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Posts posted by J3FF3R00

  1. On 5/3/2023 at 12:38 PM, J3FF3R00 said:

    New season (4) of Barry. So far so good! 

    Spoke too soon…


    Actual spoilers


    Episode 4 was a hot mess. 
    No explanation for how he got out of prison except for shooting 4 guys in one room. 
    Also, the whole Fuches beatdown was :blink:

    There were several other points in the episode where I felt like what I was watching made zero sense. I don’t remember a single episode like that in the series up til that one. It definitely feels like the writers are just moving pieces recklessly to checkmate the story by the end of the season. I really hope it doesn’t lose me any further because this show has easily been one of my favorite shows of the past 10 years.



  2. 53 minutes ago, chronical said:

    I'm too depressed and broke to travel but my neighbors with their airbnb already know I'm going to be having a little home-rave with these dates in case they get streamed :flower:

    I’ll bring some beer :beer:

    • Like 1
  3. 4 hours ago, Milwaukeeeee said:


    The BBC reported that instead of “They are dying so you can gambol in your redwood cabinets”, he said…

    "Shoigu! Gerasimov! (Defence Minister Sergei Shoigu and Chief of the General Staff Valery Gerasimov) Where is the... ammunition?... They came here as volunteers and die for you to fatten yourselves in your mahogany offices."


  4. This is such a typical Russian botch-job of a “false flag” operation. 
    Set the actual flag on fire and have hardly any other trace of damage / make sure to do it at 2:30am so nobody is at risk (and I highly doubt that Putin sleeps in the dome of the kremlin). 
    If Ukraine or any other state with actual military intelligence wanted to attack Putin they would at least try to do a little more damage and during business hours. 

    • Like 2
  5. 4 hours ago, Summon Dot E X E said:

    I always assumed the reason he released stuff under different aliases was because he wanted to see or prove that the music could stand on its own, even if it wasn't associated with him and the success he'd already had. I figured he didn't want to rest on his laurels. But maybe you're right and it was just a big, fun Easter egg hunt for we, the faithful.

    It’s probably both. One thing is for sure, he likes to fuck with peeps 

    • Like 1
  6. 1 hour ago, Summon Dot E X E said:

    Why does the identity of the creator matter if you like the music?

    It’s not exactly a matter of whether you “like the music“ or not, in this case. I mean, the likelihood that RDJ will put out good music is very very high. Also, if you’re a fan of RDJ (I mean, this board is named after one of his tunes and it’s not too much of a stretch to assume the majority of the people posting here are at least slightly obsessive fans) you’re probably going to want to pick up some of his jams. 
    I think it’s more of a matter of playing his game. He is elusive, as well as a genius. When you can locate one of his hidden releases it’s a thrill. 

    I have to admit, this post feels a bit like explaining love to a robot. 

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  7. 52 minutes ago, Key said:

    I feel that, and still miss Rephlex. On the flip side tho, every time Rephlex would sign a new artist everyone would assume it was an AFX sockpuppet for a while. And they werent very good at hiding it when it actually was him because his style is so distinctive. I reckon if he wanted to do an anonymous release he would probably just set up a temporary imprint to do so.

    Pretty savvy strategy for selling records tho. I definitely insta-bought multiple releases I probably wouldn’t have otherwise on slight suspicion that it was him. 
    Re: your second point, I think about this all the time. I don’t doubt there are at least a couple releases out there that nobody knows about. 

    • Burger 1
  8. spacer.png

    I think I read almost half of this book in middle school and remember being really into it but losing steam at some point. I barely remembered much about it other than the mood/vibe. 
    I recently found this “complete & uncut” edition in a free library in my neighbor’s front yard and have started digging into the 1152 pages or so at lightning speed (for me it is still fairly slow). This book is amazing. I’m about 200 pages in and although it’s been a captivating page-turner, it’s really getting going now. There are so many parallel stories that it’s like reading 12 books at once with a single arc connecting them all. 
    btw, I just saw when I grabbed the image link from Amazon that this same paperback edition goes for over $100 used and I got my copy for muthafuckin freeeeeee ?

    • Like 2
  9. spacer.png



    “What an exciting day – the first Polyeight has come alive:-) While this is still an early prototype, the firmware is all based on our new ARM platform, which will certainly speed up the development and time to market. As you can see, the Polyeight is not a pure clone. We have retained the analog section, but added 2 more voices and especially a much improved user interface with very useful functions. What do you think?”

    - Behringer 



    Kinda makes me want to trade my PolySix in for one of these ?

  10. Currently watching Cabinet of Curiosities. I slept on this because I feel everything Guillermo Del Toro does is fucking horseshit. A friend recommended it as being good because he doesn’t really write or direct anything, so I watched it. It’s lots of fun. Some episodes are better than others but overall it definitely scratches my itch for horror stuff. I just watched the Panos Cosmatos (Beyond The Black Rainbow / Mandy) one and it was lush as fuuuk. Definitely fits nicely into PC’s oeuvre. Made me stoked to see whatever he is working on next. 

    • Like 2
  11. 8 hours ago, ambermonk said:

    Damn. I honestly don't know that much about him, but I remember his music vids appearing frequently on MTV AMP back in the late 90s. Will have to check out more of his work as a posthumous tribute.

    坂本さん安らかに眠れ (RIP)

    I knew bits and pieces about him and a little more about YMO before going to see the “Coda” film in the theater. I’m glad I did because it really endeared me to him. He was battling cancer back then and has gone back and forth with his health since. Anyway, I recommend the film for fans or people who want to learn more about him. 

    So many dope YMO jams btw, but this jam has his stamp all over it (also SOUL TRAIN)…


    • Like 1
  12. 20 hours ago, Rubin Farr said:


    This snuck past me. 

    @synthnews on instagram…




    A projection of Aphex Twin's logo has been beamed onto Buckingham Palace, sparking rumours that the seminal producer will be performing at the upcoming coronation of King Charles III.

    Appearing in a green light upon the exterior of the Royal Family's seat and official London residence, the logo was visible over the upper Eastern wing of the palace for just 10 minutes — but was captured by a number of IDM-loving passers-by.


    11 hours ago, DavieAddison said:

    *imminence intensifies*


  13. 1 hour ago, Alcofribas said:

    i'm a little more familiar with ministry, having worked with chris connelly. 

    but i know nothing about skinny puppy. they seem like an interesting band.

    … um, that’s awesome! CC is a legend. 

    SP is astounding. They are probably one of the most theatrically artistic bands ever. Also, to me, they were like idm before idm. Some of their stuff jams so hard. 


    • Like 3
  14. Homemade Mac & Cheese but with puréed butternut squash instead of a béchamel sauce as the conduit for the cheese (gotta Trojan-Horse those veggies for the toddler in my life). It’s actually quite good. Just add a little extra salt and onion powder / garlic powder and you’re good. 

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