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Knob Twiddlers
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Posts posted by tec

  1. Currently reading the Sebastian Horsley autobiography Dandy in the Underworld. He is clearly a pretentious twat but christ he is funny. I was bored at work and stumbled across the final page then had to buy it immediately. It simply says the following...



    There comes a time in every person's life when they realise they adore me.


    Yours has come.



    this thread is gonna go mental



    I'll wait to see how Prometheus turns out to see if Scott still has the touch to do good sci-fi.


    Exactly, if this is no good I promise I will assassinate Ridley Scott.

  3. Yeah the actual book is amazing. I can't really imagine it translating to audio too well.


    Thanks Iain C, will be sure to give it a listen.


    I'm thinking about making a start on some Alan Bennett, I have just always been turned off by the idea in the past after his criticism of Witchfinder General. Fickle I know!

  4. I have been looking for something to do between sending out inevitably unsuccessful job applications and losing my dole cash on cheap wine. To escape catching a horrible strain of cabin fever I decided that it would be a nice idea to go out on an hour long walk everyday. Can anyone recommend good audiobooks to keep me company on these journeys and distract me from the casual violence enacted on the streets of South London?

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