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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by dingformung

  1. Trying to paint Biden as senile is less unfair than constantly associating Sanders with communism and the Soviet Union and just claiming that he will definitely ruin the economy (usually coming from people who haven't got a clue). The smear against Sanders is way worse and unfair. According to European standards Sanders is a moderate social democrat who wouldn't belong into a socialist party but right into the centre of one of the many social democrat parties that are considered centre-left.
  2. It's not about bringing the right and the left together anymore, it's about the left getting into power and realizing projects that have been due for too long. If Biden loses against Trump it shows that a centrist is the worse choice to achieve that.
  3. Maybe that sounds cynical but Biden losing against Trump might actually on long term benefit the progressive wing of the Democratic Party & the progressive movement in general.
  4. Okay, but right now the alternative is a president who does things like this: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trump_administration_family_separation_policy Regardless your political orientation, this should make you want to chose any candidate over Trump.
  5. Not voting is a possible decision in a democratic process. I hope Trump voters will go that way
  6. I've heard the first symptom of Corona is a subtle fear...
  7. So who are those two attractive young Asians sitting on the skulls either knitting a piece of textile or eating from bags with chopsticks, possibly dog meat since that's all Asian people do, eat dog and have different eye shapes, that's all they do, am I right?
  8. No, if you plan on voting Trump please stay home instead Just promoting free speech, people have the right to vote for whoever they like, even if you don't like that person they will be voting for. Sorry lad Yes, but still, if you plan on voting Trump I'd rather see you stay home instead.
  9. I've heard that a lot of stimulant abuse is a result of undiagnosed ADHD. since usually this is treated with stimulants (even amphetamines).
  10. I think both Sanders and Biden can possibly beat Trump. Bernie even still has a small chance to win the nomination, though it seems unlikely right now. I can't really tell who would be better at beating Trump. Maybe some wise scholar of WATMM can tell me the definite answer
  11. Yeah because if there is one thing you don't wanna be when you have the Corona virus it's not being high. 420 brother
  12. On long term a multi party system is what the US needs. Only I imagine the transition from a system in which a single party rules to a system of coalition forming to be difficult since it's not part of the political culture in this country. And this transition period would suck since the right will remain a unified protofascist block while the left would be split up into a multitude of parties.
  13. Fracking gas isn't better than otherwise produced gas. You basically pump a complex mixture of chemicals into the ground without having any knowledge what that does on long term just to gain a very small amount of gas. It's better to use natural gas reservoirs than to poison the ground water with fracking methods. And you know, if you're a country and love free markets, then why do you need to sanction others if they don't want to buy your overpriced fracking gas? What does that have to do with free markets?
  14. I wonder if those who are indifferent towards their job used to dislike their job but by now have resigned and given up all hope which turned them into zombies of capitalism and made them indifferent.
  15. How likely or unlikely is it that US elections are manipulated? Unlike a lot of other countries the US uses some dodgy computer apps for voting, not paper and pencil, right?
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