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Everything posted by jasondonervan

  1. "The whole thing is so beautiful and strange and off-kilter and absorbing — a lovely and insular personal pop album, warped beyond all recognition. In its combination of contentment and dread, it feels weirdly resonant in a late-capitalist America where we always feel like we can see societal collapse coming around the next bend in the road. It’s a poignant reminder that those lights in that beautiful Chicago skyline won’t be glittering forever." Album of the week (stereogum)
  2. "Anyone casually lurking might call him a hack – albeit one with a good work ethic (his latest release is something like his 15th overall, discounting last year’s Good Time film score and countless other extra-curricular activities). Genius, for what it’s worth, is usually coterminous with what some might consider disgrace, and OPN – genius or not – is one of today’s great musical disgraces. Like other artists with unending inventories of main releases, documents, and other ephemera (Nurse With Wound, John Coltrane, Merzbow), OPN makes a point to stay busy. What’s more, his audience follows regardless. Just like label mates Aphex Twin and Autechre, you’re typically left exhausted by an album’s end. The music itself sounds fatigued, worn thin by the elements. A cult figure among the YouTube generation, Lopatin’s erratic style – from pulsing electronica to new age serenity within moments, sometimes simultaneously – imitates the velocity and vulgarity of a 30-minute Vine compilation. Repeated listens of his latest offering ‘Age Of’ has a similarly numbing effect. The whole world and all of history physically passes by– yelling, caressing, judging, pummelling, hand-shaking – in much the super-accelerated fashion at which the age of information seems to be travelling." Loud And Quiet
  3. Oneohtrix Point Never - les oreilles grandes ouvertes (Nova.fr) French interview starts around 30:40 for about 50mins, playing some tracks and the like. (Direct download to the show here)
  4. ワンオートリックス・ポイント・ネヴァー Noice to have a physical compact disctigal vionel arrive!
  5. "Daniel Lopatin’s eighth album as Oneohtrix Point Never finds him splitting the difference between the synth-based abstraction of his previous albums and a more visceral, abrasive style. While neither of these are bad templates to work from per se, the result is an album that doesn’t know what it wants to be." musicOMH
  6. Aww yuss. Delighted this is coming to the Personal Computer. https://youtu.be/dphVWNPKCiM That trailer doesn't effectively transmit the fever dream insanity that is killer7 - the one prior to its original release is far better:
  7. "Since there will be NO pre-release album stream on this one, Amoeba San Francisco is THE place to hear it! In addition, you'll be able to purchase the album a day before it's officially available to the public. Plus, with the purchase of Age Of you'll get a character card, limited to 2,000 pieces worldwide, or a 12"x12" art print of the album cover. It's very suitable for framing and limited to 1,000 pieces worldwide."
  8. E3 closing in fast. New Death Stranding business to be shown, hopefully Kojima remembers to bring a release date for it.
  9. "Everything on this record changes shape. One moment in “RayCats” Far Eastern instrumentation is being glitched beyond recognition, then suddenly it sounds like something from a relaxation tape. “Same” shimmers and twists between 20th century avant-classical, Depeche Mode at their stadium peak and pure electronic sound. “The Station” sounds like Drake or Future crooning over the bassline from a 90s grunge track, but periodically dissolves into Autechre type abstraction." (The Arts Desk)
  10. pretty sure it was just me and joshuatx, i refined my stance to 'there's not enough evidence to know if these are real', and i stand by that . next time i'll keep your name in mind when we're discussing upcoming idmz. cheers for your dedication though! I'm never gonna do bad by the watmmz, I like to think my track record speaks for itself. We cool Meanwhile, JP 'Age Of'... Why you track 'XIIII' and not 'XIV'? And why is there no waveform for trance 1 in the predator rack?
  11. *Waits patiently for all the leaker freakz to roll up and admit that ol' jdon was on the money with the 'advance previews' *
  12. Japan bonus time. Full version (the SETI version was an edit). Enjoy it while it lasts, thanks for nothin' in advance, pooptoob.
  13. Japan getting that slight variation of tee (colour used differs from 'domestic' tees)
  14. Another one Waiting for an Age Like You: Oneohtrix Point Never Takes Epoch Stand (ArtNews)
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