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Everything posted by Squee

  1. ^ Badland The Room Year Walk Gemini Rue http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JsOr9dx9XnQ Sword & Sorcery http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uB11wIG6pZ4 Ridiculous Fishing
  2. VHS 2 - I liked the first one better... WAY better... and the first one wasn't even that good.
  3. If you're into RPGs they're supposedly some of the best... they're definitely beautiful.
  4. Please stop fucking up this thread with huge ass screenshots, when you're not even grading or commenting on the movies you've watched, MJ...
  5. came here to post this. MC Ride has finally gone off the deep end. tilted version: http://www.youtube.com/watch?NR=1&v=t-wXM4s-On4 when the cops finally approach him he calmly does a backflip, gets on his knees and puts his palms together peacefully. lol Hahahahaha!
  6. Solving cryptic messages is not the same as solving cryptic puzzles?
  7. Wow, wtf!? Ok, I'm buying whatever console that game launches on You're shit. Fez was amazing! The map was hard to understand at first, but near the end I finally understood its structure. I like how the map is sort of a puzzle in itself. Wasn't there some controversy about patching Fez on 360 was too expensive due to MicroDerp™? An update costs $50.000 $40.000 as far as I remember EDIT: price
  8. Hahahaha, I was just about to post that one! HELLO!!
  9. Over the last week I've watched Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse, Breaking Dawn Part 1 & 2 with my girlfriend. I can definitely see why these movies appeal to a young (and in some cases old) girls. I'm not saying they're good movies, but now I know what it's all about.
  10. Don't let it knock you out. It took me a while to get the map, but all of a sudden it all made sense and I have no idea why.
  11. Ohgawd, the music in Sinister was TERRIBLE! It sounded like they had taken Nick Cave and Warren Ellis' soundtrack for The Proposition and made it dark and... well, sinister... but poorly executed. It didn't fit the movie at all! Therea a little bit of boc in it. towards the end i think. That just makes it worse...
  12. Ohgawd, the music in Sinister was TERRIBLE! It sounded like they had taken Nick Cave and Warren Ellis' soundtrack for The Proposition and made it dark and... well, sinister... but poorly executed. It didn't fit the movie at all!
  13. http://fora.tv/2006/06/26/Will_Wright_and_Brian_Eno Have you guys ever watched/listened to this? It's fascinating as shit.
  14. Was it good? It was alright. Wasn't blown away by it like I was with Drive. I'm not really sure how to describe it, but it was almost as if you weren't allowed to follow the story the movie was telling. I dunno... Visually it's absolutely gorgeous and the soundtrack was pretty cool.
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