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Posts posted by J3FF3R00

  1. mbv - isn't anything

    faith no more - introduce yourself

    gnr -appetite for destruction

    metallica - master of puppets

    public enemy - it takes a nation of millions

    david bowie - scary monsters

    pixies - doolittle

    janes addiction - nothings shocking

    paul simon - graceland 

    inxs - kick



  2. Very disappointed with Prometheus. Looked amazing & Fassbender was excellent as David. But everything else didn't really cut it. Okay, so the thing in the chair from Alien is a big blue humanoid dude. That's kind of disappointing enough in itself. But apart from that pivotal question being answered all this movie really delivered ........ is a shit load of more questions. That's what happens when you have Damon 'Lost' Lindelof as your writing partner!! Lost turned out to be total gob shite & sadly Prometheus hasn't faired much better after Lindelof's meddling.


    Empire review pretty much sums it up for me;



    ........ and Hitler doesn't like it either;


    That hitler vid was pretty spot on.


    Characters didn't make any sense. The religious stuff was nonsense. It felt like a rough cut.

    The only things I have to add are that some of it looked super "video-y" and they should have cut the whole Weyland sub-plot entirely. Btw, wtf. Guy Pierce? Come on. That makeup was atrocious. The story was way too over complicated.


  3. Something For Everybody was a pleasant surprise too, nothing groundbreaking but still better than everything they released after (and including) Shout

    Yeah. Not bad. I remember hearing the album previews when they let their fans pick the tracks. Cool idea, IMO.

    At least Mark has made a solid reputation for himself as a film composer. His edge adds so much to Wes Anderson's stuff.


    I've missed out on a few opportunities to catch Devo live. Even their dress show at the NYC summer stage. I don't know what my problem is.



    Also, this is for you Neil Young fans ...





    ... from Neil's film "Human Highway". Devo stars in it. It's one of the craziest movies ever.


  4. Little know facts about DEVO.


    They are all approximately the same height, weight, hair color, eye color and shoe size.


    A lot of that has to do with the fact that they are 2 sets of brothers.


    I wish my brother was cool enough to start a band with me like DEVO.

  5. A few weeks back, I was at a party and some girl made masubi. It was the first time I had tried spam.


    Holy shit.


    So good.





    Basically, it's a large sushi roll with sandwich of rice and pan-seared spam in the middle. I think there may have been a slight teriyaki glaze on the ones I had.


    If I wasn't married, I'd marry that girl right then and there... that's how got those things were.

  6. One of the greats. I'm a potato, for sure.


    My cousin was obsessed with them in the late 70s.

    He passed the spud torch to me and I carry it proudly. When i was really litlle, in the early 80s, he would sit me down and show me old DEVO videos. He still is a rabid fan and actually has an ongoing relationship with the band and caters for them when they are in town.


    If you are a new fan (or even an old one) and haven't heard it yet, try to hunt down DEVO Hardcore Vol 1.

    The stuff on that is DEVO in their purest state. It is so raw and mind blowing.


    Skip to 2:30 to hear one of the best songs you'll ever hear in your life...




    After that, Q/A is my fave. Hardcore Vol 2, New Traditionalists, Duty Now For The Future, Freedom of Choice and Oh No! It's DEVO! are all fucking top-notch.


    Also, check out their film The Truth About De-Evolution.

  7. Which Umami restuarant is that, Jefferoo? I don't remember seeing the manly burger at the last one I went to. I think they all have slightly different menus.


    Yeah. Their menus are all a bit different.

    This was the one on Sunset and Cahuenga by Amoeba. I washed it down with some truffle cheese fries :wub:

  8. Hey Jefferro (and others living in the L.A. area). have you been to Short Order just outside the Farmer's Market at The Grove? Pretty damned good, a bit pricey though! That was the last burger I had a little over a week ago.


    I haven't. Good tip! I'll def check it out ASAP.

    I had a pretty good burger at The Bowery on Sunset b/w Vine & Argyle. It definitely reminded me of a NYC burger.

    There were lots of good spots for burgers in NYC that I was sad to leave behind. Luckily, LA seems to have a handle on it. Different, but very good.


    My favorite burgers in NYC were DuMont, Shake Shack, Five Leaves (the one with the egg and pineapple) and Peter Lugers.

  9. that sounds great.

    where did you get that pepper sauce? that sounds like something I would pour on fucking everything. am I going to have to make a pilgrimage to that hot sauce store at the Farmer's Market?


    fuckin BINGO


    this is the brand I have... highly recommended....





    The sauce is pretty thick and what is good is there is a fair amount of sweetness, but it doesn't take away from the spice too much.

    You can really put this stuff on anything.


    I think in the shop, everything is organized by region.

    This stuff is from Barbados. I can't remember if Barbados has it's own section, or if it's in a larger carribean section.

  10. I don't have pics, sadly, but I grilled out on the patio the other night.


    I didn't have some of my regular seasonings (worschterchire and fresh rosemary) so I had to improvise and it turned out awesome. I did them again the next day for lunch.


    Here was my on-the-fly recipe for 2 bugers...


    Charcoal grill (if possible)


    1/2 lb of semi-fatty ground beef

    Diced onions

    1-2 cloves of garlic

    Half teaspoon of liquid smoke

    1 tablespoon of Bajan Habanero Pepper Sauce

    1-2 teaspoons of dried Thyme

    Splash of red wine


    Mix that shit in a bowl and grill til med-rare.


    Serve on a toasted BAGEL with Sharp Cheddar, Avocado, ketchup and mayo.


    Not bad.

    You dont want to overdo the liquid smoke. These turn subtlety smokey and pack a small kick.

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