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dr b0rk

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Everything posted by dr b0rk

  1. u have mentioned before that this festival would be not so good and I have to wholeheartedly agree. Glad you had a good time in Milano, I was there too, and hope that you find relief in that you haven’t missed anything at all by not attending c2c. the Milano variant of the current set had significantly more balls and the beautiful garden gave it pretty great acoustics, unlike the overly big Convention Center (shopping mall?) hall c2c was using in Turin. Bass response was very muddy and uneven, that super low thick hiphop stuff in the second half of the set could not deliver at all due to this. Highs were ok (line array) but due to the out of control room acoustics everything sounded too far away and a bit undifferentiated. The current set, like the ones in the last decade+ , have these same building blocks which can at times make certain twists in this or that direction, and sometimes the ensuing chaos checks out and falls into a pretty good macro groove, for example some semi-random drum bit occurring just at the right moment, and sometimes it’s a bit hit and miss, a hole in the sound where something interesting could happen. The Milano set had a much more pleasing hit/miss ratio compared to c2c, and also compared to Helsinki. Just some baller little drum fills, and very distinctly, the beautiful bit in the middle of the set with these falling bomb-drop-like sweeps, was not present in Turin. To sum up c2c itself, to get a drink you had to top up your wristband with prepaid money. My friend wanted exactly one small beer (7eur) so he topped up the minimum amount of 10eur, of which 2 were deducted as a fee. The remaining 8eur were then not enough to buy the beer, because you’d also have to deposit 2eur for the plastic cup. So he had to top up another 10eur. 11eur of his money remains in some c2c bank account at this point, and we will see whether it finds its way back out of there. This is in my opinion clearly a borderline rip off deal, counting on people being too lazy / forgetting to go to their website after the festival and filling out the Google Forms thing to reclaim your small money. after the ae, we were seeking to enjoy the place but it was not possible. The bands / DJs after ae were not good, and we could not imagine sticking around in there until later in the night where some potentially worthy acts would play, due to there not being anything to do other than stand around or walk between the two halls, and our mood dropped significantly while trying to figure out how to get our prepaid drink deposit moneys back while some mediocre techno band was making any conversation with your mates or the bar clerk near impossible. Turin is an interesting city tho, we had a grand time walking around for two days just looking at things and eating. TLDR: avoid c2c
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