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Everything posted by Squee

  1. It's 'cause they made the game multiplayer only - there isn't really a way to "slow down time" for just you and have it work with an online setup. Same problem that, incidentally, was a challenge for this game (one of my faves - wish they would make it back compat on Xbone): Some games make "slow mo bubbles" so anyone who's inside that bubble experiences the slow mo as well. I think they did that for the Max Payne 3 multiplayer mode as well.
  2. I feel you. Two times a year I go nuts on Asos and it feels so nice when I receive a stack of new clothes - which then starts to deteriorate after 2 weeks. Yay for cheap clothing!
  3. My first release is almost sold out in little over a week
  4. Sueing video game companies is the best. Remember Jack Thompson?
  5. So I may have played around 8 hours of Red Dead Redemption last night. Playing that game in huge chunks is so much better than playing it one hour at a time. That game is so much fucking fun and the story, characters, acting, music, graphics, and missions are all god damn amazing.
  6. Just read a bunch about the tribe/people on the North Sentinel Island where that idiot was killed a couple of days ago. In case you missed it, some missionary moron decided to row to a remote island to teach people about Jesus and got fucking murdered. He got what was coming for him. But reading up on the island, the people who have visited, what the tribe has gone through is really interesting and I would consider it as a stupid first world achievement to have read up on it. https://www.nytimes.com/2018/11/23/world/asia/andaman-missionary-john-chau.html?module=inline https://www.nytimes.com/2018/11/22/world/asia/andaman-sentinelese-missionary.html?action=click&module=inline&pgtype=Article https://www.nytimes.com/2018/11/24/world/asia/north-sentinel-island-missionary-killed.html The Primrose, a ship that ran aground on the island back in 1981, was left there and the tribe has since used the metal from the ship to create weapons which can be seen in one of the videos that was recorded from the island in the 90s. The remains of the ship can still be found on Google Maps https://www.google.com/maps/place/11%C2%B035'36.7%22N+92%C2%B012'45.2%22E/@11.593517,92.2111007,592m/data=!3m2!1e3!4b1!4m14!1m7!3m6!1s0x30863a35c7c1b4e1:0x22f2e4fd1e2aa9c5!2sNorth+Sentinel+Island!3b1!8m2!3d11.5503652!4d92.2335066!3m5!1s0x0:0x0!7e2!8m2!3d11.5935169!4d92.2125682
  7. I might be nitpicking but I read somewhere it's actually fake hdr. Like nier automata on the xbox I read about it as well and listened to someone talk about it on a podcast, and my response is... does it matter? It's still the most gorgeous looking game ever made.
  8. The Ballad of Buster Scruggs Started out great! Then THAT story showed two thirds of the way through the movie and I lost all concentration.
  9. I think that's how you become a bigshot. Just talk. Nonstop. It doesn't have to make sense. As long as you talk nonstop and put on a very confident facade you'll make it. My old boss was like that. He had all the alpha-male tendencies of interrupting people, talking louder than everyone else, looking at you as if he was disgusted, patting people on the shoulder and back which exhibits dominance, and so on. Also, his English was absolutely terrible, but he would go out of his way to correct people if he could.
  10. The whole Todd Howard-hate thing is ridiculous. Sure, he's the director of the games and is the face of Bethesda, but I'm pretty sure he's not the one who says, "alright, it's half-baked, let's make some money!"
  11. And probably one of the most appalling and least charming individuals ever.
  12. s'ok, i'm next on the chopping block I just ran my trimmer though my hair. Feels amazing. No hair for the win! NICE!!!
  13. I've been thinking about getting back to that game. Now I have to. The dev has just recently his second game, Return of the Obra Dinn. I bought it but haven't played it yet.
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