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Everything posted by Squee

  1. Room 237 (the documentary about The Shining) This is a documentary about mad people (over)analysing a mad movie. I like The Shining. Don't get me wrong. I also love reading interpretations of movies that are a bit on the crazy side. But the people in this documentary (whose faces we never see btw.) are out of their fucking minds. I don't know if this documentary is supposed to be serious or of it's like the Toddlers and Tiaras show where it actually points fingers at the people who are on the show. The theories - and in some cases "conspiracy theories" - are all over the fucking place. When some of the theories were presented, I was thinking, "sure, why not? Makes sense... kinda.", but then we got to the theories about The Shining being the film where Kubrick admits to being the one who faked the moon landing and that the guy who figured this out was now being watched by the government and so on. Holy shit balls. Or that guy who believed that it made perfect sense to watch the movie forwards and backwards at the same time and then superimpose the two screenings, because then "everything lines up!" I laughed out loud when one of the theorists said that he hadn't had a job for quite some time, because throughout most of the documentary I was thinking to myself that these guys must have a lot of spare time on their hands and that maybe they should get a job. Apart from the fucking wackjobs talking about The Shining being about the holocaust and Jack Nicholson's hair on the photo of the ball room party forms a Hitler mustache when they fade in to a close-up of his face, the documentary itself wasn't that good. Like I said, you never see any of the people who are throwing their wild theories around the room. You only hear their voices. So since you never see anyone, the only things they show are clips from the movie and these staged clips of kids from the 80s watching The Shining in a cinema over and over and over and over. Also the music was terrible. I know it was trying to be very 80s Kubrick-ian and blablabla, but it didn't work at all. Also, whoever mixed the sound ought to be shot in the foot for doing such a terrible job. I give it 5/10
  2. I know this one has been posted before but...
  3. Just another reason that makes me want a Corgi. They're fucking cute, but apparently they're quite feisty and bark a lot. English Bulldogs on the other hand... LOOKATDAT!! Bernese Mountain Dogs are awesome as well
  4. It's a 20 minute episode. So does anyone know where next season will take them and then strand them for 15 episodes? They can't possibly stay in that fucking prison any longer... can they? CAN THEY!?
  5. I have two Thai dishes in front me. One with red curry and coconut milk and the other one with green curry. Awwwww yeah...
  6. wow, just because you're old school doesn't make this dj less talented. He does a better and faster and easier job then a "turntable". Stop being full of your generation and get with the program. There's a reason turntables went out of style. They are slower, more work compared to macbooks. I really hate people who "idealize" their own generation. It's really annoying. This is a reasonable response considering Squee didn't say anything lol, i think we are loling at the giant sponge bob destroying his laptop. Yeah, I just liked the idea of a blow-up Spongebob ruining a party. ...man...
  7. wow, just because you're old school doesn't make this dj less talented. He does a better and faster and easier job then a "turntable". Stop being full of your generation and get with the program. There's a reason turntables went out of style. They are slower, more work compared to macbooks. I really hate people who "idealize" their own generation. It's really annoying. What? Was that directed at me?
  8. WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY better than the show. It actually has characters you care for.
  9. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SE62VAR4b6A KAPOYA! KAPOYA!
  10. ^HA! This is my favorite YouTube video ever.
  11. I have a free coffee at my local coffee shop, so I'll go there now. Wish me luck.
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