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Posts posted by J3FF3R00

  1. 1 hour ago, Alcofribas said:

    i'm a little more familiar with ministry, having worked with chris connelly. 

    but i know nothing about skinny puppy. they seem like an interesting band.

    … um, that’s awesome! CC is a legend. 

    SP is astounding. They are probably one of the most theatrically artistic bands ever. Also, to me, they were like idm before idm. Some of their stuff jams so hard. 


    • Like 3
  2. Homemade Mac & Cheese but with puréed butternut squash instead of a béchamel sauce as the conduit for the cheese (gotta Trojan-Horse those veggies for the toddler in my life). It’s actually quite good. Just add a little extra salt and onion powder / garlic powder and you’re good. 

    • Like 1
    • Big Brain 1
  3. 16 hours ago, beerwolf said:


    Probably seen more documentaries on Waco than any other subject. I think the Storyville one maybe the best but my memory is fuzzy. Either way this is a guaranteed watch.


    Just watched this one too. Interesting and tragic stuff. I remember when the whole thing went down but I never really knew too many details. It’s really impressive how the doc weaves all of the storylines together. 

    I just finished watching the Ted Kaczinski Unabomber documentary series and that was really well done. Highly recommend. 

  4. Quote

    A principal of a Florida school has been forced to resign after a parent complained that students were exposed to pornography.

    The complaint arose from a Renaissance art lesson where students were shown Michelangelo's statue of David.

    The iconic statue is one of the most famous in Western history.


    • Haha 1
    • Facepalm 3
  5. 54 minutes ago, YEK said:

    I can relate. Dad bods. :ok::dadjoke:

    Story of my damn life bro. I recently had to scrap my whole physical therapy plan because my recent mri showed my L4/L5 disc is so badly herniated that by all accounts it’s a miracle I even have bowel function. I also have a bulge in L3/L4 but that is nothing. The ruptured one is 7mm out on one side and 12mm out on the other and they normally recommend surgery for anything over 9mm. Luckily, I am still walking/etc, but I’m not really supposed to be lifting anything. Unfortunately, I’m a full time parent of a toddler who is very energetic so I’m basically doomed ☠️

    • Sad 3
  6. Those cliches of stubbing your toes and stepping on toys when you are a parent are all 99% accurate… the only reason I don’t say 100% is because the injuries are much more severe than they are in movies/etc. Every day I’m like Bruce Willis in that “shoot the glass” scene in Die Hard.

    • Thanks 1
  7. Still watching Poker Face. Great show. Good fun. The best thing about it is that it doesn’t take itself too seriously and it’s not afraid to be silly/zany/goofy. The episode in the nursing home was hilarious. It’s also refreshing to see a show that completely loses the series arc and is still highly entertaining. Every episode is like a cheeky little Murder She Wrote or Columbo episode. I wasn’t a big fan of Natasha Leone before this show but the character she created is really awesome. If you’re looking for a light-hearted dark comedy, this scratches the itch. 

    I’m also still watching Last Of Us. Not the best show ever but far from the worst. I look forward to every new episode so I guess it’s working out pretty well. 

    • Like 2
    • Burger 1
  8. My belly has gotten big. I knew I was gaining weight but I haven’t really been looking at myself in the mirror much from the neck down and Jeeeezus. 
    Between my back issues, terrible diet, depression and being a dad, I just let myself go. I’m definitely at one of my chubbiest moments. 
    Even if I didn’t have back issues, exercise doesn’t ever really trim me down. I have a diet that I know works for me where I can basically lose 10lbs a month  by cutting out gluten, sugar, alcohol, most meat and dairy then eating a fuck-ton of fiber… but meh. I’m just not motivated to commit. It feels like I’m almost at some point of no return tho and I’m just too apathetic to steer away from the edge. 

    • Like 1
  9. 15 minutes ago, ignatius said:

    looks like tom sizemore is on the way out.


    Actor Tom Sizemore, who suffered a brain aneurysm Feb. 18, as the result of a stroke, and had been hospitalized in critical condition, in a coma and in intensive care since then, is no longer expected to recover.

    He apparently beat up a lot of ladies. Great character actor but the dude sounds supremely toxic. 

  10. 2 hours ago, zazen said:

    I have a friend who is in a 10+ year relationship and they've got busy lives and dont really get round to having sex very often. Like once a month, or every two months or so? Does that make them asexual, or are they merely just old and married? (genuine question)

    Old and married. 

    • Like 3
    • Burger 1
  11. 13 hours ago, luke viia said:

    i'm cis ace, not aro,

    This is the first time I’ve heard these terms so I had to google. 

