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Posts posted by chenGOD

  1. Just now, zlemflolia said:

    ur already falsely equating a bunch of stuff.

    "not living in one location permanently" = "rental properties required"

    1)how about, freedom of movement and free access to housing?  if someone moves that housing just becomes available.  how does renting (paying rent and having landlords) become necessary?

    2)u already know fixed house/apartment/condo with longterm freedom of ownership and modification is personal property not private property and has no reason to be abolished.  how does that imply landlords?

    3)now ur saying u want market socialism?  how is "nicer capitalism" = "market socialism" lol, i think youre confusing social democracy + welfare net with market socialism

    1) Because paying for goods and services is a basic tenet of a market based economy.

    2) Personal property and private property are of equal importance in market based economy. Communism is not a market based economy (govt sets prices and production quotas).

    3) Market socialism is not nicer capitalism, you're the one who said all I have offered is nicer capitalism (thank you for putting words in my mouth). Market socialism is not communism either. Private property will continue to exist under market socialism as markets/supply and demand will continue to provide signals for the allocation of goods/capital/means of production.

  2. 1 hour ago, zlemflolia said:

    y use so many words when u can just say "abolish landlords" "abolish private property" and all this stuff is solved? why the half measures

    im serious tho i just dont get it

    for real all these pages and not one alternative to capitalism presented except "nicer capitalism hopefully"

    Because rental properties are necessary (not everyone will be living in one location permanently) and private property (like a house/apartment/condo) that can't be taken away from you without due process is also a necessity and guaranteed in virtually every founding principles document worth having.

    Nicer capitalism is an interesting way to spell market socialism, nothing hopeful about it, we can work towards it and many places are. Sorry it sucks for you so bad in wherever you live. I'm sure with enough time and effort you can work towards fully automated luxury communism with a collective of like-minded thinkers.

  3. On 2/18/2023 at 10:50 AM, usagi said:

    I can't see anything in this article to get mad about. the 303 elitism is silly, true, but plenty of older producers hold those sort of views. AFX is on record as one of them.

    the remark about the more choices being available the less he knows what to do is truly asinine though, and the mark of a hack. but he was only ever a hack, who made a few fun tunes back in the day which have a bit of nostalgia value now.

    But digital clones of analog machines won't replicate the uniqueness inherent to each machine, due to timing and tuning quirks in the analog machines that just aren't present in the digital clone.

    As for the paradox of choice, I mean that's a real thing: https://www.pbs.org/newshour/economy/is-the-famous-paradox-of-choic,and lots of musicians have made similar remarks.

    I don't think he ever pretended to be anything more than a dude making music to party to though? I mean the tag (motto? whatever) on his youtube channel is "eat,sleep,rave,repeat". Also I think (controversially??) that it's just a touch ironic to accuse him of 808 elitism and then turn around and call him a hack who only made a few fun tunes...

    Plus Acid8000 is a banger:


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  4. 8 hours ago, springymajig said:

    One of the things I find very off putting about this music discussion forum is the hostility toward discussing music.


    But there's a clear difference between discussing music and saying "factor X is more important than factor Y". To be fair to @hoggy, the question was at least "what is more important to you", but it's still really just subjective tastes, and honestly (speaking for myself solely) I'm not interested in why you like something, but I am interested in what you like.

    1 hour ago, toaoaoad said:

    that rhythm is far more important in music than melody

    This reminded me of the Stockhausen interview with the wire (1995) as part of which he listened to a few tracks from Aphex, Plastikman, Scanner, and Daniel Pemberton, and then gave some opinions/advice - https://web.archive.org/web/20130529064851/https://www.thewire.co.uk/in-writing/interviews/karlheinz-stockhausen_advice-to-clever-children 

    And it's just the artists are like, i don't really care - i'm going to put out what i want to. Like Aphex didn't take to heart... "immediately stop with all these post-African repetitions, and he would look for changing tempi and rhythms, and he would not allow to repeat any rhythm if it were varied to some extent and if it did not have a direction in its sequence of variations."

    So yeah.




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  5. On a scale of 1-10 (with 1 being the least likely and 10 being the most likely) how likely are you to recommend Aphex Twin to a friend?

    What thoughts, feelings and associations do you have when you think about Aphex Twin?

    Thinking about Aphex Twin and other electronic music artists, what differences first come to mind?

