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Everything posted by kokoon

  1. i have an old, beaten-up iRiver HD-320 that i modded with a 32GB CF card and a bigger battery. and it runs rockbox, of course :)
  2. mks80... yummmmm
  3. your camera's sensor needs cleaning :) and... what a view!
  4. they look a lot like event tuned reference 8 i have here atm.
  5. yeah, this is exactly what I had, found a diagram of the shroeder reverb in a library book on electronic music from the 70s. when setting it up in plogue bidule, each filter has one input for signal and one for delay time, so I added a variable to multiply all the time values before they went in. it sounded cooler changing than at any one setting so then I added an envelope to do that. ah, i see. though that's impossible to make in analogue realm, the filters have a frequency-dependent, fixed delay time (true, "phase shift").
  6. what do you mean delay time... the filter delay depends on filter topology, but i don't know of any analogue filter type where you can vary the delay or do you have an actual delay module in there too, in which case - why the allpass filters?
  7. i think he was talking about the non-(co)sine transformation, i don't think that's even called fourier transformation...
  8. Omg, you stole my cat. She even has the white tuft on her chest and everything. Black cats rock. I have two of them, actually. One's named Guinness, the other Blackjack (she has 21 toes). I also have two lol, Diamond and Kinjo. gtfo with that cat bullshit, THIS IS GEARPORN THREAD!
  9. yay ratshack reverb
  10. it's super easy: http://www.geocities.com/ResearchTriangle/9730/110.html i'll let you know when i do it
  11. yeah DR-110 is really great, i just got it so no mods yet. i'm still deciding where to put the additional pots for all the sound mods, as far as external control goes, i'll probably just add din-sync, so i can drive it from the x0xb0x. tracks... just a bunch of schreeching droning noises :) wait some more, i need to collect a few more tracks for an EP.
  12. that's a R-8 though. good stuff!
  13. Lush setup, where do i get to hear ur music? it's a few years old now, but it's the only thing that i can show at the moment. http://www.last.fm/music/kokoon/circle i plan to participate in p168 though.
  14. ah well » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «
  15. can anybody see the above pics?
  16. this is where i'm happy effects and stuff and my newest toy
  17. totally; i'm all out of smokes right now. who's gonna bring some around? i can bring some semen... LOL
  18. haha you tried? "works with sega genesis and super nintendo" LOL
  19. is this actually a "scorn does deep sea creatures"?
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