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Everything posted by Squee

  1. Haha, I watch it because I know how good the show can be (ie first episode, season one) and just like Lost, I'll keep watching it no matter how fucking terrible it is... Oooor... I dunno? Let's see how terrible the last episode is and we'll take it from there.
  2. Who's Lizzy? I had to watch 28 Days Later after watching last night's episode... Just to remind myself how well composed entertainment about zombies can be. Also, what the fuck is up with the sound design on this show? I'll have to find the scene I'm thinking of and upload it because...holy hell... The way they turn down the volume on all the background ambiences as soon as someone starts to talk and then immediately turns them back up again when the person stops talking is absolutely terrible. Does anyone remember Dead Set? What a great show.
  3. Been watching The Hobbit 2 over the last two days... Maaaan... Fuck. Will finish it tonight.
  4. Soooo... it's been... what? 3 years? And that girl has yet to figure out what's going on? Thank god they killed her. Also, she was a perfectly fine actress in True Detective, but in The Walking Dead she's fucking dreadful.
  5. This is the best thing I've ever seen and I'm going to post it on every page from now on... starting now.
  6. Watch Dogs comes out in April ;D I fear all the hype has killed it, though...
  7. It probably has no interest now that you've already bought the game, but the US version is region free...
  8. Oh wow, this has really gone through some changes, huh? Looks beautiful. Not a big fan of the vocal in the music, though.
  9. Oh wow... he's gotten expensive. - 40-Word Video No Image $50.00 USD We should get the 40-word video with image. That's $60. Who's up for it? I would gladly do request a video on behalf of WATMM.
  10. lol wtf yeah, that's pretty much it, I think. he had an account on Fiverr and said stuff for 5 bucks, then people from 4chan and Reddit started making requests and posting his stuff and now he's blown up and he's got his own channel. We should make a request on behalf of WATMM.
  11. Usagi, can you tell me the story behind Tyrone? Do people pay him to say stuff online? Skip to 0:45
  12. Stumbled upon this by accident http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d_hdzkZUe8s
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