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Posts posted by J3FF3R00

  1. @hoggy

    Definitely NOT a threat on anyone’s life. 
    I have been here a long time and heard “watch the ride prik face” many times and have honestly not really understood what it really means. 
    All I know is that I love old school jungle about as much as I love aphex twin (if not more) and “watch the ride” happens to be one of the most common phrases used by the OG jungle MCs when the beats are tasty and I only really associate it with that kind of thing. 
    Sorry to be confusing ❤️

    • Like 1
  2. 8 hours ago, hoggy said:

    Is that like saying "watch the car, you cunt"? Or are you just insulting me? I've heard that phrase on here before but I dunno where it comes from

    If in the hypothetical scenario I'm meant to be saying that to my long lost cousin.. I don't like cars and I don't drive and I wouldn't have chauffeur, so it doesn't make sense

    Stay alive and “Watch the ride” @ 8:05

    • Like 2
  3. 1 hour ago, Limo said:

    Hahaha … Title track from this album is pretty good too, but like this one I never know much is the band and how much the producer.

    Oh boy …

    Poison? Really? 😉

    I see you included LA Guns, though. That’s cool. 👍

    Will save this for … uhm … later reference 😂

    Bro. That’s just the tip of the iceberg. 
    I have 90 hours of Dokken, Y&T, Kix, Yngwie, Stryper, Great White, Helix, Krokus, Trixter, Hanoi Rocks, etc, etc…

    It actually is a pretty interesting time capsule. Something about the pre-nirvana heyday of jockish androgyny with trashy/virtuosic theatrics that takes itself dead serious really warms my heart. I think it is because that era was when I started really discovering music and playing guitar. It seemed, at the time, like all of those tropes were very alluring. I remember being 10 and badly wanting stretch pants and a belt made out of bullets. 

    • Thanks 1
  4. Nikki Sixx (bass) was the mastermind of the group. Düde churned out some bangers in his prime, for sure. I always appreciated that rather than being a carbon copycat version of KISS, they chose to make their image a tiny bit more satanic-ish. 
    (Tommy Lee is also pointing at my avatar, btw)

  5. 31 minutes ago, Limo said:

    For some reason YT has started feeding me Motley Crue stuff.

    Out of curiosity I watched a few things. To my great surprise this show from 1989 was actually quite good:


    I mean, yeah, it's stupidly excessive, with all the fireworks, the band rising up through the stage and the drummer doing a 15 minute (I think? didn't watch the whole thing) segment *suspended above the audience* not to mention his spinning his drumsticks *every* *other* *beat* that really gets on my nerves after a while ...

    But if you take it for what it is: simple balls to the wall balls to the wall bad taste rock and roll ... 

    They're *way* better than I remember them.

    I’m not surprised. 89 was arguably peak Crüe. 


    Early Crüe is VG++ as well.


  6. I was getting my toddler ready for bath time and was playing “up high - on the side - down low - too slow” and when I yanked my hand away it grazed the corner of the full length mirror that had a tiny chip and it sliced the entire side of my pointer finger open like butter. 
    After wrapping up my finger I had to drive one-handed in a rainstorm through flooded streets to urgent care before they closed and on my way I found out my tires were low (likely due to the pressure change with the storm) and my car was fishtailing all over the flooded highway. Luckily I made it to urgent care 10 minutes before they closed and got a tetanus shot, some glue stitches, a splint and a prescription for antibiotics. 
    I had to drive to around the corner to the 24 hospital pharmacy and left my hazard lights on in the patient drop off area (as recommended by the urgent care staff) and when I got back to my car the battery was dead dead dead. 
    I called AAA and was scheduled to get service within an hour but then when the hour passed I got a text that the towing company canceled and the new company wouldn’t get to me 2 hours later, after 1am. 
    So I’m stuck here watmming sloppily with my splinted finger at the hospital, tethered to a charging station in the lobby. 
    I also have really, really bad farts right now. I mean bad. Only relief is that I went to take a shit and learned that I can still wipe my own ass. I was really afraid that would be an issue. 


