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Posts posted by J3FF3R00

  1. On 5/12/2023 at 9:19 AM, Squee said:

    Then check out her new video - it's NSFW. Also, she flashed during a concert recently and I haven't been the same since.


    I never found janelle monae attractive. I also find her acting to be a bit wooden. That video is pretty dope tho.
    Kinda reminds me of this…



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  2. I was watching Archive 81 until today. I think I was maybe 3 episodes in and just got bored of watching the flashback stuff with the girl carrying the handy-cam everywhere she went in order to keep the found-footage premise going. It wasn’t all bad and I was curious to see what happened but my awareness that I have a finite length of time on the planet made my choice for me. 
    Now I’m watching John of God (a Brazilian documentary series about a controversial/scandalous spiritual healer) and it’s much better. 

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  3. If anyone is going to any of these gigs and comes across a venue-only release, PLEASE pick one up for me and I promise I will do the same for you if I ever get the opportunity. ?

  4. On 2/3/2020 at 5:14 PM, cwmbrancity said:



    I can talk Popol Vuh for days. 




    I could keep posting links. All of their stuff is gold but this album is my fave ?


    Also, it’s a HUGE deal that Daniel Fichelscher is both the drummer AND lead guitarist and is amazing at both. 

    Didn’t Richard say in some super old interview that he was a PV fan? If I’m not mistaken it may have been the one where he said he also listened to a lot of his sister’s music  when he was a kid like Led Zeppelin and stuff. I may be combining two interviews in my head tho. 

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  5. On 5/28/2023 at 8:34 AM, kiya said:

    All of these are festival dates, right?

    Unfortunately, they all seem to be. 
    I’m tempted to use a flight credit to come out to one of these shows. I really wish they were regular shows. I kinda hate festivals. 
    I couldn’t find out anything about the Villafraca IT date. The Kalorama PT thing looks cool (I love Belle and Sebastian) but I can’t find a schedule for it. A lot of the other dates are coming up a little bit too fast. Probably the most realistic one would be the Forwards gig in Bristol. Still a long shot but at least I speak English and could possibly find a place to crash in Cardiff for a night or two. 

  6. On 5/22/2023 at 10:28 AM, hoggy said:

    Queen Adreena - Jolene

    Holy shit... I never thought I would see Queen Adreena (or anything Daisy Chainsaw related) on this board. 


    I have an OG daisy chainsaw T-shirt btw


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  7. spacer.png

    No surprise, this was brilliant. I’ve been a big fan of Östlund’s work for a while and was dying to check this out before it was released (and before it won at Cannes). Unfortunately, as a toddler-dad, I was unable to find the 2 hours to sit down and watch this until last night. I strongly feel this movie needs to be required viewing for every schoolchild. 

    It’s on Hulu now, so you guys all need to watch it. If you haven’t seen Force Majeure or The Square. Watch those, too. 


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  8. I’m re-watching The Haunting of Hill House for the 4th time because I recently read the book. Dang. This show. It’s so ridiculously good. It’s also very sad. My wife won’t watch it with me, not because of the scares but because of the sadness. I love it though. 
    It’s definitely worth revisiting once a year. I think whenever I feel there is either nothing good to watch or that I have watched something that is just not very good, it’s nice to know that this show exists and it’s still on Netflix. 


    Spoiler alert. 

    The end of the series is a huge misstep, as many people have discussed. I have a couple episodes to go until I’m there again but lord do I wish they put that tiny window in the room at the very end… as was originally intended. 


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  9. 3 hours ago, luke viia said:

    JBC ethel jeez lueys 5X265.gif

    nebraska is a cool guy, he likes bad music and i'm not sure how he manages to stay sane watching all that conservative TV but yeah cool guy imo

    Oh yeah, and what is the deal with all of the garbage movies he’s always watching? I mean, if that’s not a cause for concern I don’t know what is. 

  10. spacer.png

    I watched the series 3 times and have also seen the original 1963 film adaptation, “the haunting”.

