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Posts posted by Hk47

  1. Aware that I sound like a broken record, but it’d be such a no-brainier to port all those cave shooters to Switch. Cave is such a weird money hating company though, I’m sure they go out of business before that happens.


    Yeah, I was pretty upset when they stopped porting games to iDevices and Androids because of low sales figures. 

    But with a lot of titles already having been ported to touch-screens and spread across consoles (with the controller interface already taken care of and HD graphics ready to go), I don't see why they wouldn't want to make whatever changes would need to be made to release them on the Nintendo Game Store. It seems like it would be a minimal amount of work for a decent pay out. There may not be as many Cave fans as there are with other development teams, but the fans they do have are FUCKING RABID. 

    I would shell out the $$ for a Switch if they just ported 3 or 4 of their titles over, and buy each one with a fucking smile on my face no matter how much they set the prices at (within reason, of course - I don't know if I would shell out more than around $50 for anything I already have on another gaming platform but if they ported Ketsui: KJT or Ibara or Guwange or Progear - I'd easily drop between $60-$120 for those, though I think a couple would need complete reworks). 



    babble babble babble....

    Sorry for the rambling. 





    DoDonPachi DaiFukkatsu


    It only took me 9 years, but I finally made it into the Ura loop...


    Congrats! I’ve only recently discovered how amazing and difficult the Cave games are. I’m about to dive into this genre.




    Ha, thanks!


    If I could make a suggestion - I'd fully recommend checking out Mushihimesama (Bug Panic) - it's easily the most straight-forward bullet-hell title from Cave that I've played. The 'Original' mode is just - shoot enemies, collect gems, find enemies that you can 'grind' (by staying as close to them as you can) for gems, and don't get hit. The other gameplay modes included get more fancy with the scoring systems, but it's still probably the most accessible (in terms of getting to know the genre - not difficulty - the game can be ridiculously hard, especially on higher difficulty settings) Cave's library.


    Oh... and this is a great resource if you're interested in getting to know the scoring systems and just general ins and outs of bullet-hell games (I linked a search that should show most of Cave's games) - http://www.hardcoregaming101.net/?s=bullet+hell+cave+shoot-em-up


    Good luck! 


  3. I've got a few personal matters to take care of, but the long term plan is to acquire a Nord Modular G2, and hopefully work on another replica from a different night.


    Cheers. Hope everything gets worked out for ya.  :catsalute:  


    Even if it never happens - this 75% has gotten so much headphone time with me.  :music:

    I really need to get some decent speakers so I can hear this and all their other live material (especially AE_Live) on something other than my wife's car's speakers (which are pretty blown now since her youngest drove it around for a few nights).  :facepalm:

  4. No worries. Everything can't be for everyone, and I'm not offended at all that there's people who haven't enjoyed it, are not even slightly interested in watching it or spending the time trying to get into it. And it's always good having differing opinions, especially on a forum (even more so when the topic is inconsequential and any disagreements can be resolved with a simple 'we don't agree, and that's okay').



    I'm definitely no fan of dance, especially interpretive dance (I mean, I understand wanting a physical exertion exercise to convey or release emotions, but I loose the understanding of it when it goes beyond exercise in solitude)... however:;: the idea that certain movements could lead to something that's focused on transcendental existentialism is something I've frequently found myself pondering while going on walks or laying in bed unable to sleep at night.

    It's even more impressive to me that the creator/writers were able to cohesivly build a world/worlds around this idea. That and, again, Brit Marling seems like she was just... born to tell stories.


  5. Ugh, OA.


    I figured this was the result of some kind of Netflix AI bot gone wrong. I imagined that it was analysing user viewing behaviours then put together a script to cater towards its target user base, but the data was corrupted due to multiple people using the same accounts. Culmination in an interpretive dance to save the day? No thanks.

    ... for me, it's more what the story being told represents. And it's told in a very immersive way.

    Yes, I did think it was cheesy as fuck when I was watching the first season... but then I was inexplicably drawn into it during the last half of the first season, and then let it bounce around in my head for a few months before rewatching it....

    after that first rewatch, I was driven to try and check out everything that Brit Marling had been a part of.


    Cheesy? Yes. Convoluted? Incredibly. Eye-rollingly ridiculous. Most definitely.


    Well written.

    Decent character development.

    Wonderfully acted.

    The directors did a great job with the visual story telling...

    And.... cheesy or not... it's a very imaginative idea put forward in a fairly interesting and different way.

    Personally, I think this kind of thinking is something visual media needs more of, especially when it comes to story/plot/dialogue driven stories.

  6. Yeah, I don't care, I enjoyed the hell out of it.


    Now watching Season 2 of The OA.

    After the 3rd episode, I think I'm going to binge the last 5 hours before going to bed tonight.

    I also read that they had 5 seasons written and fleshed out before starting the filming on the first season.

    Brit Marling is a... beautiful story teller. Amazing writer. And she has a way of delivering dialogue that completely keeps me locked in. Really hoping Netflix doesn't cancel this before the whole story in her head is revealed.

