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Knob Twiddlers
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Posts posted by dingformung

  1. found a nice spot on the river and thinking about eating a good handful of magic mushrooms but i kinda have to shit

    I need to take a really wet shit

    Regret bringing my bike

    Saw some people but had nothing to say except hi

    I always have a lighter, it's a good thing to have with you

    I don't need anything. I am content

    Gonna type something into the WATMM is what I thought

    And I did


    (This is a poem)


    I'm slowly going insane, tho... is this normal????

    What is why

    Why is what



    I like my shoes

    I'm in love with the voice from spoddify


    this is a really shiddy place to ride the bike..needa move on.... and on... and on... needa RUN!!!! but slowly... nowhere to go tho. into the woods then i guess??? no disrespect meant 


    i am shy hehe




    i want communism

  2. Life is war. Life is killing. Life is pain. So what?

    You want to be happy? You want to be happy? You want to be happy? You want to be happy? You want to be happy?

    You want to be happy? You want to be happy? You want to be happy? You want to be happy? You want to be happy?

    You want to be happy? You want to be happy? You want to be happy? You want to be happy? You want to be happy?

    You want to be happy? You want to be happy? You want to be happy?

    You have no life, so you have no suffering. You don't do anything, so you can't do anything wrong. You are dead to the world of your own making and to all other worlds too. You are dead to all things. Being dead, you live in the absolute calm of Nirvana where there is nothing at all that can disturb your peace or upset your balance or throw off your center or make you react with aversion or attachment or fear or anger. You are dead to your own desires and wishes and fears and hopes. You don't do anything, so you can't be disappointed or frustrated. You are dead to all desires, so you have no desire that can cause suffering in your life. When you do nothing, you are already dead, which is the only way out of life which is the source of all suffering. This is what it is.

  3. Repeat the following mantra every "day":

    "When you are dead, you are free of life which is the source of all suffering.”

    "When you are dead, you are free of life which is the source of all suffering.

    “When you are dead, you are free of life which is the source of all suffering.”

    "When you are dead, you are free of life which is the source of all suffering."

    “When you are dead, you are free of life which is the source of all suffering."

    "When you are dead, you are free of life which is the source of all suffering.”

    "When you are dead, you are free of life which is the source of all suffering."

    “When you are dead, you are free of life which is the source of all suffering.”

    "When you are dead, you are free of life which is the source of all suffering."

    “When you are dead, you are free of life which is the source of all suffering."

    "When you are dead, you are free of life which is the source of all suffering."

    “When you are dead, you are free of life which is the source of all suffering."

    "When you are dead, you are free of life which is the source of all suffering."

    “When you are dead, you are free of life which is the source of all suffering."

    "When you are dead, you are free of life which is the source of all suffering."

    “When you are dead, you are free of life which is the source of all suffering."

    "When you are dead, you are free of life which is the source of all suffering."

    “When you are dead, you are free of life which is the source of all suffering."

    "When you are dead, you are free of life which is the source of all suffering."

    “When you are dead, you are free of life which is the source of all suffering."

    "When you are dead, you are free of life which is the source of all suffering."

    “When you are dead, you are free of life which is the source of all suffering."

    "When you are dead, you are free of life which is the source of all suffering."

    “When you are dead, you are free of life which is the source of all suffering."

    "When you are dead, you are free of life which is the source of all suffering."

    “When you are dead, you are free of life which is the source of all suffering."

    Okay, this is kind of cynic, but it's true:

    "When you are dead, you are free of life which is the source of all suffering."

    “When you are dead, you are free of life which is the source of all suffering."

    "When you are dead, you are free of life which is the source of all suffering."

  4. 1 hour ago, drillkicker said:

    I drove back to my hometown to visit friends and now my car is broken down and I'm stuck here.  I'm supposed to start my new job on Monday.  I'm kinda hoping I don't make it just because I'm feeling self destructive right now.  I want to ruin everything I have so I can finally quit trying to be happy.

