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Posts posted by bitchroast

  1. apologies for upsetting with strong language "i thought god of war was garbage". 

    i have my reasons (i found the combat and movement slow and unengaging. i found the environments to be VERY NICE LOOKING, largely straight forward corridors, not exactly fun to explore. i found the story and presentation to be pretty good. but the off-moment character interactions between distant father&son to be almost carbon copied from off-moment character interactions between distant father & 'daughter' from TLOU. it kind of all just resulted in this package that was nice to look at, had a vaguely interesting story stretched out across ~20-30 hours ((zzz...)), and gameplay that i ultimately found incredibly painstakingly boring and made me want to smash my head against a wall bored. the complete package didn't come together in any meaningful way for me.)


    i'm sorry!!! okay ;-; 


    ((((((((((((((( would've been better as a netflix series without the boring gameplay lol )))))))))))))))

  2. the back of the mixer has aux out, and aux in. so aux out 1 goes into reverb in, reverb out goes into aux in 1. then there's sliders on the right to monitor the aux levels. so now you can send multiple channels into the reverb just using the send knobs. 


    apologies if this isn't what you're asking. i think this is what you're asking?

  3. Do you own a switch, bitchy? What do you think of what Nintendo is doing?


    love the switch. i think what they're doing is great.


    compare it to vita, where they they were similarly targeting console type experience on a handheld (Sony published vita versions of Uncharted and Killzone, Vita being able to stream games from PS4 and play on handheld) but not even having 1:1 button of a standard PS4 controller (only 1 set of L R shoulder buttons, joysticks didn't click in as L3 and R3). Vita just seemed confused out of the gate, and failing to reach an massive audience never really came as a surprise... which then meant no audience = no one bothered to publish or make games for it. 


    switch out of the gate had a solid launch line up and built an steady player base nice and early (giving publishers reason to want to release games on the system and sell lots of copies). nintendo have also done a lot of great work making the system easy to develop for, and reaching out to a lot of indie developers to get their games on the switch system. i remember reading twitter posts and the like of game developers pretty much confirming that they had been approached by nintendo, instead of the other way around. 


    i also think, the switch being what it is, is perfectly in tune with a lot of gaming audience today, who enjoy playing games while having "content" or something playing on a tv/computer screen in the background. 


    my positive experience with switch may have something to do with also owning a PS4 and a PC. i loved the PS4 at first, but after awhile the asking price of PS+ just felt really shitty + it was also getting to the point of all the games i was interested in were also being released on PC. i tried Horizon Zero Dawn, for example, and thought it was garbage. I tried God of war for example, and i thought it was garbage. Bloodborne was the only exclusive PS4 game i actually cared about and loved. Naughty Dog are good too i guess! But i reckon owning a PC and PS4 has too much overlap and the asking price of needing to pay $80 a year to play PS4 games online, when i can play the same games on PC... online for free.. + better performance.... ehhhhhhhhhhhhhh.....


    Like, i understand building and maintaining a PC is a massive chore and not an easy task for a lot of people (myself included) ... but i dunno. I'm very much at a point where a game having amazing graphics doesn't cut it if the game itself is going to be boring. and the Switch pretty much lines up with my needs perfectly. 

  4. The Stadia thing is imo one more scary incursion from Google, I hate seeing them in every part of my life.


    I'm not interested in streaming games really but I already see how young kids will grow with that shit and just play the latest Call Of Fifa game ever and ever and ever, their game libraries being narrowed down by the same company who will already handle their music, videos, phone calls, etc.


    Shit I'm not even 30 and already ranting about how crappy the future looks like because I'm afraid of that change ha !


    pretty much agreeing with you here. 

    putting post in spoiler cos it's mostly a long ramble. 




    This current console generation has really irked me a bit. 

    When PS4 came out, it seemed like Sony had made the move from the more specialised Cell multi-core microprocessor microarchitecture, that made developing for PS3 an apparent chore. It seemed to futureproof the console in a way that would make future consoles backwards compatible and everything would be a bit more open and easier to develop for. 


    But now we're in a state where, games like Anthem and RDR2 are coming out and are hitting 20-30FPS performances on base PS4 and base XBOX One, in a way that seems very apparent that the games are being developed and fine tuned with the more current iterations (PS4 Pro and XBOX ONE X) in mind, and being backwards optimised to get it running on the previous generations. 