     The series is fantastic but it is loosely based on the characters and themes in the book, where as the 1963 film is a pretty truthful adaptation.
    I’m a little over halfway through the book and it’s a page turner. The main thing that the series carries over from the book is the sickly sense of madness that comes through in Eleanor’s inner thoughts and monologues. As if we’re being seduced into a spider’s web by some psychic monster. 
    I’m definitely going to have to rewatch the series again now ?

  11. On 3/10/2020 at 8:36 AM, Rubin Farr said:

    Archival release of 80s era ritual industrial music:



     I’ve found myself deep in the rabbit hole of this release and the legend behind it and the original Zero Kama “The Secret Eye of L.A.Y.L.A.H.” recordings. The story is so bizarre: performing all of the music using instruments made from human remains/etc


    Soon after the release of the Coil tape I started to work on my own project as I wanted to record an album by Zero Kama. The first inspiration to this project came through a track on the bonus LP of the first Psychic TV album Force the Hand of Chance. Its first edition was supplemented by a bonus LP called Psychic TV Themes, which was designed as ritual music for magical workings. On it there was a track entitled 23 Tibetan Human Tigh Bones , which was recorded with the traditional Tibetan bone instruments that were said to be made from monks, virgins or executed criminals. Based on this track I had the idea not only to make music with human tigh bones, but to furnish a variety of instruments from human bones and skulls and to make music with it. After having been told by a friend about an beautiful gothic, yet unlocked charnel house within the cemetery of a small village in Lower Austria, I went there on a sunny spring day, took what I needed and came back in the evening with two large travel bags containing nine skulls and a great number of other bones. It was a very strange feeling to share my flat from now on with the remains

    of dozens of deceased human beings, and quite often I had the impression, that they were not simply dead matter but still had somehow parts of their respective souls attached to them. I should add that these bones did not look like the prepared and bleached bones and skulls that we know from anatomical collections, but were often dark, brown or green spotted, and some of the skulls had still remains of hair on their surface. Moreover, when I started to saw them up I had to realize that this produced a very ugly smell which was really hard to bear. At this point I also realized that I had transgressed fundamental limits, not only of good taste, but also of what humans in general regard as ethically acceptable. Yet I was at a point of no return and so started to build my instruments: By sawing off the hip joints and drilling the knee joints of thigh bones I made trumpets following the Tibetan example. From skulls the caps were sawn off and by covering them with sheep skin I got my first skull drums. From a shank bone I made a flute and by adding the mouthpiece of an oboe to a thigh bone combined with an ell I made further wind instruments. By filling the left over skullcaps with finger bones I got rattles, and a bone with scores served as a kind of guiro. Finally by fixing a row of thigh bones of different length on a wooden box I created a simple xylophone. Some of the instruments were decorated with serpents skin and metal, others painted, but most of them were left blank as they were.
    When the building of the instruments was finished, also the spooky atmosphere in my flat had disappeared, so as if it had been banned by the working process and transformed into something new. So I could start to record with my bizarre instruments the first simple audio tracks, which went quite well so far. As recording devices I had a 4-track cassette recorder and mixing desk, as well as a revox tape machine, which enabled me to play loops and create analogue echo effects. By using the different speed settings I also could play some recorded tracks in half speed which sometimes gave the dry bone sounds a deeper resonance. For the required rhythm tracks in most cases two or three cycles were enough to create a loop. In general the instruments worked quite well, at least as far as I needed it to make some primitive music. Moreover some of the tracks sounded very similar to the music I was inspired by, be it Tibetan ritual music or Arabic beduin music, as for example the famous Pipes of Pan at Joujuka, that was produced by Brian Jones in 1968. The whole recording took place in the living room of my small flat in the 9th district of Vienna, which you can see here. In less than three weeks I had enough material for my planned album, which I published in September 1984 as the fifth cassette release on Nekrophile Rekords under the title “The Secret Eye of L.A.Y.L.A.H..”

    Notes taken from insert:
    "All instruments to be heard on this album were exclusively made from human bones and skulls by the hand of Zero Kama. They never have been used since the time of its recording, which took place at the Secret Temple of Laylah from 5th to 28th of May 1984 e.v. Remixed at Psychonaut Studio Vienna in November 1987 e.v., and dedicated to the symbol of Laylah, meaning night and death, as well as to its numerical equivalent, Oz, a goat or unrestrained sexual force of creation, thus showing the identity of the basic two opposite forces in this generous universe of beauty and strength, in which the Lovers my find ecstasy in Pan. Who wishes to enter this world of darkness, in which the Great Goat dwelleth, may pass through the sigil of Oz given at the front of this Cover."

