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Everything posted by Squee

  1. Oh no no no, you just have to get used to the free aim. I ended up finishing it a second time but on hard and with free aim. It makes killing people that more rewarding and it feels fucking excellent you fire off a single shot and it hits a Brazilian guy right in the face.
  2. Form a cup with your hand, put it over your ear, and push until you feel pressure building up. Then release. It should create some kind of vacuum that will let the water flow out...
  3. Seriously, it gets funnier the longer you look at it. That face!!
  4. Wtf, Salvatorin? Those baby photos are fucked
  5. I can't watch TV because the sun shines through my window
  6. These kids need medication. They need a fucking kick in the head, that's what they need.
  7. I hate everything about this commercial, but I love the Japanese pronounciation of SpongeBob. Sponge Boboru!
  8. Now that's just stupid talk But yeah, the cover is not very interesting.
  9. Fez Max Payne 3 The Walking Dead ...damn, I really didn't play that many games this year. My Xbox Activity list is a fucking desert.
  10. Microsoft's SmartGlass - coming to iOS/Android/Windows Phone - is their answer. Microsoft's SmartGlass - out for iOS/Android/Windows Phone - is their answer.
  11. I got some black jeans recently (mostly because I want to look like Braintree) and they look good for about 35 seconds before every bit of pet dander and sweater fluff in the world somehow hones in on them. Need guidance, Braintree plz halp? Do you carry around a lint roller? Can you somehow charge and discharge your pants? Here you go
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