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Posts posted by Hk47

  1. such an entertaining thing to watch, really makes my heart shine bright like the sun



    what I think about america these days: why do you guys have such extremely salty salt? seriously, I tried to cook but I kept oversalting bcs american salt is so much saltier than european salt. what if you wanna make a cocktail with salt rim? you have to buy specialized cocktail salt? so stupid. why not keep your salt at moderate saltiness?? i added salt to my coffee and it was disgusting. usually I like to have salt srpinkled over my coffe and some sugar, not much. but this extreme salt makes it impossible to find the right dosage of salt. I don't understand why american salt has to be so salty

    This made way more sense than it should have....

  2. Just finished Ozark. I was already a fan of Bateman and Garner (if anyone here is a fan of sci-fi and hasn't seen Everything Beautiful Is Far Away yet, I'm totally recommending it), but their rolls in this show have built up my admiration for them both quite a bit.

    It took me about a week to get through the first couple of episodes, but when I hit S1E04, I couldn't stop watching. I watched the last half of season one in 3 days and the whole second season in the last 2.

    The atmosphere is right up my ally, the plot kept me completely engaged... Even the music hit all the right spots for me.

    I'm really looking forward to season 3.

  3. Awww... Congrats!!


    Since I've got the CDs, I've been listening in my car a lot more often. I only have factory speakers, but holy shit.... The sort of... Faux surround sound has really opened up quite a few of the tracks, especially the more ambient songs/interludes....

    sinistrailAB air, wetgelis casual interval, peal MA, shimripl air, and all of Session 4 have all taken on another dimension of sound.


    And like all AE, I'm sure it's just going to keep on giving and giving over the years.

    And while I'll probably always see NTS as a summer album, it's fitting incredibly well with the transition into fall. I'm excited to experience it all when snow is on the ground. Every single one of these 36 tracks will fit incredibly well with the cold, cloudy, snowy atmosphere of winter fairly well, I think.



    FUCK I LOVE this release!!!!!

  4. I just got done getting all the achievements (minus the Special Event ones since they don't seem to have special events anymore...) in Deus Ex Go. I thought it was a great game, and having somewhat of a story added to it all was just icing on the cake.


    And now I want to go back and replay Deus Ex: The Fall. So I'll probably be playing that for the next couple days.


    I also replayed Transistor recently. Bastion is badass, but Transistor totally grabbed me in a way Bastion did not. I still have to check out Pyre. Supergiant Games is one hell of a development studio.


    Oh! And I just reinstalled Final Fantasy Tactics: War Of The Lions onto my phone. Haven't played it since it was updated from the 3.5 inch screen sizes, so I'm pretty psyched to dive into it again. It's easily in my top 3 favorite games ever.

  5. How would you know if it's terrible if you've only seen 1/20th of it?



    And I dunno... I really enjoyed Dark. My wife made me watch Orange Is The New Black... And that was tolerable. BoJack Horseman took a while to grow on me, but I found it fairly entertaining. The End Of The Fucking World is pretty cute. Sense8 isn't bad... And House Of Cards was good enough to keep me interested through all its released seasons.



  6. ok, what's happening in this thread





    "bqbqbq > nineFly"


    - jader pansen

    That's not true. bqbqbq is 11'15" and nineFly is 23'20".



    Ha... I've been watching a lot of Last Week Tonight with John Oliver lately...

    This totally fits in with the few clips I watched today.


    ninefly is not 23 minutes long


    Wtf does John Oliver have to do with any of this


    What's the philosophy hour chat going on


    Who has beer and is not sharing


    Why has no one created an infographic showing the changes in track lengths from digital vs CD vs vinyl


    Why are there no NTS art t-shirts goddamn it


    Okay so really:


    Has anyone with a good CD player checked to see if there's any before-track-1 hidden goodies?


    Carry on I'm just joking around mostly everyone


    Love & light


    Nothing, sorry.

    This thread has gotten WAAAAAY off track (though, after all the delivery/'where's my damn package' posts, it's not surprising)... And I just wanted to join in on the nonsense.


    Aaaaand... I don't have beer. But I do have whiskey. A nice big unopened bottle of Wild Turkey 101. I'd share, but none of you live in the cesspool of Indiana that I do... So... I can only hand out virtual drinks to everyone.



    And in other news...

    bqbqbq fucking owns.

    Those pads get me every fucking time.


    Look at that... I have a tear already forming in the corner of my eye just thinking about 'em...


    "bqbqbq > nineFly"


    - jader pansen

    That's not true. bqbqbq is 11'15" and nineFly is 23'20".



    Ha... I've been watching a lot of Last Week Tonight with John Oliver lately...

    This totally fits in with the few clips I watched today.




    Watched the first few episodes of Disenchantment. It's decent. Pretty much the same thing as Futurama but set in fantasy.

    It gets better as it goes on, much like Futurama in its first season (though it never quite hits Futurama’s peaks). The last trilogy of episodes really appear to be the show finding its own voice, so given that the second season is allegedly already in production I’m interested to see where it goes.


    Also, the quicker they drop the Elfo-Bean replica of the Fry-Leela dynamic, the better. That shit is tired.


    Sorry, I didn't see this before I posted. 

    Great to hear that a 2nd season is already in the works. 


  9. Watched the first few episodes of Disenchantment. It's decent. Pretty much the same thing as Futurama but set in fantasy.


    I watched the whole season this last weekend.

    I wasn't expecting it to be as good as Futurama... And while a lotnofnrhebvoice actors are the same, I thought it was different enough to hold its own.

    I should also probably say that I love Abbi Jacobson...

    But I thought it was cute.

    I still don't care much for the first season of Futurama... But seasons 2-the end are fantastic. I get that a show needs to introduce characters and all that... So I'm hoping it gets renewed for another season and turns into something else really special.

    I think it's definitely worth watching if you're a fan of current animated shows.


    I'd watch a whole spin off for Lucy... I think it'd be kind of cool seeing who else he has been attached too throughout time.

  10. I just got done rewatching The Expanse... And have started reading The Churn. I'll probably dive into the other novellas and then back into Cibola Burn after I finish them and go through the series again before reading Persepolis Rising for the first time.


    The last series I was this into was probably The Dark Tower books... I absolutely love the universe that Abraham and Franck have built here.

  11. WOW! Tons of posts about orders being sent out...

    So great that this wasn't delayed again. I'm psyched to receive my confirmation email...


    And for what it's worth... YYYY//MM/DD is how I've organized everything in my folders as well.





    Oh yeah, and thank you, Jason, for posting images of the CD set. It looks so sweet. I hope I receive this before I go on vacation.


  12. Man, that was brutally cold of Jimmy at the end. And it still leaves a lot up for interpretation. Is he in denial or shock? Is he happy that the guilt and blame can go to Hamlin instead of himself? Or is he just following his brother's advice to not feel remorse for the shitty things he does?

    I thought so too. I paused the show when we was walking over to his fish tank and had to ask my roommate if he was smiling. And then he fed his fish... And then the whistling... Fuck. So cold.

    I have no idea if he's in denial or shock or what...

    If not, he's got some pretty serious issues that I'd love to see the writers dive into.



    One episode in and this season looks like it's going to be fucking fantastic.



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