    Gear list:


    I find myself half appalled and half morbidly fascinated, although slightly more appalled. The connection to #coil is also one that coil fans may or may not know, as the record label released some of coils earliest recordings. 

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  12. 5 hours ago, iococoi said:

    ... still massacring away.


    For real. 


    I still don’t buy the majority of what we are watching. The only thing I think I buy is that hank is a successful businessman now. Otherwise, the rest seems like nonsense still. 
    Why on earth would the Sally we know be such a shitty mom and give her child a big glass of vodka??? I would mayyyybe believe that if the kid was adopted but if she was depressed/isolated/lonely/miserable, I would (as a parent myself) be quicker to believe that she would cling tighter to her child as her only true source of love and compassion, especially since the kid is a really good kid and not some little bastard. 

    I also don’t believe that Fuches has changed from being a prison bitch to being a peacocking badass. 

    Lastly, Cousineau’s beard is changing a lot in this season. I feel like it’s been 3 different lengths. Additionally, when Barry gets abducted by Janice’s dad, he has long stubble and when he wakes up tied to a chair he is clean-shaven. 


  13. 1 hour ago, Squee said:

    That exorcist is said to have done around 160000 exorcisms throughout his “career”. That’s 438 a day if he started the second he was born. 

    Wouldn’t that math work out to something more like 10 exorcisms a day since he was born if he was say 40 years old (15-ish/day if he was 30)?
    160,000 / 365 = 438… but that is only 365 days (one year).

  14. Does anyone have an electric bike? I live in a very big city and don’t want a second car but I’m too scared to get a motorcycle. That leaves me with either an electric bike or maayybe a Vespa. I don’t know if either is really the right choice. Either way, I’m curious what your thoughts/experiences are. 
    For what it’s worth, I’m attracted to this newer model that REI has:


  15. On 4/18/2023 at 5:36 PM, J3FF3R00 said:


    I think I read almost half of this book in middle school and remember being really into it but losing steam at some point. I barely remembered much about it other than the mood/vibe. 
    I recently found this “complete & uncut” edition in a free library in my neighbor’s front yard and have started digging into the 1152 pages or so at lightning speed (for me it is still fairly slow). This book is amazing. I’m about 200 pages in and although it’s been a captivating page-turner, it’s really getting going now. There are so many parallel stories that it’s like reading 12 books at once with a single arc connecting them all. 
    btw, I just saw when I grabbed the image link from Amazon that this same paperback edition goes for over $100 used and I got my copy for muthafuckin freeeeeee ?

    Just finished. Dang. Reading that book was a post-apocalyptic journey in itself. Great book. Highly recommended… but be warned: it doesn’t hold up well in the race/sexism departments. However awkward those moments are, it’s still worth the commitment. Considering I read VERY slow, I still ripped through this one. Laws, yes. 

  16. 7 hours ago, Silent Member said:

    Well, I guess you haven't seen episode 5 yet, if you're that picky about episode 4.

    More thoughts on ep 5…


    And spoilers


    Now it just feels like they just cut out 2 or 3 seasons and jumped 8 years into the future. I get that it’s a creative choice but especially on the heels of the last episode it is just asking too much of me (and my wife, for that matter) to unquestionably follow the new developments.

    I get the logic of the new world 8 years later but all of the humor is magically gone from the show. No thanks. What had me loving the first 3 seasons was the balance of high-stakes thrills and zany lols. That’s all gone now and the strength of the drama on its own is a bit meh. I’m hoping it goes back in time and let’s see what hank has been doing for 8 years. Frankly, any episode without hank slumps for me (even though the last episode didn’t work for me and he was all over it.

    I don’t know. I’m not trying to be rude or contrarian at all. Tragically, I just feel that this season is losing me and it’s going to have to do some special stuff to win me back.



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