    I thought my phone was charging but this charging station is fucked 


    • Sad 5
  7. 10 minutes ago, hoggy said:


    It is, to me. No question. 

    I could keep going. So many bangers. 

    Only Shallow, Sometimes, and Soon are all fantastic but the rest of Loveless is skip skip skip for me.  

    I prefer all of the Creation EPs to it as well. 

    • Like 1
  8. 2 hours ago, Boxus said:

    Oh yeah, adapting to vocal styles is a big one for me too. I wasn't that into Fugazi at first because I had never liked punk that much and didn't connect with the vocal delivery, but I appreciated the instrumentation and kept listening, and pretty soon a switch flipped and I started to love the way they sing as well. And recently I've become really obsessed with their whole discography - I'm so glad I stuck with it.

    You pretty much plucked this memory out of my brain. My best friend in high school’s favorite band was Fugazi and he was determined to make them my favorite band so he played all their albums for me constantly (up to Red Medicine at that time) and I just didn’t get it. Then I went to college and End Hits came out and I remember liking a lot more songs on that album. That on “clicked” with me more but I wasn’t as crazy about their early albums. A couple years later he insisted we see them live and bought me a ticket one of their last tours and a plane ticket home from school and they definitely became one of my favorite bands after that. 

    As a matter of fact, that friend often successfully converted me into adoring music that he loved by playing it over and over until it clicked with me. Before Fugazi it was The Smiths (who I originally thought sounded whiny but then Panic clicked for me). Later it was of Monteral (he thought “Coquelicot Asleep in a Field of Poppies” was a modern masterpiece and I thought it was annoying but then it started getting stuck in my head and after hating it I started loving it and then I became obsessed with them. They eventually became the band I saw most live at about 13-14 shows. 
    Over the last 30+ years, the same friend also got me into Led Zeppelin, Suede, The Makeup, Donovan and probably a few others. In return, I got him into Roy Orbison (who became his all time favorite artist), David Bowie, Frank Black, Jungle, Gabber, Dungen, and maybe a couple others. Was most recently trying to get him into Belle and Sebastian, Sparks and Elliott Smith but he’s been bad with communication for the past 10 years or so. 

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  9. 4 hours ago, beerwolf said:

    Please explain what What We Do In The Shadows is all about watmm. I've seen this lurking on my radar for ages.

    It’s basically The Office but with gore and vampires. The movie is hilarious but you don’t need to watch it before watching the series. There was also an amazing Mark Hamill cameo last season. 

    • Thanks 1
  10. 7 hours ago, Squee said:

    What We Do in the Shadows is very hit and miss for me. This season has been okay-ish, but I have a really hard time with Nadja.

    I love Nadja. 
    I actually have a running debate with myself as to which character is my favorite. Some days it’s Nadja, some it’s Nandor, some it’s Lazlo. I also love Gizmo and Colin Robinson but the main 3 are so funny. 

    btwv (before they were vampires)


    • Thanks 1
  11. 6 hours ago, Herr Jan said:

    Last time at Field Day I wore my avatar on a t-shirt to make it obvious, not sure what I'll wear this year but look out for a tall lanky blonde idiot with a heavy Dutch accent.


    2 hours ago, atypic said:

    Oh damn, that's an obvious idea I didn't think of.  I didn't bring my avatar shirt even though I have one.  I'll be wearing my Analogical Force tshirt (I think).

    I arrived in London today; will work with my UK folks in office rest of week.  Staying in Spitalfields near Shoreditch.  

    I roughly plan on doing the whole day at Field Day (VIP tickets wut) since I want to see Hagop and he's on earlylearly.  I'm bringing a close friend from work since I had an extra ticket.  He has a mullet.  But it's like a Polish hipster kind of mullet?

    @Joyrex … here’s a marketing opportunity for you:

    Sell watmm t-shirts with the…spacer.png

    … logo for cheap and kick up the price a tiny bit for people to pop their avatar image on the back, sort of like watmm sports jerseys.

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