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Posts posted by jules

  1. This is all I was saying. I'm not disputing what ae said and I'm not arguing for the sake of arguing. I'm just saying the total lack of reviews is surprising if indeed there are promo copies out there for a few weeks


    That's fair enough I guess. I'm sure the Mary Anne Hobbes preview tracks came out about this early on.


    Maybe they're trying the opposite strategy. Where with Quaristice they chucked it up on Bleep before the physical releases came out, and there were those radio tracks and stuff.. this time they're gonna give us NOTHING until the release date....


    ...and then they'll postpone it by a coupla days just to piss us off :P



    this seems right. except for the postponing part. if they do that, im getting my 18 bones back and ill download illegally.

  2. im beginning to think that they havent released any promos to anyone. there is no way, in this day and age, that not a single word about it would be out by now.


    But this isn't true. There was one short preview that nobody thought was real (including me) who said it harkened back to Tri Repetae, and another more detailed one more recently (which apparently was a preview of a longer article or an interview or something) which revealed that the album is very ambient (if I remember right it compared it to Amber) and that there's a possibility that it will be completely beatless.



    wait, someone said it sounds like tri repetae? its all beatless? it sounds like amber? first of all, how does that mean someone has it? ill go post on my blog that this album sounds like a watermelon. i must have it if i know it sounds like that. also, if they think tri rep sounds like amber and neither one of them have beats, well then how the fuck could they be a music critic?

  3. Here, everyone is happy, more people come to your shows, and your sales increase in all lines of business.



    WARP records have always been one of the worst label to market their own stars. It's been like that for decades, they continually try and fail each time.



    they are obviously trying very hard. they probably feel like ae doesnt need to be marketed. message board fanboys will do it. but really, message board folks only talk about it with other people who are already interested. if you are in here, you blindly preordered anyway because its fuckin autechre and thats great. but i cant sell it to anyone else.

  4. im beginning to think that they havent released any promos to anyone. there is no way, in this day and age, that not a single word about it would be out by now.



    edit: they had no problem charging my cc when i ordered it, maybe i can get an interview for the 18 beans in the meantime?

  5. just biked in to say i heard oversteps and it's pretty good. it's a return to the more incunabula, amber, tri, chiastic, lp5, ep7, confield, draft, untilted and quaristice ae. definitely a return to the generative software ae but also a return to the more hardware-oriented albums.


    fukin lush







    I guess you missed this:

    "...Autechre hit the studio ready for a change. “We came back and didn’t want to do any tracks with beats for a bit,” explains Booth..."



    And this has me intrigued...

    "Sean Booth spoke to Big Shot about ... fan communities..."




    the new fakes better be all ambient now...



    someone better ask booth about his thoughts on :trashbear:

  7. we might get this sooner in australia. we got sonic youth and dinosaur jr about two weeks early last year.



    What year is it in austrailia?

    not sure if this is a serious response, but if it is, I meant the eternal and farm were shipped here one or two weeks prior to their official release. same happened with rather ripped in 2006



    yea, it was just a joke (i guess a bad one) because those 2 bands are from before my high school years, which seems like such a long time ago.


    Nothing unusual about Warp putting extras on the Japanese CD releases, I just hope there's never a repeat of Zurich 2001.


    Nothing unusual about artists putting extra tracks on their albums for the Japanese release. Period.


    From what I recall reading somewhere, it's cheaper to import music CDs than it is to buy them in-store in Japan. So artists throw in bonuses for Japan. Without the bonus tracks, the Japanese would just import them and businesses could go under, leading to much weaker sales in the country.



    yes, this is a tireless topic. my point was that it was being released almost 3 weeks before the ones we all pre-ordered

  8. this is still 2 months from release. in reality, it does seem relatively early to release a sampler, even if people like us are chomping at the bit. plus those samplers tell basically nothing anyway. i remember being really disappointed by the totems flare samplers and blown away by the album. march will be here before you know it.

  9. i have not heard a single electronic artist do a 'guest mc' album that is anything but derivative scenster shit

    mochipet, amon tobin, machinedrum, etc they've all made one of these horrible black marks in their discography



    so true. best is just chopped vocals, which has been done a million times, but amon tobin's verbal is just the shit.

  10. i hope oversteps is a hiphop album with guest MCs


    or better yet. a post-rock album


    i don't think i would like to hear either of those... all autechre albums are hip-hop albums, lol

    People always seem to throw around the guest-mc idea, which sounds great in principle, but has it ever been properly executed? I look at an album like dabrye's 2/3 and think ugh, what a mess. shit, even hiphop producer albums built around guest mcs suck 9 times out of 10.


    That said, a whole album in the style of Adverse Camber would be awesome




    yea, dabrye failed miserably with that as did prefuse imo. isnt flylo trying that too? sigh.


    no mc's for ae please. just some beats, some ambience and some robot farts. thanks

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