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Everything posted by Squee

  1. I'm not sure solid is the right word for it. What I think happened was that stuff happened which is something new for The Walking Dead. The compositing still sucks ass and I still don't care about anyone on the show. The black girl is really cute.
  2. Demos of two tracks I'm working on
  3. That's awesome! I'm gonna go buy that RIGHT NOW! :)
  4. The new Moesgaard or? I want to go there at some point. Inside that is, already walked around on top of the building like some idiot. Looks cool! Oh, and grats! Exactly :) I've been there a couple of times already and it's beautiful, but I haven't seen any of the exhibitions in action, so I'm gonna head out there next week or something. I wanted to go to the opening, but the security was insane so I stayed home. Plus, I'm more interested in seeing how kids react to the exhibitions.
  5. So, I haven't really been around WATMM that much lately because I've been ridiculously busy. 9 months ago I was asked if I would make the music for a permanent exhibition for a new HUGE prehistoric museum. Here 9 months later I'm finally done with the sound designs for 7 animated short films, 15 minutes of classical/ambient music that plays constantly in like 1/3 of the museum, and another exhibition that I don't know that much about. 4 days before the museum opened I was asked to make the music and sound design for a documentary about one of the biggest attractions at the museum. While working on all of this I was hired at a company, which means I've been working around 17 hours a day for the past 3 months. So I'm kinda tired now. But the museum just opened and apparently the Queen showed up. I'm kinda proud. Also, this might explain why I haven't replied to any PMs over the last couple of months. Sorry about that.
  6. Man, you can be a real asshole sometimes.
  7. HAHAHAHAAHAHAHA!!!!!! Holy shit... I know what I'm doing tonight.
  8. I've decided I'm gonna get a bull terrier. Fuck the haters.
  9. Good question. Japanese games has always been console games and they basically dominated that market in the 90s and early 00s. When developers found out how to make fairly decent controls for shooters on consoles everything shifted and the PC shooters were now part of the console experience ehich then slowly pushed the Japanese games over the edge. And instead of looking at the market and then at themselves Japanese developers kept on doing what they'd been doing for so many years. And look where they are now. ...at least that's my theory.
  10. Started and finished a sound design for a short film yesterday and the customer loved it. *dusts off hands*
  11. ...hmmm, how come his voice gets picked up by the mic when he's fucking about the last couple of seconds? Faek!
  12. Watched Aliens last night. I remembered that movie being fucking awesome, but... it's not. It was actually quite boring. Alien on the other hand, now there's a movie!
  13. Also, the Destiny beta was a bit of snore-fest. Didn't really do anything for me. I danced for a bit and then some 12-year-old started shooting at me. Fuck online gaming.
  14. Not really "art", but I made the music for this [vimeo]105388899[/vimeo]
  15. https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=R-eGDyaOYpE
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