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Posts posted by chenGOD

  1. 1 hour ago, cichlisuite said:

    The real question is why didn't the west take Putin seriously before he started his shit in Ukraine? All the facts pointed in this direction, yet, the people in power did not act

    Leading up to 2014-15, you had an awful government in power in Ukraine who had made friendly overtures to Russia, and then you had an illegitimate referendum in Crimea (after months and months of soft occupation by the Russians). Obama was nearing the end of his term as President, and the big European powers wanted nothing to with the situation in a meaningful sense, because of internal cluster-fuckery (UK), over-reliance on Russian natural gas (Germany), and general malaise (rest of Europe). No one wanted to start another war.

  2. 3 hours ago, dcom said:

    So it's just stiff upper lip, eh?

    Not quite sure that's an appropriate use of the idiom here - not much adversity, no one is really emotional.


    2 hours ago, ilqx hermolia xpli said:

    this is what happens when we promote an environment where only pro-ukraine anti-russian information is allowed to be discussed, independent journalists fear for their lives and shut down:

    >In light of recent developments in the information-sharing community/OSINT & news— the team has decided to end our coverage of the Ukraine-Russia war. It’s too risky for some members of our team who reside in countries where authorities don’t tolerate people providing alternative coverage to the mainstream narrative and they refuse to take that risk. We hope you guys find good coverage elsewhere. We will continue to cover the Middle East as normal.

    I'm assuming they live in Russia, China, Saudi Arabia, or possibly Myanmar - since those are countries that actually "disappear" journalists.

    1 hour ago, ilqx hermolia xpli said:

    we need neutrality agreement for ukraine made by biden and putin immediately

    Uh or you know, Russia could withdraw its troops (from all of Ukraine, including the Donbas and Crimea as the aggressor, Putin should resign in disgrace, and Russia should responsible for war reparations. This neutrality option is a massive red herring, and Russia will not hesitate to attack again.



    2 hours ago, Enthusiast said:

    It's not the same as healthy debate. ...anything but the truth is an attempt to muddy the waters to the benefit of the aggressor. 

    I agree with the first - but there is value in that it makes it easier to recognize when you see it in the wild - if he's posting it, you can 99% be sure that it's not legitimate or is heavy on the weasel words. It's still not worth it to censor him. You can put him on ignore, that's quite easy to do.

  3. 30 minutes ago, dcom said:

    The actual point of the anecdote is not about nazis, it's only incidentally about them - it's about the environment not allowing people to be uncouth unchecked. Don't just read the lips / be more sublime than this / put everything in context.

    I'm aware of the point, but I don't believe that he's capturing a lot of followers with his approach.

    I think it's literally impossible for the mod team to be more sublime than we already are. Unless you mean we should pass directly from the solid to the vapor state and condense back to solid form more frequently, in which case, please send the DMT to: moderators' clubhouse, watmm, usa.

    • Like 2
  4. 2 minutes ago, dcom said:

    Yes well, he's not posting in support of the Nazis, he's mostly just posting obviously disprovable russian propaganda. He's been at his internet schtick for years (see above analysis of his names), and there are always going to be one or two cranks on the boards.

    I don't think his end goal is to be a terrible awful person, and if things start to spiral out of control, we'll take care of it - but I think the mod team here (that's moderators - not a group of young dandys riding around on vespas) does ok with things? (obviously I'm biased in my opinion on that issue...)

    • Thanks 1
  5. 20 minutes ago, Earth said:

     @chenGOD -- why not just ban them though? The shit they're posting is so completely heinous...

    As I've said - we try not to be to censorious here - there are some exceptions (rules - read - etc..) but while I agree that some of the material he posts (especially in this thread) is very egregious, it is not hate speech or breaking rules, so it wouldn't be just to censor it. Mostly the material he is posting here gets disproved very quickly.

    • Thanks 1
  6. On 3/19/2022 at 4:54 AM, Rubin Farr said:

    Bill Sienkiewicz



    A fanatastic graphic novel - Sienkiewicz's artwork is stunning in this. Even though it's an adaptation of the Lynch film, it's really well done and totally worth the time.

    • Like 1
  7. 2 hours ago, zkom said:

    I'm a bit confused why people think he's just too young to understand things properly. He joined over 11 years ago. Was he 10 or 12 when he joined and then just went straight to deep end with MRA and cryptos?

