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Knob Twiddlers
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Posts posted by tec


    Night on the Galactic Railroad (1985)


    Seemingly a lost, or rather overshadowed/forgotten anime gem - amazing sound track (made by one of the lads from YMO) and some really trippy, deep, self-reflecting moments/10






    saw this last year with my housemate friend at the time. i put it on because we both like anime and cats and this was an anime with cats and that was more or less the extent of my knowledge on the film.

    i was actually in tears by the end of the film. this film really, really got to me.



    Thanks to you both for the recommendation, watched this last night and really enjoyed it. Could have done without some of the religious stuff but it had some wonderful moments, I was more scared than I have been by most horrors as they approached the Coalsack.


    absolute fucking moron. doing shit like that should get people banned for a season. what gives him the right to do that. If I kicked an guy while I was at work, I'd get sacked and would completely wreck my career.


    I work at a supposedly very important stadium. Actually I work in security there. And I have to say I'd have to kick the players out of the stadium if they were regular blokes like you and me. The shit they do even JUST before the match starts is unbelievable. Sometimes I feel like I'm not watching hooligans, but actually maintaining the stupid rights of 11 completely fucked up rich kids...



    Got any interesting dirt for us?



    At what point do you tell a friend their receding hairline is ridiculous and they need to shave that shit? Is there a good way to break this?


    Shave his/her head while (s)he's sleeping



    this is exactly what I was going to suggest. have a big night, get massively shitfaced, and when he passes out shave his head. then in the morning you can just pretend it was drunk antics instead of actually admitting the rather simple truth and forcing him to confront his impending age and all the male ego issues that go with that :cisfor:


    don't actually do this






    Sadly he is an alcoholic and hasn't touched a drop in a few years so even this is a no-no. Fuck it, my hair is long and stupid so maybe we make a good ying/yang pair.


    A Field In England - This is one of those films that is either a 0/10 or a 10/10, i think it was a 10/10. I think everyone should see this film but its going to be like going to the see an abstract art exhibition.

    Just come back from seeing it now. Bloody ace - and that soundtrack, shit me absolutely haunting.


    Especially the scene (jesus, got goose-bumps just thinking about it) when Reece Shearsmith's character leaves *that* tent (edit: as tec mentioned earlier)


    EDIT: YAAAAAHS, found the track that plays during that scene -




    Wicked find, just read he is one of the blokes in Fuck Buttons too, I love it when stuff links together like this.



    Haven't seen Trance, but Danny Boyle is such an odd director. On the one hand he's likable because he's a bit fresh and raw and unpretentious, he's kinetic, he likes youth and energetic soundtracks, he's versatile....and on the other hand he seems drawn to cheese, vacuity, style over substance, catharsis-as-an-MTV-video....


    I liked Trainspotting but I can't say I've liked any of his other films completely. They are usually decent, fresh, and somewhat appealing...but I just don't get what drives the guy. I think it's the general idea of catharsis and a breakthrough to find one's "true self" in the face of adversity, but the way he does it often feels almost laughable (like the end of Sunshine).

    Forgot Boyle did Sunshine, god that movie was shit....


    Sunshine's an odd one...75% of it is pretty great...but he just suddenly goes and shits all over the film in the last act and turns it into one of the worst things i've ever seen



    I completely love Sunshine but I read an interview with Danny Boyle where he said they came very close to using Coldplay's Fix You during the climactic scene, can you imagine how bad it could have been?

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