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Everything posted by Squee

  1. Alright, let's get this trainwreck back on track! Did I mention that I watched Leviathan already? Man, what a boring movie. It had its moments but overall it was a fucking snorefest.
  2. Oh shit, I just remembered we can ban people from specific topics... Do you hear that? No? Perfect!
  3. Inherent Vice 7/10 I'm a big fan of PTA. There Will Be Blood is on my Top 3. I knew going in that it was going to be a chaotic story and wouldn't make that much sense, but unlike the rest of his movies I didn't care about this one one bit and I haven't given it a thought since I watched it last night. It seems more like an experiment to see if he can still make a movie which is rich on characters even though each character has about 4 minutes of screentime. Anyway, it didn't do it for me.
  4. *Watches 30 year old film, wonders why there isn't anything new in it* Feels stupid. Well, it was so praised and all. I had good faith for the movie, but halfway of it, you really knew what was going to happen. The plot was boring, there was nothing new. Well I guess it can't be helped, cos it's an oldie. I felt the same way when I first watched it back in...1999 or thereabout. But for some reason I kept going back to it. It took me 10 years or so but now it's a classic in my book. I can see why the movie wasn't a success when it came out because it's really quite slow paced, but the universe is fully fleshed and believable.
  5. We really need to get him to do a WATMM script reading. Frankly, that sounds like a flaw in game design. Never played it, though. I played Bad Company 2 back when it was hot, so I think some of my experience from that game carried over to BF4. Or maybe I was just being lucky.
  6. I will, I will... but I need to find a good singer... and they're fucking hard to find. Everyone sounds the same. I'm pretty sure I've figured out what the problem is. This particular singer expends a lot more air than normal when he sings. The problem can be replicated by blowing into the mic. For him, it consistently happens during harsh plosive sounds, regardless of volume. This leads me to believe the capsules on both my condenser mics need cleaning. The fact that it's a problem on both at around the same time is a bad coincidence. He and have done a lot of recording prior to this without incident. The far worse coincidence is the electrical fire in my board immediately after troubleshooting the mic. (We're using a completely different board now and getting the same problem.... no circuits burning just yet. He's renting a different mic, which should solve the problem until mine get cleaned.) Man, that's weird. So harsh plosives sounds made the signal cut off?
  7. After the Hardline beta I decided to try some BF4 multiplayer. I bought the game when I got the XBone, but never bothered with it. So I played a couple of matches and I fucking wrecked the place. Being a Rank 4 n00b destroying people who have been playing for little over a year felt great.
  8. Announcer: "Next time on AMC's The Walking Dead..." "Hey, let's stay in the woods."
  9. Hehehe, I've got something planned so it shouldn't be too long :) EDIT: I just remembered I once uploaded this teaser on Youtube and never did anything with it, so here you go...
  10. You should without a doubt report him. Did anyone else see him do it? What a fucking prick.
  11. basically he crushed me against a desk in my chair. with a normal person this may not be a big deal, but the guy's build like a brick shit house so it fucking hurt. i don't think he really meant to hurt me but he did (this is the only reason i didn't report it). but the guys been getting in my face ever since. But he did it on purpose, right?
  12. HAHAHAHAH! The distortion makes it perfect!
  13. He assaulted you at work? What the fuck? Have you reported this? What happened? Well, here are some more First World Work Problems: I'm working on "something-something-I-can't-say-what-it-is-sound-design" at work. I'm about to bust a fucking nut over this. Sure, I may have forgotten to add a tiny little fucking detail to some of the recordings, which would take about 1 minute to fix, but instead the client sends an email to my boss about it and wants a meeting about it. And it makes me look like the fucking sinner here. My girlfriend walked in the door a couple of hours ago and this shit made me act like a negative asshole. I feel like an ass now. EDIT: The meeting ended up being not so bad.
  14. You can get it pretty cheap here http://www.kinguin.net/
  15. It's almost as if the internet has reached an agreement on how to edit YouTube videos in the worst of ways.
  16. Well... http://www.engadget.com/2015/02/03/joystiq-x-engadget/
  17. Sound engineer jokes by Squee: the spoken word album I live to give
  18. Maybe that guy is constantly out of phase and cancels himself out? Does he talk?
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