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Everything posted by Squee

  1. I just had the worst kebab. My stomach is already acting up.
  2. lol So I'm going to free associate here for a second... I was having a conversation with myself not long ago and started wondering about the following... let's say no one had ever tasted soda before and someone came up to you with a glass of Fanta Orange or Lemon or something and you didn't know what it was supposed to taste like. Would you then be able to identify the taste they were going for or do sodas actually taste nothing like the fruits they're saying it tastes like?
  3. Christ. Good thing nothing happened to you. Since I’ve started biking everywhere I’ve figured out that most people shouldn’t be driving.
  4. GT is the most sterile racer. It's like driving around in a hospital.
  5. Anyone seen that Electric Dreams series? Some of it looks cool whereas some of it looks like terrible Black Mirror knock-offs
  6. Holy crap, that stereo you have on your shelf... my best friend got the exact same one back in 1999. And I also bought a new tv a couple of weeks ago. A 55” inch 4K Sony tv with HDR. Everything on it looks fucking stunning! Them colors!
  7. lol But I love the fact that James Hetfield has dubbed all of Aquaman's dialogue.
  8. Blade Runner 2049 Pretty good for a Hollywood blockbuster movie. I enjoyed it.
  9. No, that’s fucking success right there. Order take out all 9 days.
  10. Here's my new fetish... I'll watch these videos but slowed down to 0.5 and with automatic subtitles on
  11. I meant for from a gameplay perspective. It looks so incredibly bland and the style is ridiculous beyond belief. “Aw yeah, my gun is a dick monster that I feed with teeth and then I put it into a hole uuurgh vagina penis rib cages and shit”. It’s the least discreet version of a HR Giger inspired style.
  12. I slept like a baby. Woke up in the middle of night and thought and realised it wasn't time to get up and went back to sleep. It feels like I've slept for 90 hours. Plus, autumn is officially here.
  13. Do it yourself. Cutting your own hair is way easier than you’d think
  14. I'm in a bad fucking mood. It all started out with some dick commenting on a mix I did for a TV commercial which put me a bad light. Fuck.
  15. o___________________________o
  16. Yeah - two more weeks and I'm done with 2 big projects. I'm planning on going to Berlin with my girlfriend. LOL!
  17. Woke up feeling sick. Felt like I was gonna throw up. I think it’s because I’ve been too busy lately. I’ve had deadlines chasing my ass the last 9 months. I actually woke up because of a work related email. I then go back to sleep to sleep another hour and then I dream about sound design and music. I wake up, take a shower. As I’m showering I receive an email from a client who’s not quite convinced by some music I’ve made. Awesome. I then start working on a commercial and make a plan of what needs to be recorded. I go to a parking basement to record some ambience and then I drop my phone. Everything seems fine but when I get home I noticed the glass is slightly cracked at the bottom. I finish working on the sound design and I’m pretty happy about it. But I haven’t asked my client what channel the commercial will be showed on because I’m afraid I don’t know the audio specs. So I’m just gonna hold my breath, master it according to EBU R128 -23dB and hope for the best. Fuck. I haven’t had a break in 12 months.
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