    This is the way to do it. Let go of your dreams and goals, because they are not real. Give up your hopes and dreams, because they are not real. Give up your desires and wishes, because they are not real. Don't do anything, because you can't do anything. Don't try to change things, because you can't change anything. Don't try to make things better, because you can't make anything better. Don't try to make things worse, because you can't make anything worse. Don't try to do anything at all, because you can't do anything at all. Practice non-doing. When you do this, you are already dead. When you are dead, you are free of life which is the source of all suffering.

  5. 1 hour ago, drillkicker said:

    I drove back to my hometown to visit friends and now my car is broken down and I'm stuck here.  I'm supposed to start my new job on Monday.  I'm kinda hoping I don't make it just because I'm feeling self destructive right now.  I want to ruin everything I have so I can finally quit trying to be happy.

    This is how you do it. Stop the hustle, give up your dreams and die. When you are dead, things will be better. But maybe you already are dead and just don't know it. Anyway, existence is constantly changing, whether you are dead or not, so you needn't to pursue any kind of safety for yourself, it only gets you stuck at where you already are. Safety and hope are the enemy. Any kind of safety is illusional, any kind of hope only gets you stuck with certain ideas that will never work out the way you plan them.

    So, you need to be a little bit crazy, you need to be a little bit stupid, you need to be a little bit dumb. You need to be a little bit childish. You need to be a little bit ignorant (you don't really know anything anyway). You need to be a little bit uneducated. You need to be a little bit stupid. You need to be a little bit irresponsible. You are naive if you think that your plans will work out as you imagined. You are naive if you think that you can make it happen. You are naive if you think that you can make yourself happy. You are naive if you think that you can make yourself free.

  6. 7 minutes ago, dingformung said:

    I'm also rat with a rabbit head, fox tail, cat ears but also cute little duck feet and a peacock tail.

    Since it has two tails I need to clarify: The peacock tail is coming out of the tip of the fox tail and then turns into a plant that grows into the ground and becomes a peacock tail again, but underground with reversed colours.

    I am very open to suggestions on this one or maybe someone has a better idea

  7. I'm a mouse with a slug torso and rabbit ears, cat eyes and whiskers but also magpie wings that has eaten an alien egg that's about to hatch and when it does I'll turn into a cute little alien :3

    I'm also rat with a rabbit head, fox tail, cat ears but also cute little duck feet and a peacock tail.

    Heh, I'm also one of those that looks like a cute animal :3

    Until I turn into a giant monster and eat the person I'm talking to.

    I love the fact that it has ears >.<

    I love ears.

  8. How about a maybe-government that can transform from existing to not existing depending on necessity? A silent agent that acts through the citizens of its kingdom, through their minds, without control. It appears like a chromatic pattern beneath the surface of your vision (but it's invisible). It's part of your brain and thoughts but it can't hurt you or anyone. It's not national, regional, or global, or even universal, it's suprauniversal. It is a silent agent that acts on our subjective perceptions of reality, and it can be anything we want, but not something we don't want (even if it's different than what we wanted). Just like the laws of physics are the same for us all. This way everyone who lives in this kingdom would have their own government according to their own individual desires and needs

    • Like 2
  9. What if we are living inside a simulation (or any other form of illusion) but the meta-reality above (or around) the illusion (or simulation) is also an illusion (or dream, or simulation) inside another one, but these masks of existence (or non-existence) are able to permeate each other, so that parts of the third meta level of illusion may influence aspects of the first level of illusion (or simulation, or dream), without the second level being informed about it?

    This would mean that the gods of each layer would be able to manipulate the lower levels and even ignore their own existence (or non-existence) and act as if they were not there!

    Of course this is only a thought experiment, but it might explain why we can’t perceive the higher layers of reality or verify if they exist or not.

    I'm currently in one of the lower/inner layers and trying to remind those currently influencing this plane that someone from a further/higher layer might be acting right through me, influencing them back (which again, may be another illusion that has its source in a fourth layer) and that they should be aware of this possibility.

    To them, it is just another way to be fooled by the simulation.

    But what if they are right? What if the third meta-layer is in fact a simulation and not reality at all?

    What then?

    • Like 2
    • Farnsworth 2
  10. This actually works?

