact that Bernie's plan will see US carbon emissions increase for example - something the moderator even brought up in relation to fracking). Biden just had to avoid any disasters though, and he did that.
  9. Biden didn't confuse it, he talked about his experience in government dealing with Ebola and H1N1. He mentioned SARS, which was also a disease caused by coronavirus, the official name of the current virus is now SARS-CoV-2. Bernie misspeaking is obviously not evidence of any cognitive decline. This debate obviously put to bed any notion that Biden is senile.
  10. Bernie repeated his moronic talking point tonight about the Fed injecting $1.5 trillion as if it had anything to do with government spending. Is he really this ignorant about how the Fed operates, or does he just realise that most people don't understand it either and it's an easy win for him amongst those morons? He doesn't strike me as a fundamentally dishonest person, so I guess he's just dumb.
  11. This would improve over time, there will be scarring of lung tissue, it will repair itself all other things being well. The virus infects and takes over cells, and the immune response is to kill those cells, putting you on oxygen or a ventilator allows you to live long enough for your immune system to take out the infection, hopefully you're healthy enough after that to come off the ventilator, and then over the coming weeks your lungs would repair themselves.
  12. Part of the reason the mortality rate is so low for people under 60 is thanks to treatment people are receiving in hospitals. Healthy people in their 30s-50s are being put on oxygen and some on ventilators, this happens with people with no underlying health problems, but smokers and asthmatics, etc. are even more at risk. In Italy now they are prioritizing treatment for people under 60. You should read some accounts about what is actually happening in hospitals right now, this is very serious, and requires serious medical interventions in many cases, not just for the elderly. The same risks to younger peopler are there for the regular Flu, luckily it's far rarer due to the lower transmissibility, and the potential lethality was worse for MERS/SARS/Swine Flu, but this one is no joke either. If we didn't have modern medical practices this outbreak would probably be about 10x more deadly than it is.
  13. I assume by focusing on this irrelevant nitpick you admit you were wrong to suggest people not go to the hospital if they're suffering from fever and shortness of breath? Your nitpick is also not relevant to the point, note my use of the word 'especially'.
  14. uh, how about preventing death? there is no cure, sure, but the symptoms can kill healthy people in their 30s if not treated. even if it's just being put on oxygen it could make the difference, but more importantly being put on a ventilator (especially if you're a heavy smoker, or suffer from asthma or any other respiratory illness). if you're in your 70s and you end up on a ventilator it's not looking good for you, if you're in your 30-50s it will probably save your life, and people in that demographic are being put on ventilators because of this.
  15. Worth pointing out that the South Korean system is very different from what Bernie is proposing, the majority of SK health care is paid for with private insurance, though everyone has a right to the public option. Also in terms of the testing, it was virtually all carried out by private companies, and was not free, this would be illegal to do in the US because of FDA regulations (they've just approved a new test today so the numbers of tests should start increasing rapidly now). The type of medical system in use doesn't seem to have much to do with the success or failure of the response to the virus either, there are examples of shit responses in countries with public health systems (like the UK - which is fully government operated, not just insurance, and not a great system overall) or mixed public/private systems (like Italy - one of the world's best), and great responses from countries with mixed public/private systems like South Korea, Hong Kong, Singapore. The most important factor seems to be government competence, not the particular type of system in place.
  16. as it stands we'll just need to win our next game to win the league, if it gets delayed again it just means we'll have the victory parade with nicer weather!
  17. It was a good conversation, relaxed, good questions, good answers.
  18. ah yes, liberals, those famous fans of the monarchy. I never said it was ok, I said it has nothing to do with the argument we're having, this is why it's shifting the goal posts. you're not very bright, are you?
  19. yes, you did. discriminatory voter suppression affects all black people, it will affect old people as well as young people (more so old people in fact), and the young people still vote less. also voter suppression due to racial discrimination is a different thing in the primaries than a proper election, so it's got nothing to do with why people haven't been voting for Bernie.
  20. they haven't made it so hard they can't vote, especially in the many states where early voting is available. I'm not sure how being unemployed and living in your parent's basement makes it harder to vote, lots of free time on your hands, students have far more free time than people with jobs too, but lots of students prefer getting wasted or playing video games than doing anything productive. the young people who hate centrists do so due to a combination of ignorance and naivety, you're the poster child for this zeff. you're shifting the goalposts now, we were talking about the youth vote a minute ago, and in relation to the democratic primary, where Joe Biden is absolutely dominating the black vote.
  21. Good experiment on the efficacy of mdma, ketamine, and cocaine in preventing viral transmission.
  22. lol, this is complete bullshit. young people are lazy and self absorbed, this is why they don't go to the polls. working adults with families have more obstacles in their way which makes it difficult for them to vote, and they seem to do a far better job at it than younger people with far less responsibilities and greater free time. I'm all for improving access to voting for everyone, but we don't have to lie to ourselves to advocate for that.
  23. my mistake, it's 1 in 20 replications, not transmissions, but this is still 20 times less than a standard RNA virus. https://journals.plos.org/plospathogens/article?id=10.1371/journal.ppat.1003760
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