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Knob Twiddlers
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Posts posted by BobDobalina

  1. Maybe the People's Court, or Night Court?



    My schadenfreude be gettin it's popcorn ready 


    Would it be possible that he will make a new healthcare system that is actually really great and social and better than Obamacare? Not as an act of humanity but because he can call it "TrumpCare" then and imagines himself to be seen as a saint in the future. He'd have his monument and it would be for the better of the American society. I hope that.


    For a few fleeting seconds I too wondered whether, in feeding his insatiable narcissism, that he might seek to do something a a means to a end (that of an enduring legacy) that would - purely as a byproduct - actually achieve a greater social benefit.  Then I saw this clip of an interview a while back where he responded to the interviewer's question about gawd (hint: the answer to your question is no)



  2. lol, what's it even like there? Any recent advances the fart chamber science?


    From time to time I have to do tech support for my parents and it does my fucking head in.  This is fam too so I don't pull any punches, freely prefacing many an explanation with a "now pay attention here, I'm not explaining this shit again,"  And of course they're like "yep," and with their glazed over eyes I can tell their rapidly receding minds are doing the calculus of "will I need this knowledge again before I die," invariably arriving at x = fuck it.  Thanks Apple for making the elder generation completely computer illiterate by expecting things to "just work."     




    Trump signs executive order requiring that for every one new regulation, two must be revoked




    that was actually something he promised to do before he became president.


    oh btw: check out this gossip: https://bgr.com/2017/01/30/donald-trump-vs-white-house-rogues/



    Christ, those rogue tweets, fucked up if even 1/4 true

  4. Christ, IQ isn't even a real metric for adults, I realize there are ways of shoehorning adult intelligence back into an IQ, but it was always intended to measure the ratio of mental age to actual age in children.  So in Trump's case, giving him a mental age of 10 (and we're being generous here, I'm just going off the fact that he speaks at a 3rd grade level) yields an IQ of (10/70)*100 = 14.  The president has an IQ of 14.


    Also, I'm p sure Grover Cleveland's administration (2nd one, not the first, lol) had the highest IQ ever.


    alternative facts 




    Funny how she pulls the victim card towards the end after dodging his question. "The press are being mean! They need to stop!" She takes after her master doesn't she.


    When Trumplets don't agree with facts, they can simply slap the "Fake News" button. Tempted to quote A Few Good Men.


    Satan must be so proud of her

  6. Doesn't change the fact that the dingleberries off my arse are more qualified for these positions then most of em


    Good on yer boss Josh.  Most of my generation (probably hers and yours too) were taught that it's impolite to discuss politics in certain venues, and I'm somewhat encouraged by how people are realizing that we can no longer afford this luxury, b/c if you leaving the issues to the media and comment board netizens blowing hot air leads to nothing but poo soup.

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