    I always thought of myself as some sort of lion (since it's my Zodiac sign and they let the females do all the work), then I thought I'm more of a snake that ate a fat monkey and is wrapped around a sheep that's standing on four martens, my name is _____.

    But now that I can see that a tiger can fuck a lion and a lion can fuck a tiger I want to have inter-species sex as well.

    I know where to buy a lion.

    Thanks for taking the time to make this, I have to go now and search for a lioness.

    • Burger 1
  11. My Very Own Method to Help Black Lives:

    1) Travel to Africa

    2) Get yourself kidnapped

    3) Let your government pay ransom money to the kidnappers

    4) Get home safely

    5) Get rich

    6) Buy a nice house

    7) Find a hot wife/husband

    ? Get a job

    9) Raise kids (teach them to be their own gurus, because your governmental schools won't teach them anything useful and you are too stupid to teach them anything useful either, apart from some survival tricks)

    10) Die.

    The way I see it, that’s a pretty good life.

    Stop being such a wuss. How can you expect to learn anything if you don’t experience the real world?

    That’s why I think you should be allowed to travel to Africa and get yourself kidnapped. By god you should experience it first hand.

    As for the ransom money, I say maybe you should pay that yourself. You earned it.

    But there’s no way in hell you’re getting home safely. I won’t have you throwing your life away like that.

    • Like 1
  12. I want to be a better person.

    I want to be more healthy.

    I want to be more evolved.

    I want to be more intelligent.

    I want to be less ignorant.

    I want to be more tolerant.

    I want to be more open minded.

    I want to be less judgmental.

    I want my life to be more organised.

    I want my life to be more interesting.

    And I don't know how. How how how how... I feel like nobody can give me an answer that I want to hear. There is no easy way, unless there is.

    Who knows?

    I just want to be strong enough to do my own thing. I want to be brave.

    And I want to be proud of myself.

    I am proud of myself.

    I am proud of myself.

    I am proud of myself.

    I am proud of myself.


    This day has been quite good.

    I am proud of myself.

    I am proud of myself.


    I want to be proud of myself.


    I am so much better than I thought I was.

    I have been so much more than I ever knew I could be.

    And now I'm feeling that all progress was for nothing and  I'm not even going to make it. Whatever that means.

    My life sucks so bad.


    I really don't know how to make things better. It just doesn't work. I try and try and try... and I get nowhere.

    I'm not satisfied with myself, life, people, everything.


    My brain is so full of shit and I can't get it out.

    I hate this so much. I feel like I'm made of shit and I'm surrounded by shit. I want to die. I wish I was a baby again. Everything was so much easier then.


    Who the fuck do I think I am?


    I can't even converse in universe - the universal language


    I am programmed to fail, and the biggest fail is not trying. I succeed at failing all the time. It’s not hard being a loser. When I try I fail, when I don't try, interesting things happen. So I stop trying and everything turns golden (well, sometimes...).


    I just finished a very long ride on my bike. I think I have been riding the bike for 12 hours and it was aesthetic as fuck, the music, the landscape, but also kind of pointless, which was the point, I guess. No goal, just flow etc.


    I need better clothing. I need better sunglasses. I need contact lenses, I need a better bike and better bike lock. I need to stop looking like a dip shit.


    I need to stop being a dip shit.

    I need to stop being such a dip shit.

    I need to stop being such a dipshit.

    I need to stop being such a dipshit.

  13. I don't even know where to start and I won't get myself started any further.


    It's all my own responsibility to change things for my own good, but... I don't even know where to start. And I don't want to.

    This is all so ugly. Disgusting to look at. Reality, life etc.

    Even when there is some beauty it is surrounded by a lot of ugliness.


    Why isn't everything beautiful?


    This place is making me cringe.

    This whole city.


    It's not the good kind of ugly, it's the disgusting kind.

    I need a lot of money as soon as possible. Don't know how, though (yet).

  14. 1 hour ago, Silent Member said:

    I just finished a sourdough loaf, but it's not very impressive looking. IMG_20210610_211524.thumb.jpg.35599cceffefb2b581df46dd1e3552f9.jpg

    Post your most recent bread.

    enough to impress ME

    well done humanoid (well, you aren't really humanoid are u??)

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