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Posts posted by chenGOD

  1. 1 hour ago, milkface said:

    I can't afford anything else. It's either that or I pirate my music.

    as logakght said - use soundcloud and buy off bandcamp. easy-peasy.

    And pirate away - if you're going to screw the artists, don't at least make Daniel Ek and his fucking ilk rich.

    • Like 5
  2. 4 hours ago, milkface said:

    Spotify used to have a nifty part of their website which allowed you to report incorrect track metadata. Now the support part is just an advisor you can have a live chat with which is completely useless for what I want to do. Can companies stop watering down their software for the love of god.

    Why are you still using spotify? They are  like the embodiment of unregulated capitalism. Not even I use spotify.

    • Like 1
  3. 4 minutes ago, ilqx hermolia xpli said:

    i barely talked about america in this thread most recently posting about ukrainian nazis.  as expected tho they are funded by US

    You spent half the thread yammering on about NATO. Regardless, you truly seem to think that America is the greatest evil in the world, despite providing you with a level of comfort almost unparalleled in history, with the ability to say basically whatever the fuck you want without worrying about getting arrested or disappeared. 
    The azov battalions make up approx 2% of Ukraine fighting forces, let alone the general population of the Ukraine. 
    they also received a massive boost when Russia annexed Crimea, which you manage to elide consistently when discussing them. 

    • Like 2
  4. 6 hours ago, ghsotword said:

    Why are you so desperate to defend Putin? I understand that you have a far-left or communist worldview but Putin is not even a communist

    He’s not defending Putin. He’s making sure we all know “America bad too, electric boogaloo”

    • Farnsworth 1
  5. 7 hours ago, zkom said:

     The St. Petersburg Toyota factory that is being shut down has 2,600 employees.

    You can tell shit is really bad when even the Japanese major corps are fleeing. Look how long it took Kirin to exit its operations in Myanmar as an example of companies who put profit first. 

    • Like 1
  6. 1 hour ago, cern said:

    AMD - bans the delivery of microchips and soon a ban on the delivery of graphics cards


    1 hour ago, cern said:

    Intel - delivery ban for microchips

    Those two will really hurt, no microchips will wreck their industry.

    1 hour ago, cern said:

    Amazon - blocks all retail

    Wonder if they will block the provision of AWS services.

  7. 4 hours ago, ilqx hermolia xpli said:

    you think there isn't specialization of labor under other economic systems than capitalism?  i spoke wrong to say it has nothing to do with capitalism.  what i meant is it is not -unique- to capitalism.  soviet union definitely had specialization

    ok, so the gold standard for capitalism, the global vanguard of capitalism, is not real capitalism somehow, right.  such idealism.  the real world does not match your ideal views of capitalism so it's not real capitalism.  capitalism inevitably results in the formation of -a- united states.  if the whole world was like your ideal capitalism, i assume some nordic european countries, guess what, they would start competing on who is going to form the US imperialist version first, this is very basic

    I think you should try harder to strawman my argument. None of what you said resembles anything that I said. 

  8. 32 minutes ago, ilqx hermolia xpli said:

    specialization has nothing to do with capitalist innovative spirit.

    Entirely wrong. Please read all of Wealth of Nations (to find out how much space Smith devoted to division of labour)  Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy (to see how Schumpeter ties innovation to capitalism and entrepreneurship, as well as how this will lead to socialism) as well as this short article on long economic waves: https://www.jstor.org/stable/1816829 (you can easily find on the high seas).

    Competition leads to variation, and well-regulated competition leads to enhanced markets with multiple players. Note that the US (and Canada) is not a well-regulated marketplace. Corporatism, which exists in all sorts of fascist states, may well lead to imperialism, but corporatism is antithetical to capitalism.

    Your observations on Russia's invasion of the Ukraine are interesting.

  9. 11 minutes ago, ilqx hermolia xpli said:

    capitalist innovative spirit...

    yes comrade. specialization and competition leads to more innovation. Not saying none happens under communism, but there is less incentive to innovate under a "true" communist system.

  10. 3 hours ago, Sensitive Outsider said:

    just thinking out loud and its definitely on the whataboutary spectrum.... 

    But would it be fair to say that if Russia was a more capitalist country and its people had more of a choice in all its actions and its right to consume...knowledge, news and Kallax shelves.

