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Everything posted by onecaseman

  1. Pretty much what I did, but Mario Odyssey has been a lot of fun too.
  2. Playing Super Mario Odyssey. I haven't enjoyed a Mario game since Super NES, so I was skeptical. But it's super fun so far.
  3. I love this show, and am looking forward to next season. Also huge fan of The Prisoner.
  4. Finally finished Breath of the Wild. Amazing game. So much variety. I tried to do everything, but started having trouble finding the last shrines, so gave up. Fight with Ganon wasn't nearly as cool as Ocarina of Time though. Only frustrating part is my new pro controller has the drift problem everyone has been talking about.
  5. This is happening with my pro controller, and it's so frustrating. This is the first game I've played with it, so it's not a wear and tear issue.
  6. Finally finished Red Dead 2. Like the first, the game dragged on, and I just wanted it to be over. But still a lot better than the first. I wish the fast travel system worked better. So much riding across the map. I think I'm finally going to play Breath of the Wild now.
  7. Just to add to the Ang Lee discussion. I really liked Lust, Caution as well. I also saw Endgame. First hour or so not great, then it started to find a groove. I liked it, but not as much as Infinity War. Also re-watched Confessions of a Dangerous Mind after a long time having not seen it. Still like it, but more uneven than I remember.
  8. I also tried replaying Zelda II a few years ago and it got so brutally hard at the end I stopped.
  9. I haven't played Mortal Kombat since II, but this does look awesome. Will I be totally overwhelmed, or is it possibly to get back in it for 11? I will not play online, just solo and with friends at home.
  10. Started Red Dead II finally. I feel like I'm supposed to know these people, but I don't besides Marsten.
  11. that's where you try again mate, bloodborne is one of a kind. truly beautiful, especially with the lovecraftian references in a gothic setting. don't miss out! After about 100 deaths on the same boss making no progress (and having to re-go through the level every time), it didn't feel like fun and I gave up. The "first" boss most people encounter in that game is entirely optional and most are underleveled when they discover him, assuming you're talking the wolf on the bridge... If not, well... git gud. . Yep, it was on the bridge.
  12. that's where you try again mate, bloodborne is one of a kind. truly beautiful, especially with the lovecraftian references in a gothic setting. don't miss out! After about 100 deaths on the same boss making no progress (and having to re-go through the level every time), it didn't feel like fun and I gave up.
  13. Sekiro looks cool, but I tried Bloodborne and just got crushed by the first boss. And I play a lot of games on hard. Looking up tips online was no help. Never got anywhere close to beating him.
  14. Beat Detroit: Become Human. I liked it. Probably Quantic Dream's best game.
  15. I watched Primer for the first time in a while. It holds up. I noticed the dialogue a lot more this time. It's all colleague shorthand. Not finishing sentences. Like how some technologists I work with talk with each other.
  16. Finished the newest DLC for Shadow of the Tomb Raider, and am now working on Detroit: Become Human. It's pretty cool so far.
  17. I actually went and binged all of his movies last year, and the first three before Incendies are kind of forgettable. But everything Incendies and after has been great.
  18. Just rewatched Moon for the first time in a while. So good. Sam Rockwell always does such a good job.
  19. A ton of fun if not so innovative. I 100%'d the game and all the DLCs.
  20. You're a little further than me. I don't have that other gun yet, and was trying to save using the launcher.
  21. Started my second run of Resident Evil 2 with Claire. It's a lot harder, but moves faster as well.
  22. Beat RE2 as Leon. I'll take a break, then start with Claire. I forgot to develop the last role of film, which was dumb on my part. Otherwise got all the items.
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