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Knob Twiddlers
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Posts posted by BobDobalina

  1. ^ that's gud


    How about instead of wondering whether or not it's fascism (probably more along the lines of corporatism) you have to worry about, you citizens of the USA get out there and demand impeachment of a president-elect who is too busy to receive intel briefings but not too busy to tweet about the ratings of a TV show.


    Timely seeing as now he's Butthurt by Merrill Streep*


    * Butthurt by Merrill Streep would make a great name for a perfume or cologne actually


    Fascism, oligarchy, kleptocracy, kektocracy, whatever, some of us are indeed demanding removal of Fucktard in Chief, my wife and I have been getting involved in at the local level and she's going to be traveling with a group to DC for the million women's march in a couple of days.  Media and politics on the whole have been trading in bullshit for decades, but the amplification and polarization we're seeing has turned the playing field upside down, and it's dangerous.  When tribalism and incendiary rhetoric start to trump objective facts/reality and basic human decency, we indeed have a problem.


    Sorry that my soul can't rest when there's an unprecedentedly dishonest, ignorant and hateful person soon to ascend to the highest office in the land.

  2. always amuses me how limited the understanding of what globalisation and globalism means.


    Yeah, this is hilarious, especially when you extrapolate out current trends to their consequences!


    (j/k, I realize you're not being literal here but you're right)


    Let's face it, you and I can see through the game and who's-zoomin-who, but the older I get the more I realize just how poorly informed and equipped for critical thought the average person is - and that's just the average joe too, half the populace are less capable.  When the shit gets shittier, nationalism and boogiemen are easy sells.


    ...elderly man in front of me just ripped a massive loud, dgaf fart

    I just played a DGAF chord progression on the guitar to see what that might sound like. It's a surprisingly uncommon progression considering how basic those chords are. Not at all what I would have expected from flatulence.

    Tbqh it was microtonal in nature, buried within the sphinctal reverberations and heightened by the in-store acoustics of my local CVS. I believe this is what Autechre were going for with Draft 7.30

  4. ^ Uh oh, looks like someone's got a case of the Mun-days!


    The music video for "Robert De Niro's Waiting..." was directed by Duncan Gibbins and shows Bananarama walking around dark streets, possibly followed by mafia-style clothed men. When it gets to the bridge part of the song, Bananarama member Sara Dallin is shown running along, looking behind her as if being followed: As the video winds down, Sarah and the other two members of Bananarama, Siobhan Fahey and Keren Woodward, are back in their apartment, when the door bell rings. Keren answers the door, only to be confronted by the man who might have been chasing them, armed with a Mafia-style violin case. As she looks nervously at him, the case falls open to reveal a sign saying "Pizza Delivery", along with three pizzas. Both the man and Keren start laughing, and the video ends with Bananarama in their apartment eating the pizza and laughing.


    And the problem is?

  5. every country has some mass market beer that's over marketed and promoted.  australia has a few and then they have some they only market to USA and don't sell in Australia.. like fosters.. lol.. that stuff is shit. but so is VB!


    I remember living in Dublin and being dumbfounded at how a pint of Coors Fucking Light (the Fox News of shitty American beer) cost more than a pint of Guinness.  I also learned that Newcastle Brown Ale, which enjoys "classy import" status here in the US isn't held in such high esteem over there.


    everyone has a favorite cheap beer.


    Before being was diagnosed celiac I used to be quite the connoisseur of such cheapish, "beer-flavored" beers.  Narragansett and Yuengling being two particular favorites.


    Wow, didn't even see that follow up post.  Celiac brofist!  I drink mostly whisky now.

  6. Earlier today I read about how in Minnesota a manufacturing plant with 18/hr entry level positions literally can't find people to work there. 40 positions need to be filled and it has nothing to do with the overqualified/under-qualified issues normally cited. It's decent pay and the exact kind of job Trump claims is disappearing to places overseas. But it's way more complicated that that People won't work it because it's not a 9-5 job, don't want to live in the town it's located at, no help with childcare or transportation, etc.A lot more is needed in this country regarding social welfare and job benefits: mandatory paid paternity leave and subsidized childcare, universal healthcare, lower taxes for lower middle-class households, etc.


    There's very little incentive for single unemployed people to find work or families to have two instead of one working adults when the cost of actually going to work (transportation, childcare, healthcare, rent, etc) is so fucking high. My wife and I for example pay $1000+ for daycare every month (and we're lucky, it's usually $1500+ for most facilities in our area as nice the one we managed to get a spot at) so it's like literally a question of whether one of us should quit our career in order to raise a kid. It's a huge catch-22. It's a major reason why so many are underemployed or unemployed, working under the table, living with parents, on unemployment pay or some other form of welfare, etc.


    Yeah shit like this barely ever enters the public discourse and it's fucking annoying.  Here in the northeast there are literally help wanted signs everywhere, albeit for what are essentially unskilled, go-nowhere, minimum wage (or close to it) positions.  Like seriously, wtf do you expect <insert derogatory term for poor people here> to do when the choice is between working a register at Wallgreens vs. welfare?  It's the same shitty standard of "living" either way (cellphones, cigarettes, Nike Airs, etc.) except with the latter you don't have to actually work.  Raising the minimum wage isn't a cure-all but at the same time this isn't rocket science either.


    I feel you Josh on the catch-22 part, my wife and I are both hard-working professionals and, even for gainfully employed people of our generation the systematic incentives are perverted to say the least.  Along with pretty much all our friends that have kids, we have no fucking clue as to how we'll afford ours a decent education for living and working in the 21st century.  What's the point of making more money, saving, etc. if you're just going to have everything taken from you at the financial aid window?


    Speaking of which, Brown University is one of the worst bastions of the liberal hypocrite education-industrial complex.  Good lecture though.

  7. It's lush as fuck walking around the woods to play in the early mornings. No one is around and the dew is still covering everything. My friends and I are kind of addicted. We play 54+ holes some days.


    Yeah disc golf + nice weather is the lushness.  It's addictive alright too, though if I played 54 holes in a day my arm would probably fall off!


    And C-Bran it's definitely an American thing, and it's only really become popular in the last 20 years or so.  When I was a kid we'd play what was basically the made-up version of it, where everyone would have an ordinary disc and you'd just improvise each hole, agreeing on the next target like a tree, gate or telephone pole.  I know Ultimate is catching on at Unis over there so I probably only a matter of time before it makes its way on over.  Until then kick back and just blaze my man.


    U play Rubes?

  8. lol, those are awesome


    Wow, you'd think a forced day away from watmm would've allowed the jets to cool, but no!  It was definitely 1 of 2 people (lead guitar or bass) but it really doesn't matter, the former's Aspie's AF, alcoholic and gets enough of the blowdryer from the missus (our female vocalist :emotawesomepm9:*), and the latter is a Jeb Bush-level mess, been laid off for over a year and is ubering like 50 hrs a week to make ends meet.


    We've been together for 3 years now, gig locally about once a month, and I really like the entire crew, but man we are flawed individually and collectively.  Essentially the dudes are all talented but undisciplined fucks





    *They're also in a destructive relationship that's not going to end well, but hey now!

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