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Posts posted by bitchroast

  1. watched Russian Doll. 

    was on board for the first couple episodes but got pretty bored once i clued into the message being "this is going to be some commentary on not taking life for granted and appreciating life" + seemingly the rest of the actual writing seemed pretty non-consistent and not actually thought out??




    red haired lady going through Groundhog Day and needing to not take life for granted because *magic* i can vaguely get on board with, but drawing it out for 8 episodes as if it's some big mystery that's going to have a payoff at the end but then not actually deliver on anything, was very unsatisfying!

    also, the red haired lady bumping into an actual seemingly physical version of a younger version of herself as a child, spitting blood on her and saying spooky shit ??? made no sense. seemed like it was just shoehorned in because it would be visually striking and nothing else.. 


    i understand it on a level of, well it's some metaphor shit about her needing to learn forgiveness or whatever, but i still felt like i could've got the gist of that just fine in a 30-60 minute package and not 4 hours... 





    hearing that "gotta get up" song for the 50th time made me wanna pull my hair out. 


    /bla bla bla

    cynical cynical cynical...

    didn't like it. 

  2. i wonder.

    i half imagine behringer entering eurorack would put them in same ballpark as doepfer and ladik so i wonder if it's possible to get much cheaper. doepfer entering the scene by doing a mother 32 budget version is pretty sweet but being "more affordable than moog" is only so impressive.

  3. i'm always wanting shit. 

    sometimes i can cool down and want things less. but i'm always wanting shit. 


    more effects/pedals would be nice. 

    korg minilogue xd would be nice. 

    moog grandmother would be nice. moog dfam would be nice. 

    moog mother 32 would be nice to compliment the tiny eurorack case i started.


    eurorack is great because it's just throwing everything out from window and starting from scratch, and is an endless supply of GAS!!! 


    like, only once you've gotten into eurorack do you start thinking to yourself "man i can't wait to spend $200 on this tiny module so i can do [basic functionality that is prebuilt into all DAWs and modern mixers that would be absurd spending $200 on in any format other than eurorack]

  4. thought solo was better than the other new disney star wars movies. also felt the most contrived and most pointless. there’s something about it being a failed project, turned Ron Howard completely by the numbers and played safe disney star wars movie that actually made it feel comfortable in its own skin more do than any of the other new star wars films.


    having said that, yes it was still trash and at this point i’m mostly entirely given up on the new films (given up but will prob still see ep9 once it’s convenient to do so at home)

  5. Maybe Mario Kart 8, it already works with the Labo vehicle kit, and the motorcycle build.

    ive since realised.... having a switch weighing on your head probably won’t be comfortable.


    more importantly, none of the example pictures actually have the switch attached to your head. they all involve people physically holding the headset/switch to their face lol


    probably best keep expectations nice and low on this one


    lol, anyone remember this (reddit community remembered)


    *hello guys, girls and trannies, just checking in to announce there will be some totally new aphex twin custom official limited edition dentures for sale soon. so vexing!

    also in the pipeline is the long-awaited "selected ambient works 1.5" metal cassette, cd, vomit-tinted vinyl and manual ciphers (fuck digitals, analog only, baby). available for download by kind legal agreement from r+s records international via mail order on march 5th, 2019.

    finally, while you're at it, sign up for the upcoming korg "selected ambient works 3"-themed lush 25 keys rompler kickstarter with weirdcore designed interface print! synth programmeded by my chinky mate tatsuo mcwhatshisface. street date is july 5th 2019, will be offered with optional 3 months limited warranty, power supply sold seperately.

    check out my lush aphex twin website for the official announcements, i don't have any strong feelings about you stupid twits so i wanted you to be the 1st to know.

    joyrex is a cunt, reddit sucks donkey dick, you're being brainwashed by chemtrails. have a happy 2019 and get cracking you slags!

    eternally yours in prism and bitches, pritchard b slams*


    Guess the AFXhypeman_OFFICIAL was actually cold with his vomit-tinted vinyl for trannies.



    doesn't take a forensic genius to identify that text as *probably* being complete bogus. 

  7. interesting. 

    out of curiosity i did get the vehicle kit, built it over a weekend with people over.

    building it was definitely the fun part. software acted as a fun way to demo the hardware, but was bare bones and no reason to ever revisit it after having immediately finished it. 

    ie. build it, have fun with it, throw it out cos it's taking up too much space. 


    maybe the games in the VR kit will have more going on, but i'm not banking on it. 

    still curious to see what this all looks like. 


    do they have any interest in releasing software that utilities the steering wheel + foot pedal from vehicle kit, as well as the VR googles ??? ( i doubt it, but it could be cool )

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