    Sorry zkom - I'm just going to hijack your comment as the latest in the chain - this is not directed solely at you.

    If we could refrain from personal speculation on the poster and concentrate on their ideas and arguments (or lack thereof, as the case may be) I think it would be better for the community writ large. Lord knows I have my own thoughts on Zeff/Cyano/ilqx and disagree with many of things he posts, but I think I've managed (recently - maybe not so much in the past) to refrain from speculating on the individual's mental/personal state.

    Just something to keep in mind.

    Back to the atrocities being visited upon Ukraine by Russia:



  8. On 3/17/2022 at 3:04 AM, ooqpoo said:

    Aye, looks like there's at least another season in the works https://www.imdb.com/title/tt11280740/episodes/?ref_=tt_ov_epl

    I mean season 1 isn't finished yet - there's a new episode out today, with 3 more in the queue to wrap up S.1.

    Ben Stiller has directed a lot of interesting projects - not all of them great, but some notable standouts include "Reality Bites", "Tropic Thunder", "Secret Life of Walter Mitty", "The Cable Guy", "Heat Vision & Jack" and of course, "Zoolander".

    I think Aoife McArdle as the other director has to be given a lot of credit - "The You You Are (S.1E.4)" is a tremendous piece of film making. I haven't seen anything else she's done, but she's made three of the best episodes of the series so far.

  9. 1 hour ago, ilqx hermolia xpli said:

    sit and hope? i dont think that will do anything

    Who’s sitting and hoping? Certainly not the Ukrainian people. I guess useful idiots who think Putin has done nothing wrong and Ukraine should just accede to his demands might be sitting and hoping. 

    • Like 1
  10. 6 hours ago, Satans Little Helper said:

    Interesting video I'd like to drop. Full of nuance XD

    Goes into the discussion about the extent "NATO expansionism" is cause of current events. He makes the interesting point that underneath the NATO issue, the "real" issue is the democratisation of Ukraine. He's also sharp on maintaining distinctions between causes and justifications.

    If you don't know, Mearsheimer has been arguing for many years  - since the last crisis in 2014 basically - that NATO-expansionism is very much the cause of all this mess. 



    The PDF I attached earlier from Stephen Walt is a good read to go along with this video. I attach again.IR Theory Guide to Ukraine's War - (Walt - FP 2022).pdf

    • Like 1
  11. 11 minutes ago, ilqx hermolia xpli said:

    sit and hope Putin withdraws after he already decided to enter is not a real option

    I mean that seems like the obvious best way to end the situation. 
    Once all Russian military influence and troops are gone from those regions you could have another referendum held according to international standards and law.


    • Like 5
  12. 2 hours ago, ilqx hermolia xpli said:

    a) ukraine vs russia conflict is already decided because russia's terms of surrender are reasonable and ukraine should stop now to avoid hurting more civilians

    b) we need to send more weapons to ukraine's neo-nazis who refuse to let men between 18 and 60 leave the country, lock people into their towns at gunpoint and prevent them from accessing russia's safe evacuation passages, continue the war so more people die, and eventually russia goes away (?), (?)profit(?), lets ukraine's military keep murdering people in donbass and state-backed nazis doing pogroms against roma people and murdering ethnic russians, and everything is good again somehow

    choose 1

    Just stop with the neo-nazi angle. It’s been done to death and it’s such a minor part. And if you want to talk about state-backed nazis murdering ethnics Russians, get the Nazis in Russia out there as well. 

    Russia’s terms of surrender are reasonable to the Russians, not the Ukrainians. You are unbelievably obtuse. Critical thinking just out the window. As well, that’s not even what that Trump-toadie MacGregor said. 

    • Like 2
  13. 40 minutes ago, zazen said:



    Whats the meta-game on peace deals? I suppose both sides have to evaluate it based on what position both sides are left in if the deal gets broken. Or I guess the game is you bludegon your opponent into accepting the deal they dont really want by simultaneously negotiating and fighting. The costs mount day by day until eventually a deal gets made, but the last scraps of trust gets destroyed. So the deal is only worth anything if the rest of the world continues to watch closely. I suppose a lot of ceasefires and peace deals dont last long; they are fundamentally very unstable things.



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