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Everything posted by gl0tch

  1. Jazz... And he's not talking about AE in that second link, but thanks!
  2. We should just hack into one of these promo receiving dorks computers and grab the shit remotely. Anyone have the capability to do this? Better yet, let's get more gangster on this bitch. Lets stage a robbery at where they get their physical discs printed. Let's bug Rob and Sean's home phones. Let's hijack Warp's offices and hold them hostage.
  3. It's definitely out there... Via Richard Devine's facebook post: RT @N0N_3NT1TY: @_capac Yeah, I got the new Autechre LP too, Treale is such a good track. They remind me of @richarddevine in places. :)
  4. Via Richard Devine's facebook post: "RT @N0N_3NT1TY: @_capac Yeah, I got the new Autechre LP too, Treale is such a good track. They remind me of @richarddevine in places. :)"
  5. You were convinced it was real. Now you're back-peddling.
  6. Are you retarded? I'm being serious. Please follow this rule... before you post ANYTHING, go back and reread the prior 5-10 pages. Now you're just contradicting yourself and no one can take you seriously.
  7. Well this going to sound selfish and entirely fucked up, but this Altered:Carbon "experiment" might have just fucked up our chances of actually hearing a proper leak any time soon. It's everywhere now (not on What.cd anymore though!). Hundreds of blogs are still hosting and/or linking out to it as its the real thing, despite there being suitable amounts of comments claiming its fake. Now, when Oversteps actually does come out or leaks, these "outlets" are going to be less concerned with sharing the real thing. Good thing from an industry stand point, bad thing for those hoping to have the release sooner than later.
  8. Wow... there's a lot of shoe eating, crow dine-in's about to happen. Chow down!
  9. Been listening to Autechre for 15 years now, I've heard every live set in circulation - and this is them. If you made it, you are as good as they are, I'll say that without reservation. Apparently we need a "wesley snipes in white men cant jump discussing hearing jimmy vs listening to jimmy" emoticon
  10. With this fake shit is spreading around blogs like wildfire, it actually becomes kind of ironic. If people think this is actually real, this might actually affect sales negatively... People download this crap thinking its the real deal, trying to preview the album... then they dont buy the real thing when it comes out because their frame of reference is all fucked up.
  11. history repeats itself, and memories are erased even within the span of 3 days. no wonder Hitler was able to rise to power to easily +1
  12. Here's an idea... Can we get the initial reviewer to weigh-in about the legitimacy of this "leak"? That would settle it once and for all.
  13. I just realized this recent "leak" provides a win-win situation... 1) If it's fake (which it is) better material is coming... 2). If it's real, even *my* chances of getting signed to Warp or Skam or Rephlex just shot through the roof...
  14. I'm still shocked the sheer amount of people here, and on Xlt, who still think this is actually real.
  15. The best thing that can come out of today's brief hysteria is Bleep releasing the real thing in days, as opposed to months
  16. Guys... This is the same shit that was floating around SLSK two days ago. Awepittance was asking about it. Remember, I said it sounded like 3tronik throw-aways?! Same shit. Nothing to see... Move along
  17. Soooooo... Hearing chatter about this being fake. As I'm downloading, I'm wondering what the verdict is?
  18. Thanks all who PM'd me. Rapidshare has been hanging for the past few weeks
  19. 40 pages and we haven't even heard it yet... I wonder how big this thread will get when we finally do?!
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