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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by dingformung

  1. But for some people it's a death or life matter (if only in their mind or for real doesn't matter at that point), so you got to expect strong reactions.
  2. Lately I've seen way more downplaying than overreacting, though. It's more dangerous to take it not seriously enough than to take it a bit too seriously, isn't it?
  3. No, it's not like that. Disinfecting hands is still required. The idea is to make the virus spread slower so the health care systems won't have to deal with more incoming patients than it can handle. The fact that it's likely that you get the virus at some point doesn't mean that it's nonsensical to prevent the spread.
  4. https://www.storypick.com/water-and-air-quality-improved-in-venice/?utm_source=storypick%26utm_medium%3Dessb%26utm_campaign%3Dfacebook
  5. I will only buy toilet paper so others can't have it, even though I never wipe my ass
  6. But if Sweden keeps businesses running a few days longer it means lots of profits for some people. And be honest, what's more important, profits (your own) or human lives (not your own)?
  7. Just avoid farting on groceries at the supermarket in times like these, as hard as that might be
  8. Just infect everybody so we are finally done with this. Let's get Coronavirus done, get Brexit done
  9. The French health minister said: But his assumptions are solely based on this article: https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lanres/article/PIIS2213-2600(20)30116-8/fulltext Which is highly hypothetical. As I understand it the virus can enter the cell more easily when ACE enzymes are inhibited. If that happens more ACE receptors are free and the virus can enter through them. Ibuprofen is not an ACE inhibitor itself though it is speculated that it indirectly causes some ACE inhibition, but there is not enough empiric data. The ibuprofen hypothesis is highly debatable. But I'm no expert, I'm just repeating what I've read
  10. Okay, that's it. I'm informing the police in this second
  11. Yeah, and don't freak out like some might do
  12. I thought it has a calming effect
  13. That's incitement to violence and justiciable. I reported your post to the mods who will decide if they will forward the case to your local authorities.
  14. https://www.dw.com/en/germany-and-us-wrestle-over-coronavirus-vaccine-report/a-52777990
  15. I'm gonna tattoo this into my asshole
  16. I ordered pizza the other day, it was below average
  17. Nice! You could use that time for traveling
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