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Everything posted by kokoon

  1. ok, so it's autechre. i just don't know what to do with "known(1)" and "d-sho qub" :(
  2. so it's actually possible we're listening to 2 different m4a "leaks", and arguing about them?
  3. haha no, dude, it's like *REALLY* generative, generic and impersonal. i only heard it three times maybe, but it sounded really shallow.
  4. 64 User(s) are reading this topic 27 members, 33 guests, 4 anonymous users feltcher,six,NewSchoolScience,Obel,Bob Dobalina,mcbpete,the anonymous forumite,panz0r,Fredd-E,Greg Reason,kokoon,Jacck,Overand,GORDO,autechrist,thehauntingsoul,xox,telefunken,sweepstakes,ShizKoE,phling,Awepittance,tompty,blos,toosharp,Apeofnaples,elliotjking
  5. i agree. especially after untilted. (fermium?? wtf?)
  6. I am. From what I can tell so far (after only a couple listens) this album isn't about rhythm nor melody. It's about voicing. If you listen for only melody it's going to sound a bit aimless and meandering. If you listen for rhythm it'll sound simplistic. If you listen for voicing and counterpoint it is a very sophisticated album. That's just what I've got from it so far. If it turns out to be a fake, I'll be glad to have downloaded it before it gets forgotten. Ditto. You're so fucking on point with this "read" on the album. The rest of you guys are probably listening with a pre-determined filter/bias. Autechre is not going to release supercomplicated shit just to be supercomplicated. There's a larger purpose to this album, which I can say Untilted and Quaristice strayed away from achieving. Allow them the chance to prove there is a method to their madness. It's really simple for me. It's either exciting, interesting and engaging or it isn't. Those two fakes I heard weren't. They were just nice and alright. I'm not keen on Quaristice, but I've always felt the songs are classic songs, and moreso when listening to it after those fakes. I still can't get into Perlence, but I still think it's a good song. There's still something about it that means I keep returning to it. It's what Autechre mean when they say you begin to prefer their previous album before the new one: that however chaotic and complex and bewildering their music can be, it's always underpinned by good songwriting that reveals its genuine quality over time. Now see on see has just come on. Is this thread a wind-up? People don't think it is more engaging than everything else on there (ilanders excepted)? See on see is Plaid-like, and is straightforward somewhat. What is there to say though other than it doesn't bore me and the rest do. Everything except see on see and ilanders on this promo is bland mush. Every Autechre album has tracks that start with absolute surprising conviction in contrast to the one before it. With Quaristice, it was like they could go in any direction. I listen to Autechre for moments like Tankakern and WNSN. There is a big difference between wanting to return to an album because it first intrigued you and still confounds you and not wanting to return to it simply because it bored you. This promo is making songs like Pule and Melve sound like classic songs. I've actually always liked both. I can't see why after 20 years they'll have suddenly lost the ability to write classic songs. Though I know probably the least of all the people here, I know nothing of recording techniques and have been listening to them for just a few years. That's why I'm so surprised that people who do know a lot only seem to enjoy Autechre cosmetically. Then again, I think you made it. Listening to it for the 2nd time in earphones at the moment. If this is legit I'll attempt to swallow my fist and risk certain death, cos if it is legit I'll be too disappointed to care. I think I prefer the first two fakes. what did you think about untilted when it came out? i was one of the few that refused to believe it's the real deal. but it was.
  7. i've only heard a snippit of ilanders so far, but can't that be said about anything? if you work hard enough, you can almost get any sound out of whatever software you use? yeah, pretty much. but people around here started arguing whether this could or couldn't be output of reason. like i said, not like it matters.
  8. not saying it matters, but i really can't see why this couldn't be made in reason.
  9. do yourself a favor, don't listen until it's somehow confirmed it's real. i wish i waited.
  10. i was thinking the same thing. but now, on the second listen, i'm a bit more confident it's the real thing. wait i meant less confident...
  11. whatever this is, the (last?) track i'm hearing right now @71:30 is really really really amazing.
  12. haha this was really good :D i mean it, i'm not entertained easily.
  13. i would like to receive a personal message with a hyperlink.
  14. fuck. it's really been 5 years?
  15. it's good, but as you say - shimmering hour is perfection. no man will be able to top that, not even wisp himself. and i'm serious.
  16. except for the analords, where the previews are 16bit 48KHz V1 vbr mp3s
  17. oh, and i just wanted to state my opinion about how incredibly awkward the iPod's clickwheel is... i tried it for the first time just recently and i'm AMAZED - how can so many people say that those circular motions are "natural" and how can anyone settle for this kinda nonsense? it was breaking my fingers!!!
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