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Everything posted by Squee

  1. Is that one of those fancy mechanical keyboards Osc? The typing keyboard I mean. They're sexy, I'd love to try one. Mmmmmm look at that NN-19 (: Don't think I've ever heard your music, Oscillik?
  2. You REALLY have to watch the whole thing. It's my most watched movie in 2014. I watched it 4 times. Water story, Mork.
  3. LOL http://www.independent.co.uk/arts-entertainment/films/news/american-sniper-fake-baby-mocked-on-twitter-as-bradley-coopers-child-fails-to-convince-9989923.html
  4. Man, I wish I was strong enough to get pardoned from work. EDIT: HAhaha, he has never slept? Fuck! Allah be praised. It's a gift.
  5. Not yet. I'm not getting a dog until I have the spare time to train it properly and take care of it. But holy shit, I want one so badly.
  6. Found Assassin's Creed: Unity for the price of three pizzas, so I bought it. I still regret it.
  7. Miami Connection Was hoping for something similar to The Room, but it wasn't as good/bad. This scene though: 7/10 Then I watched The Orphanage because I remember it scaring the living shit out of me. Turns out a lot of years has passed and that it felt more like a fantasy story than a horror movie. 6/10
  8. I was just about to post something similar to this. The acting was so terrible.
  9. I thought they hadn't released anything from Doom 4 yet? There was that one time only screening for idSoftware fans and that was it, right?
  10. I love robbing stores in first person - and then shoot the clerk in the face.
  11. Sweet mother of lol, I've been telling myself I needed to see this for ages every time I'd see something from the film crop up here and there. Finally got round to it and nearly shit myself laughing. BUYING THIS ON DVD oh hi denny I did naat hit her. I did naat. Oh hi Mark/Mork.
  12. Haven't played it but it just doesn't seem like THAT BIG MARIO GAME that gets a 98 on Metacritic. But the N64 got Mario 64, the GameCube got Super Mario Sunshine (uuuurgh), and the Wii had Super Mario Sunshine so I guess the Wii U has to settle with a smaller and inferior Mario game just like the Gamecube
  13. flol, i've watched like 8 of these now LOL
  14. We're still missing that one big spiritual successor to Mario Galaxy and 64, right?
  15. if you plan on watching stuff on your pc they do the job sufficiently b4 any b-ray releases get out.....for higher-def special fx-laden stuff less so and FUCK dropping £10 on cinema entry PLUS drinks/munch (another tenner) when i've paid through the nose for records/cd's/dvd's down thru the years Fuck paying for food too, right? Been doing that shit for years, right? LOL. Idiot.
  16. HA! Also, the lack of sound freaked me out...
  17. A whole bunch of nothing. I think Leonardo diCaprio was attached at one point...
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