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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by dingformung

  1. Seems more like a Dingens to me, perhaps a Dings, but a Dingsbums? Woah there
  2. You speak my language. Maybe have some avocado coffee sometime?
  3. A white police guy walking through a black neighbourhood demonstratively coughing? If his bosses find out, will it have any repercussions for him, I wonder? I mean even if you're racist as fuck, spreading a deadly virus or just giving the impression, is pretty stupid, what if they infect white people? Here you get 5 years of prison for willfully spreading Corona
  4. Though we in the West often think of some extrovert big mouth when thinking of macho. But look at places like Brazil or Mexico where this whole thing has completely different proportions. Seems beating up women and raping them is an accepted sign of virility for a considerable amount of men. I wonder why But kinda off topic
  5. Oh, there'll be same amount of macho bullshit. machismo won't go away even if everything is gay
  6. An eye for an orange makes the whole world gay
  7. 【 bestiality = joy】
  8. My condolences on your loss in less audio
  9. Dark coloured eyes: - outgoing, extrovert, communicative - great entertainer - lots of shady stuff going on, secretly, though - speaks Arabic Blue coloured eyes: - rational and intelligent - from Narnia - only eats radish Green coloured eyes: - spiritual and open-minded - hates rules - loves talking about gadgets - gay Grey coloured eyes: - a bit shy - volunteers and generally tries to save the world - also gay - hates Blue coloured eyes Brown coloured eyes: - shopping - promiscuity - dressing up - comfortable to eat ass Other: - either ghost or undead - wears lilac chinos
  10. That's probably the reason, yes. And yeah, I mean, if you use tools like a brickwall band pass filter and sweep it up while really isolating the frequencies you will hear the difference. There is just more in the high end, you can go further up and still hear stuff. But if I listen normally I can't tell much of a difference between 320mp3 and lossless, though maybe there is a little less of that ultra low frequency rumble that makes the air vibrate so that u actually feel the air pressure in front of the sub woofer with the MP3s, but barely noticeable and only at high volumes, if not entirely placebo. But for listening on my phone via crappy headphones MP3s are convenient. Regarding bit depth, I guess it's only, if at all, audible at extremely high volumes so the volume differences between the bits might actually scale up to an audible size, but unlikely lol
  11. Don't we all love that pleasantly warm and gentle digital clipping? So fuzzy and beautiful ?
  12. Interestingly they're mastered to 0.0db maximum peak amplitude instead of -0.xdb. So if you convert to MP3 you should bring it down by ~0.3 before conversion to prevent MP3 artifacts from causing clipping, I guess (is this even still an issue?)
  13. (dead mall depression archive catharsis end world)
  14. Me neither, lol, at least not consciously. Though if you subtract the waveform of the MP3 from the waveform of the FLAC and listen to the difference you can actually hear the artifacts. Though I agree that there is no reason why somebody sane should do this
  15. I still don't get why people care so much about sound formats Because of file size and sound quality. Not gonna claim I hear a difference between 16 bit and 24 bit. Just seems odd to me that 16 bit lossless is in FLAC and 24 bit lossless is in WAV But as long as you store them cold and dry you should be fine I guess
  16. Still don't get why it isn't 24-bit FLAC
  17. It's basically the ae album I always wished for
  18. Same here. Haven't made any music since I've read that post
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