    According to the OULGBTO+ SOCIETY… 




    Abroromantic / aro flux: someone who fluctuates between experiencing romantic attraction and not experiencing it, and/or experiencing romantic attraction to different strengths.
    Abrosexual / ace flux: someone who’s experiences of sexual attraction fluctuate; they may go through periods of asexuality and periods of experiencing sexual attraction. The strength of their attraction could also fluctuate, going through phases of weakness and intensity.
    Ace: an abbreviated term for ‘asexual’.
    Akoiromantic/lithromantic: a person who experiences romantic attraction but has no desire or need to have their feelings reciprocated. Sometimes an akoiromantic person’s attraction may fade if a romantic relationship is established.
    Akoisexual/lith(o)sexual: someone who experiences sexual attraction to people but has no desire to have those feelings reciprocated. For some, if the attraction is reciprocated, their feelings may fade and they will no longer be attracted to that person. ‘Lithsexual’ is also sometimes used to describe someone who does not like to receive sexual contact but may be happy to give it.  
    Alloromantic/zedromantic: someone who does experience romantic attraction. An alloromantic person may be allosexual as well, but not necessarily.
    Allosexual/zedsexual: someone who does experience sexual attraction, and therefore not on the ace spectrum.
    Apothisexual: someone who is asexual and sex-repulsed.
    Aro: an abbreviated term for ‘aromantic’.
    Aromantic: someone who does not experience romantic attraction.
    Asexual: someone who does not experience sexual attraction.
    Autochorissexual/aegosexual: someone who is aroused by sex that does not involve themself; it is a disconnection between oneself and the sexual object/activity. Someone who is autochorissexal might have sexual fantasies, or enjoy reading erotica or watching porn, but will have no desire to be involved in the activities themselves. This identity did not arise within the ace community and isn’t necessarily an ‘ace’ identity.
    Cupioromantic: someone who does not experience romantic attraction but has a desire to be in a romantic relationship.
    Cupiosexual: someone who desires a sexual relationship, but does not experience sexual attraction.
    Demi: an abbreviation for demisexuality and demiromanticism.
    Demi(a)romantic: someone who only experiences romantic attraction after establishing a strong emotional connection to someone.
    Demi-(a)sexual: someone who only experiences sexual attraction after establishing a close emotional and/or romantic connection with another person/persons.
    Frayromantic: someone who experiences romantic attraction, but this attraction fades after getting to know the object of attraction.
    Fraysexual: someone who initially experiences sexual attraction upon meeting someone, but this attraction fades after getting to know them.
    Grey-(a)romantic: someone who sometimes, occasionally, or rarely experiences romantic attraction. The attraction they experience may be weak, or it might be infrequent. Also used as an umbrella term for all romantic orientations that fall between alloromantic and aromantic.
    Grey-(a)sexual: someone who sometimes, occasionally, or rarely experiences sexual attraction. The attraction they experience may be weak, or it might be infrequent. Greysexuality describes any sexual orientation that falls somewhere between asexual and allosexual. It is often used as an umbrella term to encompass other identities on the grey area of the spectrum, including demisexuals, lithsexuals, ace flux, etc.
    Perioriented: describes a person whose romantic and sexual orientations align, for example, a homoromantic homosexual person, or an asexual aromantic person.
    Varioriented: describes a person whose romantic and sexual orientations don't align, for example, a homoromantic pansexual person, or a homosexual demiromantic person.
    Quoiromantic/WTF-romantic: someone who finds romantic attraction confusing, or cannot differentiate between platonic and romantic attraction, or is unsure of whether they experience romantic attraction.
    Quoisexual: someone who is unsure whether they experience sexual attraction, or is unsure about what sexual attraction is.


