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Posts posted by GORDO

  1. yeah maybe they are trying to make the show really shit so that when something half decent happens you pop a shit with suprise



    so does that mean every single corpse we see on the ground is a zombie that someone has already come along and bludgeoned or shot them in the head



    yeah i was wondering the same. anyone know?


    i think they die if they don't "feed" right? so maybe those ones didnt get some




    In the comic, as it has been pointed out, people turn into zombies when they die even if they weren't bitten or whatever. Dunno if the TV show will stick to that premise, they already diverted from the original story so who knows. I don't recall any zombie dying from starvation either so i guess that's unknown, some where even kept as pets and shit but it think they were fed.


  2. it seems like it's about time for them to throw something into the mix that hasn't been heavily done in a zombie flick before, or is this hope unfounded based on the comic book? Besides aliens, what else happens in the comic book that is unique for a post apocalyptic zombie story?


    i know i've already mentioned this but i feel like we've gone through literally every pre 90s Romero story stye so far.


    comic has 89 issues and counting so a lot. it's mostly about people going crazy.

  3. yeah, what will happen if a bitllionaire starts hoarding all the bitcoins, he could have 20million of them and then hold them back until their value increases to a ridiculous ammount.




    i suppose it is inflation, but a more welcome inflation because it's a predictable rate.


    as opposed to the american way of inflating where our reserve just prints the shit when whenever for whatever,

    whether it fucks anyone over or not


    that's not really how it works.

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