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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by dingformung

  1. Well, then thanks for responding genuinely and taking the idea seriously. A basic income could be financed through a financial transaction tax. It was calculated that in Switzerland a financial transaction tax of 0.3% would be enough to pay every Swiss citizen 2000 Swiss franks (that's roughly 2000 US dollars) a month. Of course, Switzerland is different and very rich, in a country like the US the transaction tax would have to be higher. Let's just say 3%. It would mean that anytime you move money around (transfer or withdraw) 3% would be taken away. You withdraw 100 dollar from the ATM and it would charge you 3 dollars. This tax would target the finance economy and high-frequency stock trading because that's where all the money is. There is much more money floating around in the finance economy than there is in the real economy so it would be totally wrong and probably impossible to finance it through higher income tax. Yes, I'm aware that the US is far away from implementing such a model but I still think it's important to have and express these ideas.
  2. But why create poverty in the first place? The US and Canada are rich and could pay every citizen an unconditional basic income. It would create a framework in which people aren't driven by an existential fear of becoming poor and marginalized.
  3. But I find it more entertaining to call it oppression... Kinda wears out the meaning of the word, which is bad, but... ya know
  4. But being systematically manipulated, brainwashed with a neo-liberal doctrine and utilized as work force is oppression. There are worse forms of it, sure. I really dislike the "you're not owed anything" stance. Individuals have to devote their whole existence to working for capitalist elites while at the same time they "aren't owed anything"? That's too simple. We live in a society ya know
  5. I think it's pretty normal that presidents get a second term. It's more the rule than the exception. Still, I think that when it comes to Trump, laws of nature are reversed. I can very well imagine that another candidate wins. The fact alone that the unpopular Hilary Clinton could win the popular vote against Trump shows that a more popular candidate can easily win against Trump. I just hope that the DNC has some integrity
  6. Yeah, probably right. We Europeans often have the arrogance of thinking we understand what Americans are on about. But we don't. Americans are an enigma. I hope they won't shoot me
  7. Thank you, finally someone who has a sense of morality here
  8. I know if he's being sarcastic or not but I won't tell you hahahah
  9. I think he's wearing the hillbilly style in a kind of hipster way, smells like middle class to me, not "white trash" (pretty evil term if u ask me). I binged a fair share of his videos after you recommended him. Not a stupid guy but somehow he discusses political topics in a kind of naive/American way. Not as insightful as I hoped it to be
  10. I got these for 15 euro: And they sound very good for that price tag. A bit Lo-Fi but in a very pleasant way. Really warm basses and mids and smooth highs. Love those headphones, they're so beautifully crappy
  11. Thanks alcohol industry for making it seem normal to drink and thank you government for prohibiting all drugs except the one that's among the most deathly and addictive.
  12. Part of it is that Russia wants to sell their oil and gas to the Europeans but the US sanctions European companies for trade with Russia. The reason is this dirty environmentally irresponsible fracking gas the US wants to force their allies to buy. Maybe the Russians would prefer if the Americans wouldn't interfere in their trade with Europe. I guess a progressive US president would probably make it more likely that some of the sanctions, especially those that aren't applied to Russia directly but to US allies, will be lessened which would help Russia. Keyword: Nord Stream 2
  13. I hope you all feel ashamed for the environmental damage your luxury products cause
  14. What is so far-fetched about Russia supporting the candidate that promotes the foreign policy that they imagine benefits them most? Isn't that basically what secret services are for? Pretty normal and not scandalous. Bernie pushes for more peaceful foreign relations and it makes sense that the Russians imagine that it might help them if he is president. After Trump their second choice, I imagine
  15. This post right there again shows that you simply can't reason with angry Warren bros like auxien.
  16. This is fun. I really like the video. The scene when the camera zooms onto the store detective: Whoa
  17. Yeah, it was an answer to auxien about calling the GOP "one of the most dangerous organisations". I hope he watched the video and changed his opinion from incorrect to correct.
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