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Everything posted by Squee

  1. ouch, sorry hope your pee parts heal soon It has also caused a fucking hardcore fever and back pain. Also, my skin hurts. there's... there's a doctor involved here, right? kidneys are srs bizniz Yeah, I called my doctor yesterday morning and his secretary told me to stop by his office as soon as possible. Then they kept me for an hour and half because they kinda freaked out, when they discovered that I had a high fever even though I had taken two pain killers. I wish I had taken my temperature the day before that, because my girlfriend tells me that she thinks I was slightly above 104 F. I was burning up. But yeah, I've been prescribed some pills now and my peepee already feels a lot better. Still a tiny bit sore, though. And my head hurts from time to time.
  2. ouch, sorry hope your pee parts heal soon It has also caused a fucking hardcore fever and back pain. Also, my skin hurts.
  3. Nice! I was thinking about buying the Volca Keys as well, but I wasn't 100% sure about it. But playing with the Volca Bass has convinced me that these are excellent machines!
  4. Guess what I just bought ;D
  5. I liked the twist thing at the end but the rest of it was shit. I thought it was pretty entertaining for what it was. I mean, you know exactly what you're in for when you sit down and watch a Paranomal Activity movie: lots of scenes where you think something is going to happen but then nothing happens and a couple of jumpscares here and there. I liked the church scene and Also, you guys... The Black Swan sucked.
  6. Get a pen and hundreds of sheets of paper ready and start taking notes. Even if you don't know why.
  7. http://youtu.be/mPcSubARfqU BRAMON CREPE!
  8. 12 Monkeys on a train... that's a really good description. I should add that to my description of Snowpiercer which goes like Hunger Games meets Charlie and the Chocolate Factory meets Under Siege 2
  9. http://kotaku.com/sony-announces-doesnt-announce-the-last-of-us-for-ps4-1552832234 But yeah, it's probably gonna get released for PS4.
  10. What have they DONE!?!?! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nCjsWpM9zFU
  11. What? No, The story was written by Gary Whitta and M Night Shallamalladingdong. It's quite funny... Gary Whitta was a regular on a podcast I used to listen to and during the production and post production of the film he would constantly talk about his upcoming film. After it was released he never mentioned it again.But yeah, it was fucking terrible. no. the story was written by will smith. the screenplay was written by whitta and shallamallaballahbomb also check the video on this post where smith talks about writing the story Ah, sorry about that! :)
  12. Snowpiercer 5/10 What a fucking mess! Some of my friends have been hyping this movie the past 3 years. Sure, Joon-Ho Bong has made 2-3 good movies, so there was no reason not to be excited about this one. But what a trainwreck [long silence]... And Tilda Swinton? What the fucking fuck? I've watched a bunch of Korean movies and I know how quirky they can be from time to time, but that quirkiness didn't translate well into a Hollywood production. It felt like I was watching Under Siege 2 meets Charlie and the Chocolate Factory meets The Hunger Games. This movie was so full of holes:
  13. What? No, The story was written by Gary Whitta and M Night Shallamalladingdong. It's quite funny... Gary Whitta was a regular on a podcast I used to listen to and during the production and post production of the film he would constantly talk about his upcoming film. After it was released he never mentioned it again. But yeah, it was fucking terrible.
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