    The implication that PS4 Pro is a continuation of the PS4, when performance of the same games is poor on Base PS4, and buying a PS4 Pro doesn't have any buying upgrade path other than outright buying a new console at full price retail. And all it means is that Sony and Microsoft get to talk about their consoles in a way that sounds like the PS4 for example had a very long lifespan because it's taking the PS4 Pro into consideration. Asif it's not a new generation of console. (ie. they get to gloat this long market lifespan to shareholders when in reality it's just screwing over customers... is my feeling). 


    It's really shitty. It's similar to the Danny O'dwyer tweets that Osc posted. 

    It seems like, 4k gaming, better resolution graphics, better processing to handle more polygons, is all at the cost of games taking longer to make + being more expensive to make + being a higher risk on publishers, and its resulting in less games coming out and more boring games coming out because following precedents and copying existing games is a safer investment for publishers and shareholders... 


    This has been the trend games and gaming consoles has been going in for a while now.. PS4 Pro and XBOX One / One S / One X, all seems like it's something the console makers are thinking about and trying to alleviate.. 


    and the idea that the solution is something that only google can tackle with their massive tech infrastructure ... 

    it's kind of scary shit for the industry... obviously caring about the industry is a nerd thing to do and it's lame and boring, but its also the kind of thing that probably means even less games + more boring games + more games as a service, etc. are going to be coming out going forward.





    I duno...

    weird times. 



  5. i hope Cuphead performance on switch is fine. Trailer looks a little freeze frame-y but I can't tell if that's intentional slow down for dramatic effect or just dodgy performance. will definitely be grabbing this one though :-) 


    Crypt of the NecroDancer never quite stuck with me but the fans seem to love it. moving 'to the beat' always felt a bit stifling and constrained (which a pointless criticism when that's the entire point of the game, but that's why i didn't love it i guess!). 


    Blaster Master Zero 2 is a weird one... i have to imagine the main reason Blaster Master Zero was a success was because it was one of the few indie budget titles available on the switch at launch... and less because there's massive demand for more Blaster Master (???). 

  6. during these dark and troubling times, lets take the time to acknowledge and appreciate nintendo making a videogame console that does something different other than "more or less an Expensive PC in a box with exclusivity deals" 


    Will watch the Google video shortly but i don't exactly have high hopes living in australia and having sketchy internet depending on where you're living. 

  7. fingers crossed aphex mode is a voice synthesiser installed into the synth via firmware and when you press the keys it says “aphex twin” in a computer voice like on cow cud is a twin.

    microtuning on peak rules. peak in general is real good.

    worth noting minilogue xd got the monologue implementation and might also be very nice but peak got there first :-)

    novation wins


    flawless victory


  8. i almost sold mine but got cold feet when i couldn't get over how noisy the volume output can get. 

    i *think* it's part of the unit, just being noisy as fuck, but i felt bad selling it and making it potentially somebody elses problem just incase i'm wrong and my unit totally is just noiser than usual.. so i figured fukkit, i'll keep it. 

  9. have a volca kick sitting to side collecting dust. wouldn't half mind the volca drum to sync the 2 up and have a midi drum setup to play with. maybe i'll grab one when it appears 2nd hand somewhere down the line and isn't too much of an investment. and then i can have 2 volcas sitting to the side collecting dust.

  10. love that stuff. big fan of moebius. 


    the incal was first one i read, written by Alejandro Jodorowsky, which is all the more "stream of conciousness" writing and can feel like it's not making any sense, + can feel very "And then this happened, and then this happened.. and then this happened.. and then this happaned" instead of being a tight narrative. always fun and interesting to read though and the illustrations are so inspired and top notch. 


    the works in The World of Edena is all pretty great stuff. 

    reading moebius as a 10year old would be so cool. imagine that's the kinda imagery that would stick with you.

  11. ey... there's no threat of behringer destroying the market here. they've been providing lower quality clones of out-of-production desirable niche products like minimoog and sh101 and tr909 etc.

    TB-303 for example has always had clones. VSTs clones have all been doing the same thing for years only in software instead of hardware. none of this has ever destroyed the market.


    synth market stronger than ever thanks to lower entry point (thanks to free /+ bootleggable software) (+ thanks to cheaper products on market like korg, behringer), and the bigger companies thrive off it just as much. 

    (synth market stronger than ever also thanks to youtube and social medias giving everyone serious GAS:)). 


    i still don't think all eurorack is overpriced. in general, yes eurorack is  expensive. but you still have your ladiks, your DIY builds + other niche small companies here and there doing affordable products. it's an area of the market is already covered more so than minimoog hardware clones, i think. 


    i'm curious to see what behringer entering eurorack looks like, only because i'm curious to see what it looks like :-)

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