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Knob Twiddlers
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Posts posted by BobDobalina

  1. Get your popcorn and penis pills ready, Smoochie's got it out for Prince Rebus:





    Where Abraham Lincoln had his famous "team of rivals" in his administration, this is something different. Trump White House seems more akin to the final scene in Reservoir Dogs, where everyone is yelling and pointing a gun at someone else, and there's a good chance no one is going to come out unscathed.

  2. Trump is literally throwing more money at it and cutting personal on the basis of petty discrimination. The decision is like watching someone walking into a house on fire and saying "we need to fix that crooked picture on the wall."


    Apt analogy.  This is all so very, very fucking stupid.


    I think the right way to cut spending would be to close all bases overseas, and focus strictly on a self-defense role, like Japan. No more dropping-bombs-on-civilians-in-the-Middle-East bullshit.


    M-I Complex: "No."

  3. it was probably close to water, to be fair.


    Yep, TBF coors light is swill for the NFL-loving mildly retarded.  Still blows my mind that when I lived in Dublin in the late ))<>((s (00s), it'd be on tap at most pubs as a premium import and a pint would cost more than a pint of Guinness (wtf)

  4. Maybe it's the nitrous talking, but right now I can't handle the fact that the profile info next to diatoms' posts lists him as having 200-something posts and 1 topics.  Shouldn't it be 1 topic?  I seem to remember it being 1 topic but now I'm not so sure.


    Anyone here ever shop at a Hot Topic?  I haven't and would love to know what it's like.



  5. I personally don't worship anyone and can easily get at someone else if that would level your worldview in my case. You mean Squarepusher, who else are these tons? I could call names at Tom, like an asshole for example, yet i perceive his usual tone as mostly informed and competent, though unnecessary. Me, i was called a cunt on here and OK with that type of reaction.


    As for Actress, he just talks bullshit after bullshit constantly reminding of his artistic outlook and sensibility, so it just feels natural to call him a bitch. My scepticism began to grow perhaps when he called AFX god on twitter and followed it by praising his label protegee Zomby as being better than AFX. I'm OK with both assumptions on their own but not in combination.


    I mean it can't be really asserted with evidence that someone is a bitch. I can only envy you that you don't see him as a bitch, because all in all i'm interested in his output and my impression of him as a bitch doesn't help.


    Sorry that you we're called a cunt on watmm (unless it was deserved, then apology withdrawn ). Sarcasm aside though, thanks for replying with the anecdote about AFX/Zomby, which is the kind of tangible example I was looking for.  A bit absurd to compare the two innit, esp. when most all I know about the latter is that he's been called out for some blatant plagiarism and has lame-ass album titties like "where were u in '92?" when the answer was clearly "in yer mom;" stupid shit that effectively prejudices me from ever checking out any of his stuff, no matter how good it might be.  TBH the only reason I don't consider Actress a bitch is precisely what you said, all I'm interested in is the output, not interviews 'n shit.  And I'm okay with dude being a little pretentious (or self-indulgent as Sweeps better characterizes it) for the reason that it often comes part and parcel with vision in an artist.


    Cos we're all RACIST...


    In all seriousness, I don't mind his pretentiousness one bit, I wouldn't even call that pretentious, just self-indulgent (which I don't consider a bad thing at all). I wish more artists were like that, wide-eyed, full of wonder, and speaking a language of their own design, I would trust their aesthetics more. I just wasn't getting grabbed by it (so far) like I was by R.I.P which was incredibly self-indulgent and imo also beautiful and even spiritual.


    Lol, wasn't going there but on a certain level it probably exists amongst some lesser evolved primates, even in teh IDMx.  Thumbs up as to rest of post, though right now I'm probably digging AZD more (than you, not R.I.P) despite some of it's eccentricities.  I remember reading some early presser BS about the album being influenced by 80s NY graffiti artist & MC Rammelzee, only to finally hear it and there be a track sampling Rammelzee talking about Rammelzee. It does evolve into a pretty badass track though and one of my faves on this.     


    I admit that Squarepusher rubs me a bit the wrong way with his diatribes but he does make some good points too. I just think he's got a bit more ego, less humility, has some kind of chip on his shoulder about being misunderstood which makes him come off as kind of bitter at times. Maybe I'm projecting onto it though.


    Lol agin, didn't mean to bring TJ into the fray but he was first to come to mind.  I'm also able to look past his musings & ego because he has made some brill stuff over the years (like HND, Go Plastic, Venus 17), but also some total wank, esp. the more recent stuff. 

  6. Can you expound on that? Cuz from what little that i've read or heard in interviews the worst thing that I can see being leveled at him is that he comes off a bit pretentious. So are tons of other artists worshipped on here and I don't see them getting called a bitch (unless that's Andy's character in the Shoeballadeers)


    As for this album its grown on me nicely, I'd rate it a notch higher than Ghettoville

  7. Interesting. It seems to me that every mainstream news company does this. Selective editing, spin, etc.. Personally I don't trust any of them much.


    Yeah, they all suck. I was so disgusted with how little coverage Bernie got, and how negative the coverage he received was.


    I'm so sick of having to read between the lines, guessing which stories are grounded in fact and which are being crammed down my throat by powerful interests. I feel like the people watching the news in V for Vendetta. It really is an illustration of manufactured consent like Chomsky talks about.


    Yeah CNN sucks, but so does FUX news and every other 24-hr bile regurgitator.  This is life in the disinfomation age unfortunately.  Facts, logic, and objective reality are all out the window (b/c really, who has time to think when someone can just do it for you?  Plus it's hard and my brain hurts after), and if any trustworthy, unbiased sources of news ever existed, they certainly aren't around these days.  Turn on your bullshit filter and keep it well oiled.


    The Russian narrative is complete bullshit


    would love to know how you arrived at this

  8. Just biked in (armed to the teeth) to say I've thoroughly enjoyed getting to know this album over the past few weeks.  Esp. the 2nd disc which is a real trip.  As a gen-y-er there are defiantly some chilling side FX afoot when making its acquaintance some 20-years on.


    Oh and this is my fucking jam






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