    That thousands of people would not now be dead in Ukraine.

    That a 1m+ people would not be displaced.

    That Europe's largest nuclear power plant would not be on fire.

    That the Russian police wouldn't have to lock up nursery aged children..

    ..and so on and so forth...


    I'm no capitalist - more of a realist - This sad episode in history is going to push more people towards capitalist, EU, NATO ideology and ways of living for better or for worse. As human nature always lets us down when we try to do it any other way.

    Putin is just another in a long line of practical examples. Everything else as others have said is just rhetoric and is never going to be actionable to coin a phrase...

    Russia is crony capitalist to the hilt - i think what you mean is (and forgive me if my interpretation is wrong) - if Russia wasn't governed by a corrupt-as-fuck dictator, and had a more regulated form of capitalism that allowed the wealth from Russian natural resources to be distributed more equitably while still maintaining capitalist innovative spirit, would we be in this situation?

    • Like 1
  11. 19 hours ago, Nebraska said:

    The best thing about this approach is that, if it doesn't come to pass as old-man brainfart says, he can just turn around and say "god's will told Putin to back out" or "God provided strength to American allies".



    Luckily, old man pat doesn't have the greatest track record with predictions.


  12. 29 minutes ago, zero said:

    there is so much overlap between the Russian & Ukrainian civil population, many families having relatives in both places. this war is going to cause further familial conflicts, divide those into siding with BS propaganda vs. reality. I talked to a Russian friend about all this who said he has family members that wouldn't be able to be in the same room with each other right now, as they'd end up literally killing each other.

    hate to say it, but the Rodney King "why can't we all just get along" video clip has been looping inside my mind since, oh about 2015.

    Yeah I have Serbian and Croatian friends, and that whole clusterfuck/genocide left a sour taste in a lot of people's mouths who had been friends previously. One of my friends has a Serbian dad with a Croatian mom, and he says their family get-togethers can be....fractious.

    • Like 5
  13. Just now, Rubin Farr said:

    I said civil unrest was effective, not saying crippling sanctions are good, or always well thought out.

    Yes that's fair, and sorry I was a little snippish - long morning at work already lol.

    The sanctions may work in this case because of how punishing they are, but it will still take months to bring real pain to bear on Putin. The oligarchs may feel it more strongly at first (for example, if Abramovich is required to sell Chelsea) and that may be an avenue for success.

    • Like 1
  14. 3 hours ago, Rubin Farr said:

    It hurts everyone, but it is effective, as history has shown.

    Yes, North Korea has really turned things around due to 60 years of crippling sanctions. Poor, malnourished people are really not going to rise up against military dictatorships. See also, Myanmar.

    Sanctions should be targeted, not broad. Even then, their efficacy is questionable, and really only work if there are already democratic institutions in place to punish offenders.

  15. https://www.businessinsider.com/trump-statement-ukraine-crisis-would-never-have-happened-if-president-2022-2


    Trump, who was impeached for withholding nearly $400 million in military aid from Ukraine, said 'this deadly Ukraine situation would never have happened' if he were in office

    As well, a reminder that:

    • Trump wanted to dismantle NATO, which would help Putin
    • Trump wanted to bring Russia back to G7, which would help Putin
    • Trump withdrew from Open Skies surveillance treaty, which helped Putin

    Much more here: https://old.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/t11uq0/trump_who_was_impeached_for_withholding_nearly/hydu4ke/

    Yes it's a reddit post - a lot of it is very easy to find evidence for.


    • Like 2
  16. 16 minutes ago, user said:

    I can't fathom speaking about a war in this binary, for or against, way that you are asking me to do.

    War isn’t binary, there are a thousand stories that make up a war. I think it matters who started it because without the aggressor there would be no response, if that makes any sense. 

    sorry for misinterpreting your statement on Twitter. it is easy to get sucked into doom scrolling on Twitter and Reddit.

    Putin’s intentions are not difficult to discern: he yearns for the old days of Soviet strength, and he has made that clear in his speeches, and more importantly, his actions. 

    of course you should feel safe to vent as you want here, and my retorts were never meant with any ill intent (I don’t harbour any ill will to any current WATMM members), so my apologies if they came off as such. 

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