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Everything posted by maitake

  1. Omar was spotted in some random documentary footage: http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=846_1466021191 Just don't go anywhere else on liveleak.. You've been warned. The one I post here is NOT gore or violence.
  2. Maybe i'm just a pessimist but I don't see any solution really. You could eradicate Islam and a select few would still turn into murderous lovelies. Welcome to Planet Earth.
  3. Just discovered this subreddit and i'm scared. https://www.reddit.com/r/The_Donald/
  4. I can't tell whether Hillary's twitter feed is actually her or not. Is it? It's hilarious that Trump's account is without a doubt the man himself. It's a bunch of trolling and chin stroking.
  5. I think it's more enjoyable than Live. The workflow is great. Most people just assume it's a Live clone.
  6. I don't really know to be honest. I don't have any delusions about how people making dumb decisions and how people attempting to defend themselves can go wrong quickly, If someone intruded into my home like that, i'd probably go insane. In part because that's my personal space, and i'm supposed to feel safe here. I don't like being paranoid about things like that happening and prefer to assume it probably never will. I don't own a handgun, but I do keep a large high carbon fixed blade near me (in my pack) at all times. I haven't the slightest idea how i'd react. I just don't think that all firearm owners are tooting their horn, or show-offs, or delusional idiots even. A lot of them just don't want to ever be defenseless in situations that are utterly unpredictable. In an ideal world this stuff would never happen but lets get real here: American has a massive pool of people who are not very bright. Pandoras box is already open and guns are EVERYWHERE here. There's no going back now unfortunately, even if that would be ideal. I won't deny that concealed carry types can often be complete morons, but there is some who just prefer to keep one around and hope they never have to upholster it. There's certainly been cases where bad situations go any number of ways. Sometimes assailants end up getting hurt by empowered citizens, other times there are consequences for fighting back. There's also a lot of times when people end up getting hurt without any means of defense whatsoever. It's a cruel world sometimes and it makes no sense. I'm not trying to justify guns or the morons who tote them around like some symbol of strength especially, but our country can be a bit unpredictable compared to nations that cut the guns out long ago. You guys have it lucky I suppose. I just don't see how there's any way to remedy America now. The number of guns here is mind boggling and any dummy can get them in their hands whether legal or not.
  7. But what if the intruder was armed and you weren't so lucky?
  8. well that's the whole point. gotta pop a cap in a jigga's ass or else he ain't gonna learn who not to mess wit
  9. You don't ever fantasize about executing some PUNK trying to shoot people up in a crisis? Heroes glory? What are you gonna do HUH, RUN?! They'll get ur ass for sure. Better safe than sorry at Walmart
  10. Anyone on this forum carry a concealed gun? I've considered it..
  11. LOL truth. Beetus and CVD kills 100x more people than terryists ever will.
  12. He's kinda right about the terryists though. Americans are insane and they probably should be afraid.
  13. 29 years old, still living at home, can't find a job that pays a living wage, my resume sucks ass, I don't even know where to start trying to get back into school and fix my horrendous GPA, I feel like i should die
  14. sopranos just as good? i've never seen any of it!
  15. I find the fact that the show exists is really encouraging, tbh. Like, you kick back and watch the show and you're like, "look, people did something NOT shitty!" Mad props. Until you run out of episodes.. FUCK
  16. Spice, the synthetic cannabinoid product?
  17. Yeah that trump is trolling the Republican party is his greatest asset to all of us. He's obviously more than a little nuts but bless him for being such an instigator! Still won't get my vote though.. Too bad trumpy.
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