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Posts posted by Hk47




    I'm not sure if I like it or not yet. I've only played for about 2 hours. It's like a casual Metroid Prime... Mixed with... Resource gathering for upgrades.



    I've heard a lot of people say it's like No Mans Sky, but I don't really get that vibe.


    O shit, you play it too? I started it in September on android but I'm only just now getting to the final mission. Actually works quite well on mobile.


    I still think it bears a lot of similarities to No Man's Sky, and some might even argue that it's essentially No Man's Sky Lite. But the vibe is different, and adopts Metroid-style elements like you said. And it has its own narrative, so it's distinct enough to be its own title.

    Ha, yeah I got it during their holiday sale.



    And I do see the similarities with NMS, but the vibe... Atmosphere... It's just... Completely separate from NMS in my mind.


  2. Bird Box was fucking awful


    I had high hopes going into it with the cast listing... But fuuuuuuck...

    The first thing I asked my wife when I hit play was

    are blind people effected?



    Trainspotting 2... I don't think I would have liked it if TS1 wasn't ingrained in my past the way it is.

    It was a movie made for the few people that latched on to the original and wanted more... I doubt there's many people who saw the 2nd one and thought seeing the first one would be a good idea unless they'd already seen it.


    Just installed F.E.A.R. and it's expansions...

    So stoked.

    I haven't played these in about 8-9 years.

    I'm wondering if I could get System Shock installed and working on win10...


    F.E.A.R. the main game is still one of the best. It's not just the atmosphere and the combat, but the enemy AI that makes it shine. Amazing for 2005 that the clone soldiers can spit out tactical updates to their teammates notifying them of your exact position, right down to the type of furniture.


    As for System Shock, you're in luck. I can confirm that the Steam version will work with Win 10 OS.

    Yay!! Yeah, FEAR is definitely my favorite FPS ever. Love it.


    And knowing that, I'll have to pick up SS soon.


  4. i'll stick with it because i spent money on it, but if it's shit this is the last time i buy a game based on recommendations from the internet


    (i'm still pissed i spent money on Vanquish ... fuckin yawnfest)

    Hmm... Maybe I should have stated I don't typically like most 'popular' games...


    If you bought it because of me and wind up not clicking with it, I'm sorry you wasted $$ because of me.



    PM/post your PayPal and I'll reimburse you for it.

  5. brought Transistor today because I'm getting bored of Red Dead and it was only a few quid. i've beaten the first boss but i'm not really into it. does it get better?

    I thought it did... But I played on a touch screen. I also bought it on Steam but the controls felt so wonky on my PC.

    Anyway... Once you get enough abilities to really mix and match and upgrade, ect... It can get pretty interesting. The challenge rooms are a blast too...

  6. Watched a comedy film called The Predator. The Narcos man steals the alien's hat and gives it to his son who dresses up in it for halloween. The space alien wants the hat and the son because he (the son, not the space alien) has Aspergers and .....they like that.


    <hug the shit out of you> (if that's okay?)

    Fucking lol...


    I just got done getting all the achievements (minus the Special Event ones since they don't seem to have special events anymore...) in Deus Ex Go. I thought it was a great game, and having somewhat of a story added to it all was just icing on the cake.


    And now I want to go back and replay Deus Ex: The Fall. So I'll probably be playing that for the next couple days.


    I also replayed Transistor recently. Bastion is badass, but Transistor totally grabbed me in a way Bastion did not. I still have to check out Pyre. Supergiant Games is one hell of a development studio.


    Oh! And I just reinstalled Final Fantasy Tactics: War Of The Lions onto my phone. Haven't played it since it was updated from the 3.5 inch screen sizes, so I'm pretty psyched to dive into it again. It's easily in my top 3 favorite games ever.

    I play FFT on my phone as well - when you include the PS1 version as well, this is the game I've played the most hours on in my life.


    Even though Metroid II is my favorite game ever, I would have to say I've probably dumped more time into FFT than any other game as well. It's... Indescribably amazing once you wrap your head around it. And after reading loads of different walk-throughs/tips & hints pages, I still have quite a lot that I can experiment with. There's so many jobs you can combine with other class skills that... It's basically infinite when it comes to building a team.

    The only other game that has ever come close for me is Dark Gate (developed by Hit-Point, published by Kemco)... And even that is severely lacking in comparison. Especially when it comes to the story and dialogue.

    15 years after first playing on a PS1, then getting the PSP version... Then the iOS build... I still don't feel like I've discovered more than half the game.



