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Posts posted by chenGOD

  1. I didn't realize your source for the scholes rumour was the sun. lol





    erm.. what was that?? i didn't hear you over the sound of Paul Scholes coming on as a substitute.


    Even a stopped clock is right twice a day son. ;)


    (scholes played like fucking arse when he did come on)

  2. I think Boardwalk Empire is a fascinating drama. Totally different from Breaking Bad.


    Question - Arrested Development favorite actor?


    David Cross is awesome, but Will Arnett for me is just perfect.



    Whoever plays Gob owns the show.





    I have nothing to watch :( All my series are on hiatus...

  3. Fergie doesnt sign many players from Africa, for precisely the problem that Newcastle are going to face: African Cup. Newcastle are losing their best striker and one of their best midfielders. maybe Shola Ameobi?


    (and probably cause he's a racist prick)

  4. ChenGod, still believe Fergie will not spend in January?


    yo333 - what do we need? We need a world class creative midfielder. How many of those do you see up for sale with even reasonable wage requests? Sneijder would be great, but I think it's rumoured he wants 250K/wk to come to Manchester (probably to pay for his missus' flat in London, as none of these foreign WAGs want to live in Manchester).


    It was just a shitty performace against Newcastle - and that goal by Ba was outstanding. He just can't stop scoring.

    Hernandez did fuck all when he came one for us, besides set up tent offside.

  5. AVB - Takes Sturridge off , brings Torres , then he takes Romeu off and brings Lampard .. then loses 3-1 to Aston Villa. lol



    Romeu played like ass against villa. Torres was close a few times. Can't blame it on AVB. Blame the second goal on Luiz.


    Yeah that guy kissing Ji was loving it. Ji...not so much lol. Thank citeh for shitting the bed just as badly as we did.

  6. Stephen Jay Gould - "Full House"


    One of my professor's Ph.D thesis - "Bushido: The Creation of a Martial Ethic in Late Meiji Japan"


    and I should be reading this two volume collection of articles on Japan's political economy, but fuck me I don't feel like reading that right now.

  7. How the fuck did I sleep on this for so long?

    Just watched the first episode of season one - that is intense!!! Does the series' quality hold up?

    If you want mass zombie slaughtering there's videos games that will satisfy you. This show will take a turn onto drama street soon. Which makes it interesting.


    Yeah it's definitely a good drama. I like the intensity still. All caught up now - fuck studying lol.

  8. Scorn was my main musical discovery of 2010. started with Stealth, went on to listen to pretty much the entire Scorn discography. Stealth and Refuse; Start Fires (which has the best cover art I've ever seen) are my favourite releases. I also enjoy the connection with Godflesh, I have a lot of respect for that whole Birmingham mob as sound innovators.









    I haven't heard any godflesh after Songs of Love and Hate. Is there anything worth listening to or are his ideas still the same? I love Broadrick's material in a wider sense, but each project just seems too...samey.


    I assume you've already heard Jesu?


    if you mean the rest of JKB's work as Godflesh: Hymns, the last album, was a better piece of work imo than Songs of Love and Hate, or Us and Them which followed that. on Hymns they dropped the drum machines and went for a rougher, more organic sound. some of the most brutal Godflesh tracks are on there:



    Well my favorite were probably the first four albums - up to selfless. Will check out Hymns though.

    I like Jesu - but again - it gets a bit samey.


    I haven't heard any Lull - recommendations?

  9. Eternal hero!


    I met Mick around 91 on the first Scorn tour. He was very energetic and literally ran circles. Nic Bullen was easier to talk to. They made a point of Justin Broadrick recording the Godflesh material in his living room, half mockingly, half admiringly. The Immortal guys also hung out, but they were way weird.


    I haven't heard any godflesh after Songs of Love and Hate. Is there anything worth listening to or are his ideas still the same? I love Broadrick's material in a wider sense, but each project just seems too...samey.

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