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Everything posted by Squee

  1. I hate burgers and club sandwiches that I can't take proper bites of
  2. Are you refering to Data's chocolate covered candy bananas? They're awesome.
  3. And that was where I turned on the show again after having liked the first two episodes of season 3.
  4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MIz6VY1Dvks
  5. Well, nothing really happened in the first 7 episodes of season 2 except from Carl getting shot by a deer. Holy shit, zombies PLUS deer with guns? Humanity is fucked. I make up my own stories when I get bored.
  6. Well, nothing really happened in the first 7 episodes of season 2 except from Carl getting shot by a deer.
  7. lol, yes. It was incredibly distracting. My gf's takeaway from the episode was that was a fucking awesome teapot. http://www.examiner....g-dead-revealed http://www.thinkgeek.com/product/96bb/?srp=3
  8. Haha, my thoughts exactly. That city felt out of place. It's probably part of the comic, but they didn't do a very good job at introducing it or making it seem realistic. Everyone was looking like fucking farmers wearing overalls or flowered dresses. I was just waiting for someone to break out into singing and dancing... ok, so that's not true, but that's how it felt. It felt very plastic fantastic. The samurai girl is interesting, but I guess it's not her time to shine yet...? I mean, all she does is walking around looking pissed. She does a pretty good Clint Eastwood impression, though. I don't like the fact that they're studying the zombies and talking about them having memories because it gives me horrible flashbacks to Day of the Dead. If the show starts to go in that direction then I'm jumping off this wagon. Also, did you guys notice how many times the guy with glasses poured tea in his cup during the 5 minute breakfast?
  9. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cJ3q1tdSjfs&feature=share&list=UUmeds0MLhjfkjD_5acPnFlQ
  10. I know he's trying to prove a point, but man... what an asshole. http://youtu.be/zbOqaTNCAyk
  11. I'm drinking water out of a Starbucks cup. Where does that leave me? Super hipster, cause that is so ironic Fuck!
  12. I'm drinking water out of a Starbucks cup. Where does that leave me?
  13. Pretty much. But it all depends on the brew time, temperature of the water etc. Black tea usually has a fair amount of caffeine Just drink some Black Blood of the Earth and you'll be fine.
  14. Celestial Seasoning Fast Lane High Energy tea. Celestial Seasoning makes some awesome tea. Their rose hip tea is especially good with honey
  15. More coffee. Had some bread as well. Tonight I want thai food
  16. As far as I remember each update was like one step forward, and two steps backwards. Each time they solved one of Skyrim's issues on the PS3 another one showed up. I don't know what the game is like now though. And to follow up on what Joyrex just said, I have yet to witness a broken console game... *knock on wood*
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