    Hmmm... I don't get that.


    I mean... I do... But it's just as cheap as the obvious for me.

    I... I get that... ... ... Those types of people are here to point out the obvious ridiculousness within everything going on...

    But then to take it into 'what if' territory just seems equally as cheap to me...

    Maybe that's why I didn't initially click with Noah at first? No idea. It's still kind of a mystery to me.


    Though... Something 'comedy' related that I did REALLY enjoy on a more personal level recently was Hasan Minhaj's 'Homecoming King'.

    That hit me.

    On a more... Provocative level.

    He made it incredibly personal. He... Got deeper --- well... Deeper than most stand up personalities do... --- into himself while up on stage.

    I totally respected it.


    I'm still not there with Noah...

    But Minhaj looked like he totally found his comedic voice.

    And after watching Trevor's backstory... It feels like he's almost there as well.


    I might feel differently about every comedian if I learned about where they were raised, though.

    So I guess my recommendation for 'You Laugh But It's True' should be taken with a grain of salt...





    I don't know what I'm really trying to get at...



    Ramble ramble ramble...

    I was just making a cum town joke

    Ha... Thanks for that. I hadn't heard of Cum Town...

    I've only listened to a few minutes of one of their podcasts, but I see what you mean now.



    Funny I had to Google that... I was a little worried about what might pop up.


  9. Hmmm... I don't get that.


    I mean... I do... But it's just as cheap as the obvious for me.

    I... I get that... ... ... Those types of people are here to point out the obvious ridiculousness within everything going on...

    But then to take it into 'what if' territory just seems equally as cheap to me...

    Maybe that's why I didn't initially click with Noah at first? No idea. It's still kind of a mystery to me.


    Though... Something 'comedy' related that I did REALLY enjoy on a more personal level recently was Hasan Minhaj's 'Homecoming King'.

    That hit me.

    On a more... Provocative level.

    He made it incredibly personal. He... Got deeper --- well... Deeper than most stand up personalities do... --- into himself while up on stage.

    I totally respected it.


    I'm still not there with Noah...

    But Minhaj looked like he totally found his comedic voice.

    And after watching Trevor's backstory... It feels like he's almost there as well.


    I might feel differently about every comedian if I learned about where they were raised, though.

    So I guess my recommendation for 'You Laugh But It's True' should be taken with a grain of salt...





    I don't know what I'm really trying to get at...



    Ramble ramble ramble...

  10. I watched Venom. What u gonna do ?

    I just watched this too... I was hoping it would be a lot darker and more serious.

    I guess something I can say about it is that it's still a massive improvement over the Spider-Man 3 storyline (fuck I hate that movie)...


    Maybe in 20 years Venom will get the movie/TV show it deserves.

  11. Trevor Noah's 'You Laugh But It's True.'


    I had a hard time finding Noah funny for the longest time... The I watched this about a week ago. It's not stand up, it's about his life growing up and how he got into the comedy scene/his first one man show.


    Even after watching it, I still wasn't really clicking with him, but then I watched 'Son of Patricia' a few days later and it genuinely made me laugh.


    I'd recommend to both people who find Trevor Noah funny, and to those that don't. I'm not saying it'll change your mind about him if you don't like him, but with this added context, I can totally see why Stewart would have went to bat for him when producers were trying to find someone as a replacement for The Daily Show.

    I've actually started DVRing TDS this last week... And have been enjoying it again. I also want to find more Trevor Noah standup...


  12. I definitely don’t think Chloe Grace Moretz is ugly. I think she’s more attractive than Alicia Silverstone in her prime.

    Read some of her interviews... You'll find her to be a self indulgent, superficial, flip/floppy bitch real quick.

    Saying she's ugly won't be too far behind.



    I guess flakey would have been better than flip/floppy... But I'm drunk and saying flip/floppy is fun for me right now.


    Just got done watching the Papillion remake...


    Rami Malik is fantastic...


    I love this fucker...

    Mr. Robot, Buster Mal's Heart and then Papillion...

    It makes me want to go see Bohemian Rhapsody even though I absolutely despise Queen.


    Play the game Until Dawn.

    I want to... I've only got a PS3.

    But it's on my list of about 5 games that I'm destined to buy whenever I get my hands on a 4...


  14. Just got done watching the Papillion remake...


    Rami Malik is fantastic...


    I love this fucker...

    Mr. Robot, Buster Mal's Heart and then Papillion...

    It makes me want to go see Bohemian Rhapsody even though I absolutely despise Queen.


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