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Knob Twiddlers
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Posts posted by tec

  1. 12 Years A Slave - Hard going but worthwhile, the lady sat next to me was literally crying through the entire thing. It's frustrating when people eat during most films but seeing a queue outside the screen for this waiting to go in with buckets of popcorn is beyond my understanding.

  2. hQwcnYD.jpg


    stupid. i hate when movies like this resort to the characters basically explaining their entire plan half way thru the movie to- you know- remind each other what their entire motive for whatever it is they're up to is. like "hey, remember when we planned on killing people? and you said you were down with it? yes, that was 2 weeks ago when i was telling you we really need x, y and z murdered and you said you were going to help. so do your part, and i will do mine of making sure r, p and s are decapitated just like i promised i would"


    2 freshly sawed off limbs out of 10


    All very true but I find it hard to truly hate on a film where a character being chased has no choice but to dramatically jump out a window. Goes a bit Home Alone at points too.


    Where did you get your t-shirt, and is it of a good quality? I may buy it and wear it to the upcoming David Lynch all-nighter at the Prince Charles, which will be awesome.



    From Uniqlo.


    Good quality yes. Regret not buying two now as Uniqlo changes their shirt designs every few months.


    just looked at the all nighter, christ!

    you gonna be taking anything for that?


    starts at 9, five films, concluding with Inland Empire.

    Not sure I could stay awake.



    Bah, Uniqlo is the only clothes shop I physically buy from so I am sad not to have spotted this opportunity.


    I'm mainly hoping to survive on red bull and vodka, and despite being poor by working part-time in a bookshop I've also spent 12 quid on 3 bags of popcorn (belgian chocolate, goat cheese and madras curry flavour). I fear Wild at Heart but the rest should be fine.


    Where did you get your t-shirt, and is it of a good quality? I may buy it and wear it to the upcoming David Lynch all-nighter at the Prince Charles, which will be awesome.


    when is this? can i come?



    7th December, woop! Sadly they aren't playing Eraserhead but you can't have it all.


    it's a cat fishing, satan is my wife


    ^Good track or album title.



    Looking decidedly hunchbacked at Wright Brothers Oyster & Porter House at Borough Market.





    Where did you get your t-shirt, and is it of a good quality? I may buy it and wear it to the upcoming David Lynch all-nighter at the Prince Charles, which will be awesome.

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