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Posts posted by chenGOD

  1. reamde.jpg






    How is that? I'll probably love it anyways, as I've loved everything he's ever written...



    Currently I'm reading "A Wild Sheep Chase" also by Murakami. Might just be me, but from what I've read, I feel it's somewhat connected to "Dance Dance Dance" if only ever so slightly.


    Wind Up Bird Chronicle and Kafka on the Shore were also quite good. I enjoyed Norwegian Wood as well, and watched the movie (which was decent), not sure I liked it as much as the others I've read though.


    That's cause Dance, Dance, Dance is a kind of sequel to A Wild Sheep Chase. Same characters - (unnamed protagonist) and Sheep Man. Of course the story is quite different, so it's only kind of a sequel. I really wish the first two books of the "Trilogy of the Rat" were available in English.


    Oh and Murakami's non-fiction is also pretty interesting reading.

  2. you'll have to say something to attempt to resolve it then


    'we were both stressed out so let's forget about it cause we have to work with each other every minute of the day' etc.


    my problem is not having enough banter-style piss taking abilities and i was told i should flirt more with female customers. also, if i feel like singing, apparently i should. i never feel like singing. not terrible really, i'll just try to relax and be more casual :derp:


    lol a clear sign that you don't live in America. Over here they'd be all "Helloooooo Mr. Lawsuit"

  3. I'm just commenting on the fact that you immediately dismiss them as clowns because they write op-ed columns. Personally I think anyone who can be serious about being a marxist nowadays is a clown, but then again I'm not an economist and I don't even play one on TV.

  4. It's good that you can dismiss criticisms so easily.


    Smetty - that MacMillan book argues that there isn't a clear line that can be drawn between the Paris Peace Conference and WW2. I'll take a look at the Morton book after the schol year (I'm a sucker for historical fiction).



    Violence (Slavoj Zizek)

    It bothers me that I wasted so much time reading lifestyle articles and opinion pieces by clowns instead of going to the source itself.


    What does that even mean?


    Anyways currently reading:



    A really interesting look at the processes and people who changed the way we do international relations.

  6. those would probably give me a heart attack!






    The Ages of Extremes (Eric Hobsbawm)

    I can't find the actual quote but something along the lines of how communism's failure was the most soul crushing tragedy of the 20th century made me buy this in minutes. My first history book. I'm starting the last third and so far I'm surprised it's so balanced coming from a Marxist historian because this makes capitalism look real good, maybe he's saving big bucks / twists for a grand finale? Can't wait. Oh yeah this is awesome.


    Or maybe it's just that implementations of Marxist theory so far have been really shit? Capitalism has its good points as well as its bad points.


    Anyways - just finished reading B.R. Myers - The Cleanest Race



    I can't believe that this guy is a professor of International Relations (plus he doesn't know how to cite shit properly). The book has some interesting insight into how the North Korean propaganda machine works, but Myers seems very blinkered to the fact that his own precious US uses propaganda. He has no real knowledge of how IR actually works, and seems to think that he alone has finally penetrated the machinations of the north, and everyone else is wrong. He picks and chooses parts of quotes to fit his theory. So yeah uh, can't really recommend it, if you do read it, take a lot of the information and theories with a grain of salt.

  7. I've gone through two pairs of sony earbuds, and one pair of klipsch. The standard iPod earbuds don't stay in my ear very well. I'm holding out until I can aford some proper headphones in the hopes that their cord might be a bit stronger. I would use my AKGs, but of course the right headphone doesn't work and anyways they're semi-open.


    Have you thought about IEMs/canalphones?


    Sorry, I should be clearer in my choice of words - the Sonys and the Klipsch were actually IEMs. I liked them in terms of sound quality (the first pair of Sony were especially nice, but that was when I was making money), it's just that they always break at the jack.

  8. I've gone through two pairs of sony earbuds, and one pair of klipsch. The standard iPod earbuds don't stay in my ear very well. I'm holding out until I can aford some proper headphones in the hopes that their cord might be a bit stronger. I would use my AKGs, but of course the right headphone doesn't work and anyways they're semi-open.

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