    Aesthetic attraction: an appreciation for or attraction to someone’s looks, but which does not necessarily accompany a desire for any kind of reciprocation; experiencing aesthetic attraction towards someone does not automatically lead to a desire for a romantic or sexual relationship with that person.
    Alterous attraction: a type of attraction that is neither entirely platonic nor entirely romantic, best described as desiring an emotional closeness with somebody.
    Aromate: a term to refer to a partner in an aromantic relationship.
    Asexy: a term used playfully by some members of the ace community as a positive describing word, often in relation to things or people they are attracted to, but not sexually.
    Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder (HSDD): A disorder characterised by lack of sexual fantasies and desire for sexual activity which causes a person significant distress. Sometimes used to attempt to pathologise asexuality, though an asexual person who experiences no distress because of their identity is excluded from this diagnosis. Asexuality itself is not a disorder - it’s a legitimate orientation, and there’s nothing wrong with being ace!
    Libido: a person’s sex drive, or the frequency with which they desire sexual contact, regardless of their experiences (or lack thereof) of attraction. Someone’s libido or sex-drive is not the same as their attraction; someone might be asexual and have a high sex-drive, or they could have none at all.
    Limerence: any strong feelings of attraction, such as ‘butterflies’, nervousness, obsessive thoughts, or desire for approval.
    Nonlibidoist: someone who does not have a libido, or has a very low libido.
    Primary attraction: any attraction experienced upon first meeting someone.
    Platonic attraction: a type of attraction that is not romantic, but more of an intense desire to be close to somebody emotionally, possibly more intense than a typical desire for friendship.
    Platonic partner/qp: a term to refer to someone’s partner in a non-romantic relationship.
    Queer-Platonic Relationship/Quasi-Platonic Relationship (QPR): a platonic relationship that transcends a person’s usual boundaries for friendships, or an incredibly strong non-romantic partnership. ‘Quasi-platonic’ came about as an alternative to ‘queer-platonic’ for people who do not feel comfortable using a reclaimed slur.
    Romantic attraction: a romantic pull towards someone, which usually results in a desire for a romantic relationship with that person.
    Secondary attraction: any attraction that develops over time. Within the ace community, most often experienced by demi individuals.
    Sensual attraction: a type of attraction based on the senses, especially touch, which typically results in a desire for some physical contact with another person, such as holding hands, hugging, or kissing. Sensual attraction does not have to be accompanied by romantic or sexual feelings.
    Sexual attraction: a sexual draw towards someone, typically resulting in a desire for a sexual partnership with that person.
    Squish: a term used by some ace/aro people to describe a platonic crush. Some criticise the term as being infantilising.
    Zucchini: a term of endearment used by some aro/ace people to describe their queer-platonic or quasi-platonic partner. Usage is much more prevalent in the USA, and there are a number of criticisms.


    Celibacy: the choice to abstain from all sexual activity, regardless of attraction. Celibacy is not the same as asexuality. Celibacy is a behaviour and a choice, not an orientation.
    Sex favourability: someone who may engage in sexual activity even if they do not have any desire for sexual activity, for example to please a partner.
    Sex indifference: someone who is neutral towards engaging in sexual activity.
    Sex repulsion: a personal aversion towards engaging in sexual activity. Someone who is sex repulsed is not necessarily sex negative.
    Sex negativity: a moral aversion towards sexual activity as a whole, regardless of one’s own participation or abstinence from sexual activity.
    Sex positivity: harbouring positive attitudes towards sex, regardless of one’s own desire or lack of desire for sexual activity.
    Touch aversion: a desire not to be touched by people, or to touch others, and/or a repulsion to touch. This is often relating to sexual touch, but can be any kind of touch.


    Ace/aro erasure: the denial that asexuality and/or aromanticism is real, and the invisibility and lack of representation of asexuality and aromanticism. Examples include dismissing, ignoring, or trying to explain away asexuality/aromanticism.
    Acephobia/arophobia/Aphobia: any negative attitude towards asexuality, aromanticism, and asexual or aromantic people, including prejudice, hate, bullying, and erasure.
    Amatonormativity: the assumption or insistence that romantic relationships are the norm and should be the ultimate goal in life for everyone, and that these relationships are more intrinsically valuable than other relationships.
    AVEN: the Asexuality Visibility and Education Network, the largest online ace community with lots of forums and information.
    Compulsory sexuality: the assumption that everyone experiences sexual attraction, and that everyone should desire sex and partake in it. Compulsory sexuality puts (usually heterosexual) relationships at the centre of the ideal human experience. It also includes the idea that romantic relationships must include sexual activity. Closely related to amatonormativity.
    Heteronormativity: the assumption that heterosexuality and heteroromanticism are the norm.
    Playing cards: some asexual people have taken up the abbreviation ‘ace’ and matched different playing cards to various ace identities, and use these playing cards to describe themselves in a kind of slang. The ace of hearts represents romantic asexuals, the ace of spades represents aromantic asexuals, the ace of diamonds represents demi and grey asexuals, and the ace of clubs represents questioning people on the ace/aro spectrum. This has been criticised by some as not inclusive of people whose identities do not fit into these four categories.

    I really try my best to be sensitive to all of these issues but man. This is a lot. 
    I think my gender is Danny Glover. 

    • Like 1
  12. 14 minutes ago, cruising for burgers said:

    my first sentence about karma is just a figure of speech, I don't believe in karma, or do I? maybe there's something else out there but I guess karma is the best word to describe how I look at it... or bad luck? is there such a thing?

    I know most therapists will say there’s no such thing as bad luck but fuck me if I don’t have a lot of it. It’s apparent to my wife, my friends and basically anyone who knows me that if something bad can happen, it usually happens to me. I’m sure it isn’t helpful for me to say that but I don’t know what else to say about it. I’ve worked hard on being productive, kind and friendly my whole life and I’m eating shit constantly. It’s just my way I guess ?‍♂️

    • Like 1
  13. On 2/22/2023 at 8:52 PM, luke viia said:

    this is cool and K is my fav 

     I’ve never done K and was always super curious about the experience but never really wanted to try it because the “k-hole” always sounded a bit scary to me.

    What is K like and how does it compare to other drugs if at all?


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