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Everything posted by Squee

  1. Worth it! It kinda overstays its welcome, but it's a solid game.
  2. EDIT: How the fuck do we implement Facebook videos on this forum? Fuckit. https://www.facebook.com/video.php?v=10153099908906049
  3. Haha, the argument of the century. But no, seriously... it was. It was so bad. Shockingly bad. I always feel like burning down the place when I remember that movie. It's an insult to an otherwise great (not counting Resurrection and the AvP movies) movie franchise. Movies have for a long time had a tendency to be just like games. Movies are no longer about the little things. It's always about saving mankind or something similarly epic. Also, this one tries to be deep. Oh so deep. It’s not an intelligent movie that was chopped up. It’s a dumb movie that keeps telling you how deep it is. It kinda reminded me of my younger cousin who I had the privilege to talk to yesterday. He has reached the age of 16 where he thinks he's an adult, has an opinion about everything you can have an opinion about, thinks he knows more than anyone else at the table, but nothing he says makes any actual sense. He's just a dumb teenager. You know what...? This movie is kinda like a dumb teenager. It doesn't even know what it's doing most of the time. It tries to fit in all these classic cliches but with absolutely no build-up or pay-off. Was it supposed to be a big surprise that Weyland was Charlize Theron's dad? If yes, then I don't get it. There was absolutely no pay-off to that "twist". Also, why the fuck did the Engineers lead them to that planet to find them only to completely demolish their asses as soon as they woke up? And another thing... why was there a Xenomorph mural on ship when the Xenomorph hadn't even been created yet? The behavior in the movie was all script, but had no basis in what people are actually like. So, you just gave birth to an alien squid? Maybe... tell someone? Anyone? I wonder how many changes Damon Lindelof made to the script and if the script actually made any sense before his changes? Because to me it seems like two totally different movies in one movie. You know what, I'll download the original script (it was called Paradise or something), read it on the airplane and then get back to this thread once I'm done... You know what I thought was the funniest stupid thing? The zombie guy that apparently walked like a crab all the way to the ship. Why did he walk like a crab and then just move like a person after that? Fuck that movie.
  4. Interstellar is nothing like Prometheus. They may have the same solid aesthetics, but that is where the comparisons stop.
  5. Max Payne 3 was fucking great! People complained about Brazil being bright and not having the dark edge of the noir-like view on NY had in the first two, but on the contrary, I think the realism 3 presented and the situation's contrast to the bright colors really highlighted just how dark the story really was. Plus, it wasn't all sunshine and bright colors anyways, despite being in Brazil. The NY flashback chapter was well done also and a nice homage to the first two games. You're absolutely right
  6. Max Payne is fucking great! It's very different style-wise from the rest of the games in series, but it's a much needed breath of fresh air. It's one of the few games from last gen I've completed 2 (maybe 3) times.
  7. Hahaha, I can't tell if that's a joke or not. But those three games are basically all the same game. FarCry4 is good though.
  8. it's all fun and games till someone gets hit by a plane... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nu7hCoc9X5Y PS. The guy was somehow ok.
  9. yeah it has a built in level editor. I guess you have to finish the game first? or maybe it's a command line parameter that you have to run to get into it edit: apparently the level editor part isn't finished yet! that's kinda not cool, considering that the game was already delayed at least once. Would you rather they released a buggy piece of shit?
  10. That is Cliff Curtis from Sunshine http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0193295/?ref_=tt_cl_t8
  11. is this guy a "bear" ? He's a baby boomer behemoth, which is mightier than a bear. Those are some sad nipples @ 4:03
  12. I really didn't like that kid from Whiplash. He could have been Shia LeBeuf and Mark Zuckerberg's love child.
  13. Looks like it's scared as fuck
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