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Everything posted by chenGOD

  1. Having only seen his mainstream work, I'd be curious what you consider bad? I'm excited for this though!
  2. Unfortunately I have an active interest in flu pandemics as due to an underlying co-morbidity I ended up with a serious pneumonia post 2009 swine flu. That and Egon Schiele. The irony of it all is that I used to regularly see Boris Johnson cycle past my office on the South Bank when he was mayor. I remember walking towards him once, just as a rubbish truck was over-taking him and thinking it would be so easy for me to push him under the back wheels and no-one would know. Now the cunt has pushed me under a bus. Shame you missed that opportunity, fitting as well, they could have simply scooped him up as part of their regular rubbish removal route. Be Well, the velour trousers industry needs you.
  3. There it is folks - proof that coronavirus is more serious than we ever thought - a post from @kakapo that wasn't biting sarcasm.
  4. Also, while I expect people on here to be a little more security conscious, please aware that people are using fake live update maps to infect machines: https://krebsonsecurity.com/2020/03/live-coronavirus-map-used-to-spread-malware/
  5. top lel, it's happening: https://www.premierleague.com/news/1645173
  6. Untrue - read through some of the links from the google search result I posted.
  7. From young people to majority black neighbourhoods (which includes more than young people) is definitely shifting the goalposts. You also seem to lump all young people together, and assume that they will vote en mass. For example, the issue of student loan debt forgiveness. It is an important issue, and one that deserves to be taken seriously, with serious policy options developed around it. An yet, this is not an issue that affects the majority of "young" (18-29 year olds) people. Only 33% of that population have student loan debt. So again, while it is an important issue, it's not going to be the unifying rallying cry that many seem to think it is. A better approach would be to focus on wages (not class warfare - although the wealth gap is an issue, you will have a difficult time making that resonate with many American voters), as all workers would like to see wages increase (employers will give a more mixed response, but many will support increased wages, as happy workers are productive workers). You need to take small steps, burning things down will get you nowhere, as people often prioritize self-interest over the greater social good. And the rhetoric of calling anyone who doesn't agree with you a "republican" (lol I live in Canada) or an "ableist" is not a productive method of communication.
  8. More good news: Canadian research team isolates novel coronavirus behind COVID-19 https://globalnews.ca/news/6670445/canada-research-coronavirus-isolated/
  9. Look at the date that guy posted stuff about Italy: January 31. If you do a google search for the three weeks prior to that, there was already plenty of news media reporting on the corona outbreak in Italy. The guy is no prophet, he simply paid attention to the news and made some guesses.
  10. No being an expert on the French constitution, it appears that Article 16 is the only article that would allow him to order schools to close. Also it does not grant the president unlimited power, as he has to undergo several consultations before taking action, and cannot dissolve parliament during this time. As to his popularity, he seems to be following the same pattern as many of his predecessors.
  11. YOu've been screaming in this thread about the lack of response, asking him to do exactly what he will probably do under article 16. Why don't you just admit you have a hate boner for Macron? I'd be very curious how many people in this thread bleating on about death also identify with Buddhist ideology.
  12. This is fucking hilarious to read - the young generation that makes up the bulk of social media overreacts wildly from day to day on whatever the hot issue is. Look at his education policy platform: https://joebiden.com/education/ Key takeaways for the lazy: Education beyond high school: https://joebiden.com/beyondhs/ More key takeaways: Health: https://joebiden.com/healthcare/ There's so much information on there about healthcare that it's not easy to provide key takeaways, but given his work with Obama on the ACA, you can surmise that Biden is a whole lot better than Trump or any Republican. Could he be better? Yes, but as the Chomsky video linked above indicates - you have to work the process. Get more progressive minded centrists in place first. Then push further. Kicking and screaming because "tHE DnC is cORRupt" and then refusing to vote is idiotic and counter productive.
  13. Very scientific, very cool.
  14. Fucking legend this kid. I seriously don't understand Klopp's management decisions for the run-in. Play a bunch of kids Vs Chelsea in the FA CUp, supposedly to rest players for the CL. Then Saturday 4 days before the CL match, Klopp fields the first team, in a competition Liverpool are what, 25 points ahead? Anyway, no treble, no invincibles, and high probability of winning the league in an empty stadium with no fans and no parade. UNless the FA decides to cancel the season due to coronavirus. Which is probably for the best, in the interest of public safety.
  15. Love how he just picks up his phone and goes back to texting.
  16. Sorry lads, season canceled.
  17. He's very clearly not supposed to be a drug dealer. He's a poor kid who has an opportunity to make some money to help out at home, not some hip fucking gangster from the 5 boroughs. There is no banality of evil.
  18. Really? I mean sure a lot of that is bull, but there’s lots of horrible shit that was true. I guess I don’t find it offensive because it’s not supposed to be a true story.
  19. Hunters. The story line is really good - some of the directing is a little inconsistent, there's clearly one director who thinks they're Quentin Tarnatino/Guy Ritchie but overall that doesn't detract too much. Some really amazing performances going on, and Al Pacino makes a top notch jew.
  20. I think they are concerned about a shortage due to global supply chains getting all kinds of fucked up.
  21. There are numerous examples of trump stumping for Sanders. I understand fine how the DNC works. I also understand that so far, Sanders is the choice the American public has not made, and his core demographic (young voters) have not only not increased their participation, in some states it’s actually decreased.
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