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Knob Twiddlers
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Posts posted by tec






    Finally caught up with Hannibal, fantastic finale. Has anyone read Red Dragon, and will doing so spoil any surprises in the future seasons of the show?

    Some of Red Dragon will be tackled in season 3. The trailer looks pretty.



    Cool, think I'll steer clear of the book until the series has finished then, thanks!
    read them, they tenuously linked, at best, to the TV show. you're more likely to spoil the book by watching the tv than vice versa.
    Ah right, do they differ greatly then, just the same characters? It's not like reading Game of Thrones to find out what happens in future seasons?
    Red Dragon was the first book in the series and the series hasn't tackled it yet, so the answer to that would have to be speculative; but there have definitely been changes to the backstory in seasons 1 and 2 from what would be consistent with the books. It's probably safe to say the show will diverge plenty, and hopefully more so as it goes on.


    Would probably be more fun to just watch Manhunter and compare to the show, tbqh, for maximum disconnect.


    Though I'm half expecting some trailers to be cut to In A Gadda Da Vida.



    Ah got ya, thanks, I'll give it a go then.




    Finally caught up with Hannibal, fantastic finale. Has anyone read Red Dragon, and will doing so spoil any surprises in the future seasons of the show?


    Some of Red Dragon will be tackled in season 3. The trailer looks pretty.





    Cool, think I'll steer clear of the book until the series has finished then, thanks!




    read them, they tenuously linked, at best, to the TV show. you're more likely to spoil the book by watching the tv than vice versa.



    Ah right, do they differ greatly then, just the same characters? It's not like reading Game of Thrones to find out what happens in future seasons?


    Finally caught up with Hannibal, fantastic finale. Has anyone read Red Dragon, and will doing so spoil any surprises in the future seasons of the show?


    Some of Red Dragon will be tackled in season 3. The trailer looks pretty.





    Cool, think I'll steer clear of the book until the series has finished then, thanks!

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