  7. I love fiber optic internet lol. 19 new chre' sets, less than 1 minute to download them all =/

    Awww, you decided to get them all...




    I've come to the conclusion that these AE_Live soundboards are my favorite out of all of Autechre's releases so far. I hope they wind up having the same effect on you.


  8. =X

    I really hope not... It still says that they're married on the Mira Calix discogs page, though I don't know how often people really update info there...


  9. Damn, I couldn't edit it again...

    ***the chorus of flatulance, water plops and vocal improv echos reverberating throughout...***


    Remember the 10min version of VL AL 5?

    Aye, and the 11 minute Kalpol Introl..... lovely stuff
    They are both very awesome, as are the Bike, Liccflii, Basscadet and Flutter live versions...

    I don't know if there's more, but I'd pounce on a collection of live/extended edits of previously released album tracks that they've played live or included in their promo mixes throughout the years.


    Then again, I'd probably pounce on a collection of fart sounds if they thought to officially release them...


    I don't doubt that AE make more interesting sounds while sitting on the toilets for 10 minutes than most musicians will ever wind up releasing throughout their entire careers.

    Can hear Sean beat boxing while droppin a load in my head right now... And it's pure bliss.

    Mira Calix is one fucking lucky human being.


    Especially during holidays... Rob totally spends holidays with the Booth family, right?

    <eyes rolling into the back of my head with ecstacy>

    Rob in the downstairs bathroom while Sean is upstairs after feasting on a Christmas ham... Calix could sample the shit out of the chorus echoes reverberating throughout the flat and wind up with a masterpiece.




    A gift? Were they free for you?


    The latest round is $50USD if I want them. I guess $33 if I get mp3. I'll happily buy them but I wouldn't go so far as saying charging for a product is a gift.

    A gift as in bonus material. A gift as in if they released sets a, b and c, people from here would bitch about why d, e and f weren’t released. So release all of them and let people pick instead of complain. Buy the one you went to for $1. Jesus.


    It’s either not enough or too much. It’s unfuckingbelievable how much people bitch. I’d have already given up...

    what's your deal
    wasn’t having a good day. apologies all



    Most of us have been there and posted something we could have worded better or should have taken a breath before composing.


    But... I do get your sentiment. Though... I don't really notice it here as much after spending a bit of time on the AE Reddit sub. I have to limit how many posts I read and I can't let myself comment there anymore. Seems like all I wanna do is smack those people 90% of the time.


    Is there a general consensus on which sets are the real bangers? I want to start with the best.

    It's my opinion and definitely not a general consensus but PORTLAND hit me the hardest.
    After multiple listens of each ones now...

    I'd have to agree. Portland is absolutely amazing, and for the most part, I think it has the most variation from the original Kraków set. So if you're fairly familiar with the original release of shows, I'd fully recommend Portland.


    Other than that, Chicago and Denver are my favorites. Really, really intense shows. Wish I could have made it to the Chicago one, but circumstances came up.



    I think San Fransisco and Austin reminded me of a few tech-house mixes I use to listen to years ago... I don't know how else to describe the sound other than calling them 'techy' or 'metallic', if that makes any sense or you know what I mean... The mid-high + high end really seemed to stick out more. It could have just been the state of mind I was in when I first listened to them and now I always hear it with that in mind. I dunno...



    But really, I'm sure that everyone will have different favorites depending on what frame of mind they're in, what they're looking for/expecting, ect...

    There really seems to be a show to fit most any mood.


    But if you're going to buy more than 2-3 of them, it's probably be a better idea to just grab them all for a few dollars more. <shrug>

  13. The Kirlian Frequency...


    It's short, 5 episodes, each around 7-9 minutes... But it wasn't bad. It made me smile 'that' smile. When you're enjoying something, but chances are you'll never bring it up in conversation because you know no one you converse with would enjoy it.


    The only thing that bothered me was the discrepancy between the 'subtitles' and overdubs in episode 3.


    It'd probably be better watching it in Spanish with subtitles (if you can find it on a torrent site), but I watched it on Netflix...


    Can't fucking wait for Love Death + Robots next month...

  14. The same scope as Rick & Morty or Angry Birds... 

    But limited. 

    AE fans love limited shit.



    <gets ready to call a meth dealer and hit CTRL+R for the next 365 days straight>

  15. Overlord was dumb.


    Fuck yes it was... what a piece of shit. Such a waste of time.


    I think I would have rather re-watched Barb Wire or Battlefield Earth. =/


    I mean... if you're going to throw away a few hours of your life... it might as well be watching something that has won a few awards for how horrid it was...



    Climax - Worst party I've ever been to. Beautifully shot.




    I tried watching this last night, but just couldn't get into it.

    It looks fucking interesting as hell, and I want to try again very soon...

    I just wasn't in the right frame of mind to sit through another Gaspar Noe film I guess.


    Did you see in theater? I want to see but it doesn’t arrive till March and I don’t want to wait that long.



    Nah... DL'd it. 


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