    Would you be the one most likely to use Aphex Twin in your household?



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  6. 6 hours ago, taphead said:

    "The Energy Discrimination Elimination Act is just one of the thousands of pieces of legislation ALEC has disseminated nationwide since its formation in 1973. According to a two-year investigation of “copycat” bills published in 2019 by USA Today, the Arizona Republic and the Center for Public Integrity, state lawmakers introduced nearly 2,900 bills based on ALEC templates from 2010 through 2018. More than 600 of them became law."


    20% success rate is pretty good for them (and bad for us). Tho as far as state numbers go, I'm not sure, but I'd guess any of the ones with republican dominance in state governments are getting hit by it

    Ugh that's so gross. Reading that article it looks like it's mostly "red" states, big surprise. This shit needs to be exposed far and wide across the US.

  7. 10 hours ago, taphead said:

    Well I mean ALEC does provide a lot of copy-paste laws that pop up in many states on the legislative side, but I'll admit I don't know a lot on how it works with executive branch departments. I mostly just wanted to try to see if there could be any movement away from the horserace/wacko candidate/prison speculation type of stuff.

    Do ALEC laws actually appear in many states? I have a hard time taking them seriously, they have Laffer as one of their economists.

    I appreciate the movement away from horserace/wacko candidate, but i guess ALEC and that project2025 "think" tanks, are responsible for much of the wackiness. They all want to cut taxes, reduce government (well they say they do - project2025 policy actually increases the size a lot of govt departments lol), and do away with pesky regulations.

  8. 25 minutes ago, ignatius said:

    yeah. totally. there's lot's of bargaining that goes on... and back scratching as well. 

    they do sometimes write the bills in the initial go. same for lobbyists/corporations etc. there's a kind of revolving door right? same as the pentagon? i remember investigative journalism bits over the years when they compare the final bill with the wants/wishes of industry/lobbyists etc.. and how it's often word for word same as the papers/recommendations of relevant industries. sort of consistently happens with environmental regs and things like predatory lending check cashing places.. regulations for financial institutions.

    not that all laws happen that way but the influence is overwhelming at times. aren't there like 100 lobbyists for every person in congress? like 15,000 in DC or something? 

    I mean I'm up in tiny Canada, so my experience is definitely different, but it really depends on the expertise of the policy person/people in question. Sometimes they'll take on the think tank/contractor documents word for word, other times they'll recognize that it's a lot of BS.

    Regs for financial institutions are particularly problematic for sure. Lobbyists in the US are way out of control.

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  9. 16 minutes ago, ignatius said:

    and yet those same heritage foundation douchebags have done their thing more than once.. the "Contract for america" back in the 90s. same shit but this project 25 bullshit is updated with fresh cruelty and late stage capitalism vibes.  i think the nick name for that contract for america was the "Contract On America" but people equated it to a series of hits put out on america. 

    Yeah PNAC and this thing are the same - but they don't make policy. These guys certainly try and influence the direction of government (dem think tanks do the same on the other side), but at the end of the day, it's up to the policy people within the bureaucracy who make policy what they take on board.

    51 minutes ago, Walter Ostanek said:

    So I live about an hour from the border so should I be arming myself to the teeth (legally, with PAL in hand ofc) in preparation for spillover from the coming civil war next door?

    Don't worry, we're going to build a wall and make Trump pay for it.

  10. On 8/3/2023 at 7:50 AM, taphead said:

    If you guys wanna see the details of what's getting cooked up for the next republican president, the think tanks that make the actual policy have put out some extensive documents https://www.project2025.org/policy/

    As someone who actually does policy work in government, I just want to say that think tanks don't make policy.

    Also that document is full of so many contradictory recommendations it is near worthless. It may have some worth printed out and then lit on fire to keep Texans warm in the winter when the power grid goes out.

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  11. 10 hours ago, Hail Sagan said:

    I think we got a DL code right? (Haven’t opened the vinyl or given a listen yet)


    9 hours ago, Mattthegoone said:

    The d/l card in the sleeve is redeemed on bleep, I don't think it works on the afxwarpnet site, but if you bought it on the afx site you can download the 9 track version on there


    Ah unfortunately I bought the physical record in store, so yeah my DL code is only for the bleep store. May have to buy the digitals when more is released...


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